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ACA Pool
Apr 05, 2021
In Interviews with Charles
Video by: SingularityNET
ACA Pool
Apr 05, 2021
In Interviews with Charles
Video by: The KiBloc Show
ACA Pool
Apr 05, 2021
ACA Pool
Apr 05, 2021
In "People of IOG"
Video by: Charles Hoskinson
ACA Pool
Apr 05, 2021
In "People of IOG"
Video by: Charles Hoskinson
ACA Pool
Mar 22, 2021
In Interviews with Charles
Video by: Show Me The Crypto
ACA Pool
Mar 12, 2021
In Members Forum - Let's Chat!
Want to earn some ACA tokens? It's easy! Earn tokens by staking to our pool, asking questions, making comments and simply being engaged on our site.. The ACA pool market place coming soon. We will be releasing a market place page on this site where you can use ACA pool tokens for cool merch, fun customized paper wallets, stickers and other fun goodies. The marketplace will open as soon as ACA pool is making blocks. Any stake will help so please consider delegating to ACA pool, even if it's just a little. We are looking forward to solving our first block. Make sure to update your profile with your Cardano wallet address for me to send you some tokens!
ACA Pool
Mar 08, 2021
In "People of IOG"
In this first episode of "People of IOG", Charles Hoskinson interviews Dr. Mihaela Ulieru. Video by: Charles Hoskinson
ACA Pool
Mar 08, 2021
In Charles Hoskinson's AMAs
00:00 to 1:05:54 And we're live. Okay hello crypto fellow travelers. This is Charles Hoskinson broadcasting live from warm sunny colorado. Always warm always sunny sometimes Colorado. Dood to see ya i decided to mix things up a little bit schedule one in advance as opposed to doing it impromptu and decided also do it with a nice background i like being outside in the kind of the commons area of the office from time to time hope everybody can hear me all right i hope everybody can see me okay it's been a long month already and it's only the seventh sunday uh i often work five six days a week more than 12 hours 14 hours a day but the last few months in particular have been quite difficult because there's just so many things that are moving on i as many of you know alonzo is approaching and alonzo is the big one you know there was shelley was a big one as well that was the defining characteristic of 2020 and the defining release of 2021 will be alonso principally because this is the first time in the project history where we have full programmability so suddenly you go from a collection of preset behaviors and activities which although are quite useful i mean multi-asset come on that's nice to metadata and these types of things now we're moving to a situation where you have full smart contracts holy moly and we termed the smart contract strategy for cardano is the audio on everybody can hear me believe so hope so okay so we termed the smart contract strategy for cardano to be uh the ocean the island and the pond and basically the concept there is that the pond is everything ethereum did the island is what we'd like to accomplish with plutus and marlow and these domain-specific languages we've been constructing and the island and the ocean excuse me the island is all that stuff and the ocean is all of the programming languages the totality of development there's over 20 million people write code for living across the world the vast majority of them do not write smart contract code so it'd be nice to open up the world to them and bring them in so when we started cardona a long long time ago it was a big interest of ours to find a strategy a path where we could cover the things that we felt felt were necessary for fortune 500 companies and high assurance scenarios be backward compatible but then at the same time also be able to support bring new people in like javascript developers and java developers and c-sharp developers and so forth because they are the majority of the world we have made massive progress on that and alonso is really where that wakes up it brings pollutus and marlow's support to the system and it puts us in a position where it's quite straightforward for us to roll out the devnets and get them wired onto cardano and uh basically be in a beautiful position where you can write ethereum code so give you a byte code or solidity use that whole development ecosystem just move over and it's better faster cheaper you'll be able to write code in the languages you want to and you'll be able to write code in the new paradigm the pollutus paradigm and enjoy that along with native multi asset and all these other cool features and functionality so it's uh it's been a long road and these next few months are pivotal ones so towards the end of the month we're probably going to announce the plutus pioneers program and uh what that's about is basically identifying developers in our community who want to go through some special hands uh hands-on training to learn how to write pollutus code and really get excited about it so likely it'll be a four to six week program uh for people who are selected it'll run throughout april and a little bit into may uh and lars will teach it and it'll be very intensive and our hope is to train up 500 to 1000 community members and get them fired up for learning how to run pollutants code marlo code and becoming kind of domain experts in the things that we do so we'll at the cardinal 360 episode at the end of the month announced that along with all the details and how to sign up if you're interested and how to apply uh lars is very very smart uh and very fun to work with but he is a german mathematician so it's going to be quite rigorous so beware and good luck on the challenge in that respect you know there's also a lot of cool things we're going to announce with alpha frontier i'm going to reshoot the ocean the island in the pawn video i call it the part 2 where i kind of add in the missing pieces and we'll also talk around the acidic concept and that stands for developer acquisition collaboration incentives application deployment application interaction and application curation so both how do we get it out there and get people playing with it to the how do we get it built and how do we get it paid for type of deal inside developers so all that's going to be discussed in detail this month and a lot of other cool things now the subject of birds many of you like birds and birds and birds and birds there are definitely a lot of birds in the air and some of the ones that i wanted to land in february have gotten some headwinds and obviously we're here in march and we're still waiting for them and therein lies the frustration of when you large run a large project with many agents and actors sometimes things happen that uh slow things down and it is what it is over the long term they don't particularly matter you know when the iphone came out didn't have 3g or an app store do you remember it that way no and did it matter no so patience does matter and sometimes things take a little bit longer and i used to get deeply frustrated and angry about it and i said why did you lie to me or why did this happen or you know you promised that this date or this was signed why are we now going back here but you know it doesn't matter if it takes an extra week or an extra month or something like that what matters is the progress that's made and the momentum is in one particular direction so i fully expect the things that we expected in february to be in march and if not march and april but i think we have a good shot for march so be a little bit more patient and if you're not okay why are you on crypto takes a long time to change the world uh and we're not going to change it day by day month by month and i could not care less if you're in it for the money if you are this isn't your ama and this isn't your guy go talk to somebody else all the things we do we do systematically methodically and we deal with a lot of soul and heart and we care a lot we wear our passion on our sleeves you know that's who we are as a community uh and the other thing the defining characteristic about this community is that there are kind of it's not a democrat or republican or a left wing and a right wing or a conservative and liberal type of view it's freedom versus authoritarianism one of the things that unifies many of the core people in our ecosystem is the fact that we do recognize the world left to its own devices there will be people floating around who think that they should run your life and be in charge of it from cradle to grave for your good and for the good of society the point of cryptocurrencies and the point of blockchain technology is saying maybe that's a bad philosophy and every time we try to do it it doesn't work out so well for any of us so let's stop doing that where and when we can that is really if i could say the philosophical core what i started and where we're at as an ecosystem i think the most important point the most important thing and as i look to legacy and i look to well where are we going over the next five years we have been working harder than ever at trying to build a real blockchain government we're not all crypto anarchists here in fact i think that philosophy is a road to nowhere because we've seen it with bitcoin we're actively working on the dcf we're working with a major consultancy on it we're trying to put a coalition of more than 30 companies together i'm in negotiations to set up 10 research labs i think probably on my side this year we'll spend an additional 30 million dollars of r d money and of course when the time comes to announce that and who are the partners and the agenda and so forth that's just on our side the iog side and when you look at what we can do with you and catalyst and where this can go i imagine there's going to be great amplification there so we're super excited about that but what this is really all about in terms of legacy and these things is a complete fundamental change of people's relationship with the services that run their lives all the things in your life the credit cards in your pocket the identity in your pocket the driver's license the passport all of these things these things are given to you by social structures conventions and contracts you probably did not negotiate had nothing to do with did you decide the credit score that dominates your life did you decide who gets an identity and who doesn't get an identity who gets a passport who doesn't get a passport whose passport gets revoked did you decide how the banking system works no but you're a victim of it or beneficiary of it or both the point of crypto is for the first time in your lives you actually get to opt into something you decided and agreed to a new social contract that's not about money it's about how you live and it's about the quality of the money you know one too long ago that the minimum wage in the united states was six silver quarters six silver quarters about a dollar fifty the meltdown value of those quarters is about fifteen dollars went from a dollar fifty to fifteen dollars we're talking about a higher minimum wage why because the money's lost its value for not fault of your own not my fault but from the people at the top and they continue printing trillions and trillions of dollars they continue following policies that are so devastating and damaging to society and they don't care i like peace i like living in a country that gets along with everybody now my country is bombing syria again i guess that's a good idea according to the people in charge another war in the middle east we're here again i'd like to believe that a legacy can be that we build a system that doesn't do this to people that build sound money that promotes peace and understanding and goodwill amongst all people but to get there we have to build a government that's better than the one we inherited better social contracts and we have to work on ourselves we have to be worthy of self governance we have to have a long time horizon we have to think deep we have to look deep into the future you know i was recently interviewed and i said one of the economic solutions to the myopia that we all face is that we incentivize the wrong things as a society i said why don't we take a step back and instead of having a single currency why don't we have two currencies today money and money 21.40 how about that so you earn today money just like you earn today money go to your job do your work okay great and let's say that you can buy most things with today money like food and water and so forth but let's say you want to get a car or let's say that you want to get a house or something let's say those have to be priced and not in today money but in 2140 money and how do you earn that let's imagine there's a copy of yourself who doesn't live today but lives in 2140 and the only way that you can make 2140 money the money of the future is by making that person's life better a person you'll never meet and you'll be long dead by the time they're born so what does that mean you have to think about what the world needs to look like in 2150 and how to make that world better and imagine a marketplace forming around for that we'd have a lot of environmental policy we care a lot about sustainability because we can't burn out the world by the time he gets to 2140 would be a dystopia we'd care a lot about the future and why because we're self-motivated and we'd like to spend 2140 money that's the point of liberating yourself from the social structures and institutions and thinking patterns of the past and the point of our entire industry it's not to venerate a leader it's not to believe that some person up on the mountaintop will deliver you and make you rich and make your life wonderful the future is hard it's ill-defined it's filled with demagogues and tyrants and extremists and people sue saying you solutions and the reality is that the future only gets better if each and every one of us takes some custodial care and cleans it up together and thinks to 2140 and how do we make life better for that copy of ourself that lives in the distant future the point of cryptocurrencies in blockchain is for the first time in human history this is not an academic exercise and it's not one that requires permission we're just going to go do it so the coming weeks and months are going to be pretty crazy alonzo is going to be a lot of fun there are a lot of announcements in the queue and then we'll get to them when the time comes and sometimes they take a little later but they're no less meaningful and in the meantime there's a lot of fun things we get to do together for example these amas and i get to your questions second we have our interview series and i just started it the people of iog where we had dr m and i will be interviewing duncan cootes and phil wadler and dan friedman and many other people within my company and tamara hassan is going to start interviewing people as well because if it i was doing about a rate of one a week it would take me six years to get through the existing set of people so we need a tag team and we need to get some volume there i'd like you to know each and every person who works with me and for me they're amazing and they deserve their time the spotlight too and of course i'd like to interact with all of you so as this is an ama let us get to your questions huh are you a real channel or a scammer so how do you tell the difference between a real channel and scammer is pretty simple uh the scammer channels take my video and try to convince you to send ada if i'm asking you for ada it's a scammer channel if i'm not it's probably real ugh how's freyja very big still pees on the rug are you working with gavin wood he reached out to us and we're still trying to figure out what would make sense but i'd love to do something with polka dot i think that'd be a lot of fun it's a good community good ecosystem great engineers and as i said before i think polkadot is what ethereum 2 should have been did nick sabo reply no and it's a shame he didn't but you know that's his prerogative as i said nick is a crypto og and he can just do whatever the heck he wants to do and i'll always take him seriously and always have time for him remember where you came from and it is important that you honor those people charles will you ever work with haiti you know we are looking at carob id and other programs so it'd be a lot of fun to do that can you give me more insight about the talk in africa well there are many things going on in africa the particular thing that we're waiting for happens to be in the country of ethiopia uh and it was done until it wasn't done and it's currently up for an independent review of a board of three people and they're looking at it they're going through it and reviewing every single document for the seventh time i don't know why but it is what it is and unfortunately that's just how people do business in these types of places it's an inconvenience at the moment and it's a delay at the moment and wasn't anticipated by either parties what happens is that you have corruption and then anti-corruption comes in but the problem with anti-corruption is there are times that it can be overdone and so a lot of bureaucracy gets added into the tendering process and oversight gets at an end which doesn't actually prevent anything but it massively slows down things and it creates a lot of unnecessary bureaucratic friction so what you do is you just smile and you keep working your way through it and that's what we've been doing for now three and a half months uh and uh it looks like there's a light at the end of the tunnel and i think that things are going to be okay you know um i was given many assurances that we were at the end of the tunnel in february many written assurances uh by our counterparty and it didn't happen so we're in march you know you have to learn how to have patience there's an old term for doing business in africa it's called africa time and that means things get done on their own time you know but it's a deal that changed the lives of millions of people and i understand why it's taking its fair share because it's transformative it's not just a one and done type of thing and say oh that's nice this is something that can grow to the entire country at some point and that's why we take it so seriously and they take it seriously and you know we're still acting in good faith uh we're still building infrastructure putting out lots of jobs i think it's going to create over 30 jobs in the jurisdiction and we'll see what happens and it's going to be fun to announce it when it's finally there and it goes through that independent tender well this is a good one what will be the good consequences of cardano in africa so cardano in africa really what that's all about is this concept of people being self-sovereign and being control of their own economic identity you know i'm not a big fan of regressive policies like capital controls or the government having unilateral authority over the information that goes to its people or making arbitrary decisions about who gets to make money and who doesn't get to make money these are leftover policies of totalitarianism and dictatorships and communism from the 20th century and they are of course pervasive in eastern europe and places in africa in asia and unfortunately even in the united states people try to install this in certain places and it can even be in your county i live in boulder county uh getting building permits for my own farm there is at times kafkaesque takes two years to build anything two years on a farm right at the edge of the county in the middle of nowhere why i don't know just is what it is bureaucracy for the sake of bureaucracy even when you're trying to do things they say you they want you to do like for example build a solar system i'm putting a 250 kilowatt solar array in uh i thought we're all supposed to be environmentally friendly and anti-global warming and sustainable right so you figure that that should be a relatively straightforward process what a commercial installer who's installed megawatts and has a good rapport applies for it no no it's going to take nine months to clear the bureaucracy just for that even when there's a state mandate to make it fast so the point is that bad governments can destroy people's lives they can either annoy them and be inconveniences all the way up to destroying your ability to do business with people the reason why we are so keen on cryptocurrencies in africa is it's a foundational thing once you've given people identity then you can open up the prospect of reputation trade credit you can then add in payment systems you can then link that identity to property and you could represent value and property very fundamentally different ways than they had been represented before which are fraud free which are immutable which are time stamped and those records are global so even if they're inconvenient to the regime that happens to be in power so that's why we care so much about it and it will take years to decades to see these systems roll out but they are demanded and what does that mean once they're out it means i can send money to anyone in africa for free or near free it means that when they get that money they will have the same level of protection and surety that i have when i put my money in a bank like goldman sachs or chase or wells fargo or whatever but they don't have to worry about it being stolen from them it means if they have to flee they can take their money their property with them it means that their credentials are verifiable it means that i can enter into contracts with them as if they're my next door neighbor even though they're 10 000 miles away and it means that when they want to raise capital for an education to build a business to buy some infrastructure to better themselves the life around them they have access to credit and it means that when they want to protect those things with an insurance policy there's always one available at a reasonable price we take these things for granted living in the developed world but they are not a given for the bottom three billion in the world who are underbanked or unbanked what we have within our hands is a superpower just like norman borland had a superpower being able to teach people how to grow crops correctly and use fertilizer correctly and what that functionally meant was that he could save a billion lives and by propagating this technology throughout africa i believe over the next 50 years we can too and not only save them but make all of their lives significantly better and by the way it's not you know a savior complex it's just good economic sense you go where the puck is going to be not where it is and you say where is the world going to have the highest amount of economic growth and the greatest amount of new billionaires over the next 30 years it's not china that was the last 30 years it's not america that was the 30 years before that it's africa that's where all the economic growth is going to happen and that's where the best and newest systems will be put into place you know we're talking to a major telcro right now about some things in the cryptocurrency space and because they're new to the game they have the most advanced network and they have the least legacy issues it's when you have the opportunity to have a clean slate it means that you often can generate a lot of hindsight wisdom and you could have the best infrastructure and if you have the best wisdom and the best infrastructure the youngest people who are the hungriest and they have access to the same playing field and information they win and if you're along with them when they win you become the world's richest man just that simple so i think it's the best economic opportunity and i think it's a lot of fun and it's a lot more fun even though the tendering processes and other things sometimes take a long long time and there's lots of checks and balances who cares you know you deal with it in crimea river it's a life experience that's once in a lifetime go do it and go have fun with it do you see use for non-native tokens on cardano that is definitely possible and it will be done with the devnets yela and ethereum devnets when you use them you can issue erc20 and basically the market's going to decide between the native multi-asset standard and the legacy erc20 standard you as a developer can use both how can an ai researcher contribute to cardano well it depends on your background and where you're at but it's a good question so tell me a little bit more about yourself and i can steer you in a particular area charles what about endor it was supposed to be a such a great project with so much potential and prediction as a service are you still in contact with them so i joined a senior advisor and i hung out with them for a little bit and i flew out to tel aviv and we did some videos and they called me up and said you know we just can't afford you right now i said that's fine uh so just suspend my contract and when you guys are ready call me back and i'll come back and we'll spend some time i like your product i'd love to see your product on cardano and they never called me back so yaniv is a good guy and i really enjoyed galia and the rest of the team and one of these days maybe i'll get that phone call it's like waiting for guffman just waiting how'd you piss off coinbase i don't know i think it's less about that and more about explosive growth it's a complex company it's uh left hand doesn't quite know what the right hand is doing sometimes and that's what happens when you grow rapidly and you're just about to ipo everything's a mess until about two years after the ipo [Music] would it be possible to create a system without transaction fees uh yes you do it through what are called delegated fees i think vchain does something like that where someone else can pay the transaction fee now in general there's always a transaction fee because there's a resource cost for a transaction someone has to pay that you can either pay it with inflation you can pay it on the producer side or the consumer side but somebody in the value chain has to pay a transaction fee but for certain contexts it makes sense to subsidize transaction fees through some mechanism and that could be inflation or fee delegation and that's something we'd probably explore for cardone 2025 this is a common misconception iota doesn't have fees yeah it does they're just subsidized a different way guys there's network capacity cpu and data they cost money nothing is free and if you have a blockchain or you have some notion of a database you have some transaction ledger someone must store it so if you are issuing transactions those transactions somewhere cost you something now you the sender may not pay that but somewhere in the value chain it has to be paid for or else you have perpetual motion there's a universal conservation of cost and value in the universe you cannot escape it with clever engineering charles i believe you made a typo when you see your fees in the state pulled 10 no i did not so rats r-a-t-s is my stake pool love to see you guys delegate there and i said ahead of time that i'd set it at ten percent and the fund is split between sam leathers and myself uh sam's going to be using it to buy some land and i use it for shenanigans so the more value i make the more income i make with the pool the more shenanigans i will spend on it could be wing suiting it could be walking near naked in antarctica climbing a mountain it can be anything but the amount of value i get the more shenanigans you guys get also it shows that small pools can survive with a higher fee and that people are not going to race to the bottom so if i am successful hopefully others with higher fees can be successful and we can look at this as not a completely economic concern yeah this is an out of their question charles do you think dirt bikes are good for children it depends where children grow up some people my family and related families got their kids dirt bikes as young as seven years old and atvs those little battery powered micro atvs which are death traps at seven years old and it seemed to work out for them but you know there are changing standards in society and there are a lot of helicopter parents who think they should wrap their children and nerf until they turn 20 and then still dominate their lives until they're 35 and then be there at the wedding night you know make sure they get the job done um life is tough kids are tough let them be kids country of georgia news still doing georgia stuff i should have a full country strategy before the end of the month we do the credential system but i'd like to see that grow to a payment system and other such concerns and we'll get that done charles do you do any art or produce music or anything like that i own a game development company i haven't announced the exact name of it and the things that we do yet because i just haven't had the time the other thing is my brother and i are starting a biotech company and my dad will probably join in a bit call and that company is consuming the time that i had allocated for the game development company uh so we do do things like the 3js development for the cardonal front for the ihk web page which will soon be the iog page and we're going to be hiring more web animators so that's webgl and unity work as well as 3js and these types of libraries and i just love that there's also dynamic ui stuff that's really cool so that's what we do on the iohk iog side obviously ux and fx that that types of stuff is going to be huge when i'm making video games but that's a 2022 thing unfortunately i just don't have the time when rogan well joe rogan after gogan and then also after lex friedman so i'm having the lex friedman interview down in austin i'll see if i can have dinner with joe rogan while i'm down there or musk or any of the other folks there's a nice little intellectual dark web in austin texas now uh but we'll try to get it scheduled this year it shouldn't be too hard it's just more of a matter of making sure we have the right funnel because you don't want to go into a show with that kind of a footprint and those many people unless you have the right marketing brand set up any trouble with rhq and the new national security laws in hong kong nope charles where did you get your pink floyd poster as most people do these days online hi charles i want to bring cardona to romania through a haskell pollutus class at the polytechnique university are you interested in this you should reach out to gregory roshu and we can definitely figure something out through him and lars hmm charles will you partner with celsius well i know alex michinski uh he's a great guy we certainly have a lot of fun together uh you know there's gonna be something we eventually do with alex and his guys just the extent is uh it is an interesting one and how to roll that out but that'd be fun he also has the love of amas like i do so anybody who does that i appreciate respect charles getting the scammers on youtube sell the stolen ada and dump the price no they can sell it but it's not gonna dump the price guys there's five billion dollars a day of turnaround whatever these scammers have is not going to affect the price vaccinated no i'm uneligible for vaccine uh i will not be eligible until at least april because of government incompetence likely maybe even may at this current rate uh and i've been asked a lot which vaccine to take having reviewed the data for all five major platforms for me i think the safest is likely the novofax vaccine there's no dna interaction no rna it's just protein in a jar and there's a very good history with that especially for respiratory viruses and other such things and so uh i'll uh probably get the novovax vaccine when available if not the johnson johnson looks pretty interesting and it's a single shot platform so it's one and done and the reactogenicity is quite low so as soon as i get vaccinated i'll let you guys know and then you can say charles is no longer charles anymore and he's gonna die of cancer or now he's a slave of bill gates and prepara i don't really care why would you get the vaccine anyway being healthy well unfortunately no matter if i like to have it or not i have to travel for the nature of my job and it's probably going to be a prerequisite and it's like when i went to africa i got the yellow fever vaccine that's a much worse one to get than these thoughts on harmony one i have not looked at their core technology in a long time but i think they're using something like rapid chain they were also using fountain codes and you know they're really clever things it's actually a very good design what they've rolled out there's still some rough edges but my exact quote was at least if eos had followed harmony one it would have been a novel an interesting project to follow and i stand by that i think there's some interesting stuff there and it's a good team of people behind it uh hmm hmm south africa plans thoughts about v chain i'm a harbor engineer any good book recommendations on d5 well unfortunately i don't have any for you it's too new but if you guys in the audience actually know of a good book that you'd recommend i'm happy to read it review it i wish there was something ethiopian coffee did you guys know that the coffee they drink in ethiopia is not as good as the coffee the export so they have export grade and then the internal coffee and the internal coffee is actually a lower quality standard than the export grade so if you're drinking your 100 ethiopian coffee here in america it tastes better than the coffee you drink right at zimbabwe which is a crazy thing what happened to cardano rust it's still around americo maintains part of it and then the your men gander is the the closest thing we have to it we rolled that team into the catalyst team now i didn't know this same for columbia okay interesting i want to build nfts on cardano okay so we have had several people who want to do nfts reach out to us there's some people internally in my organization that really want to do an nft marketplace and so what i'm going to try to do is play bill clinton you know bring the people i guess i feel your pain and bring them all together so we'll see if we can bring the community members that want to do an nft marketplace and have them partner with my internal resources and build an nft marketplace rapidly i'd like to get it done quickly and attach an external development firm to write a lot of code very quickly and we'll initially do it as a nft native multi asset on cardano and then we'll take the uh centralized on-chain stuff and move as much as we can to uh uh excuse me centralize off-chain stuff and move as much as we can to an on-chain solution as soon as pollutus launches with alonzo so i'll have an update for you guys probably not the next ama or the but the ama after and certainly by the cardona 360 episode at the end of the month um um come on guys give me some good questions here ah we have our resident paint chip eater congratulations kubra you are the winner of today's paint ship of the year award uh you'll be given a whole basket of paint chips to eat and it'll continue helping you with that brain damage you suffer from proof of burn i will never understand the stupidity i will just never understand it ever in the fact that people still ask me after all this time they're just not that bright they must have hit their head on something i don't know artano is actually one that reached out to us for the nft marketplace and i believe we have a meeting with them so i think this upcoming week we're going to talk to them and i'd love to see what they have roll into what we have and maybe we can figure out something progress on cal's three funds the number of voters rise significantly so door will give you guys all those numbers at the end of the month uh it's pretty remarkable to see the progress we're making there there was a snafu i think was heroic voting and that was a configuration issue but uh it'll get solved that's correct data is a palindrome you what is your favorite vintage supercar 80s or older [Music] probably the shelby you know there's uh also the 1955 ford t-bird is pretty amazing are you left-handed yes and that's the hand that spells an l how do you read all these questions i i have a very special friend who broadcasts into my ears all the questions to select we spend nine million dollars a week on this service it's very expensive but it's totally necessary for these amas to work do you take any holistic or nootropic substances to increase cognition well lately i've been trying photobiomodulation that's that weird ass headset with the thing that goes up my nose pretty interesting but uh when i need a little bit of a boost i take alpha brain i also take lions mate who's your favorite guitarist jimi hendrix favorite watchmaker giger lucut and also jacques draw those those gyroterpians are just incredible and i love automaton how would you explain utxo to a five-year-old cash register accounting you have an input and an output change has to match do you believe in god well as einstein used to say the god of spinoza sure do you spend or save more well there's deep saving which are called irrevocable trusts and then you have kind of a slightly less deep saving like 401ks and iras and these types of things and then you have not so spending spending cash so you know estate planning is a big thing and i'm thinking a lot about that lately mostly because i am getting i see an email about functional patterns your ihk i had a studio in california if you're interested in antio this is an interesting one i sent you an email about functional patterns to your ioh email i own a studio in california and if you're interested in anti-aging you have to check it out i definitely will and i'll actually probably refer you michael to my brother william who will be my business partner here as of may in our anti-aging quest nice little side business any specific dates for smart contracts we should have more specifics on a relative range that we think that alonso is going to hit which is the full smart contract support likely at the cardonal 360 at the end of this month i always let the teams announce that charles can you do your skeletor laugh again he-man uh so many comments [Music] eldar or tau neither come on now space marines if i had to pick between the two obviously eldar come on them farseers are sexy what do you think about virtual reality do you have a headset microsoft announced yesterday microsoft mesh we have two hololens twos on the way we're going to try it out if it works then we're going to go ahead and use mesh for our executive meetings and i'll send a hololens headset to each of the executives and then it'll just be like star wars where they had the holographic projections of each other in the chairs so yeah i'm really excited about that that's a term for augmented reality virtual reality is really cool and that technology has evolved enormously we didn't quite get magic leap but i think over the next 10 20 years it's going to get exponentially better the headsets will get lighter they'll be much more powerful and they can do far more it will also have haptic suits that you can put on and feel so yes the ready player one is definitely on its way thoughts on the ford gt do you own one i do not have a ford gt i'm a lamborghini man what's up with singularitynet i will bring ben and his guys on at some point uh maybe crowder 360 in the partners section be fun they're just chipping away doing stuff thundercats or voltron that's like asking which kid do you love more i don't know i mean i love them both but i'll tell you what you could have made a lot easier for me if you said samurai pizza cats or thunder cats or full tron obviously samurai pizza cats oh favorite tarantino movie still the best is pulp fiction charles what's your first destination after covet it depends on when i am allowed to travel again charles have you ever had a near-death experience care to share yes several more than i care to share do you like mayonnaise with french fries no i'm not a weirdo how will quantum computing affect cardano by the time it's a concern we'll have already fixed it we're going to have a full post quantum agenda in the carto 2025 research agenda you guys vote it i don't care about quantum computers anymore favorite fruit star fruit charles have you ever looked into flat earth yes i have been to the eos reddit hi charles it's a good question from jim robbins realistically how far away are simplified wallet addresses are we so jim the key there is getting the identity center into daedalus and this is a great example of where an inpatient ceo just sometimes can't get things seven and done half months ago unified the prism team with the daedalus team we still have not quite gotten where we need to get it is one of the deepest frustrations i have i'd like to see dids integrated into daedalus as soon as humanly possible once you have a did you have a dead document once you have a document you have a name associated with an identity you have cryptographic credentials associated with that name so you can sign a wallet you can hit credit friends wallet they have they can they can sign it and then all of a sudden you now send money to alice you now send money to bob as opposed to a wallet address okay it's like a friends list built right into your wallet it's something i've been wanting for a damn long time we're just backlogged there are over 50 deals that we could do with prism and some that we've actually had to jump the cube because they're such large clients the prism team has more than 30 hr requests 30 requisitions for new people so that team is going to increase by a factor of 130 percent i think from its current standing and that's just that team and then on the dead list team they they're desperate for more people as well so i definitely want that to happen it's actually not hard to do i know exactly how to do it well and put you guys in the driver's seat and then we talk about simplified wallet addresses you're actually talking about uh sending money to a name instead of an address now a way of shortening addresses and i think there is a cip standard i requested to be written for this would be to take the first four digits post prefix and the last four digits and put an ellipsis between them so you'd have the prefix plus eight digits and the ellipsis display uh so that's uh what is it eight plus three for because three characters for the ellipsis that's 11 plus the preset prefix size so under 20 even for large prefixes uh under the bec 32 standard that's that's just beautiful and it's very easy to display on both the mobile client and other client uh so that's definitely something that i think we can easily do and that does not require a substantive change to things and frankly four and four the probabilistic of a collision with that is so incredibly low that that's a good way of displaying the probability of a collision nft arts gps virtual assistant connected to a blockchain accessible to augmented reality glasses what are your thoughts it sounds to me like you got yourself a catalyst idea there son go to catalyst charles what kind of lamborghini do you have i have a huracan an lp 610 huracan although that is getting upgraded to a new evo so that's going to be fun do did harm an animating a privacy in any way if so how if they're used correctly they don't because you can always create a did for a particular use case and it doesn't have to be linked back to a master did so you still have synonymity in the system charles are you excited for 100 decentralization i am so excited for that i am so so excited and that's happening march 31st that's another one of the major things when are we going to see gaps in your platform well you're going to see a lot of proto daps on the devnets and there's already people building that and already people are now it's like singularitynet who are moving over uh and towards the end of the month uh when we do the cardinal 360 episode you're gonna see this beautiful rollout strategy and all throughout april and may and other months like stuff is just going to be going so super quickly uh so we'll we'll have a very competitive showing at the launch and then it'll just kind of pick up like a hockey stick because there's going to be so much demand to do stuff hi charles any thoughts on veganism and herding animals for taste buds that's like a religion you can't really talk about veganism i have a lot of vegans who email me and they say you are inconsistent how dare you torture these animals you know animals eat animals it happens have you ever seen like nature shows not everybody's a nerve war i'm not going to apologize for being a meat eater charles which you prefer inside your home succulents or aquariums succulents sir okay um charles which one is your favorite turtle i assume sir daario that you're talking about teenage mutant ninja turtles and obviously it's donatello do you meditate yes i do or have any practice that sustains you meditation download the calm app it's very nice that's their free advertisement for the day favorite comedy as in like movie or show or favorite comedian favorite comedian is dave chappelle charles what is the greatest lesson you've learned as a leader letting things go and having empathy those two most important things and then i'd suppose the bonus round is elevate others let other people do their best work okay all right well now it is time for the end of the m.a as promised we always do a micro finance loan so let me share my screen okay and there we go we and today we have four gals from senegal the tuoba tuall group okay established in 2010 the hispanic village is composed of four bold women who have known one another for many years and worked in the same industries colu the group's representation representative is uh the right one of the photo with her hand raised i guess that's her the one in the blue okay and she is 49 years old married and has two sons uh one of whom is in school she fattens sheep and sells fresh fish at her village she has 10 years of experience in the field and has no difficulty selling her products with this loan she will buy fresh cases of fresh fish and six sheep to fatten and later resell she's going to use her profits to increase her savings with the bannock village and help with her family expenses okay translated from french by akiva volunteer well and so far they have already raised nearly 2 50 and they're looking for 400 to go so as always we finish it out so we're going to give them all 400. click lend now could not add four oh i guess somebody else did that okay so we only have to do 375. okay and we always give a donation to kifa and here's what we're doing stop sharing the screen real quickly and we'll just go through the checkout process almost through the checkout process continue check out okay and let me go ahead and share the screen one more time looks like we're having a little bit of difficulty the computer is frozen hopefully it comes back soon well okay sorry about that guys okay sorry about that guys it looks like i lost the stream there for a second i tried to share screen and it claps my browser okay so let me share it one more time as soon as i go ahead and reopen kiva and the loan was complete let's just verify that the loan got completed because my browser collapsed slight technical difficulties okay all right yeah it looks good so share screen entire screen there we go okay so right here you can see so far antonio and the tuaba tool group senegal cambodia mexico peru and kenya that's what we have so far and about 2 900 total deposits anyway uh as i've said many times before my life's goal is to see something like kiva running on cardano i know that we've gotten the platform right and we've done the things right should that occur mostly because so much has to happen for that to happen peer-to-peer lending has to occur you have to have a stable coin you have to have proper cash in and cash out in those countries you have to have an identity system you have a payment system you have to have enough liquidity in that type of a system you have to have a large user population you have to have great user experience and user interface i believe cardona will get there and it is one of my goals and as we build out this year and we look to the next five years that's one of my priorities and i'd like to end every single one of these amas with a peer-to-peer loan at some point that i give to someone somewhere in the world who needs it anyway uh thank you so much for your time it was a lot of fun it's a short one because i have another engagement i have to run into but i did want to at least do something with you guys briefly i and i always enjoy these tremendously a little muted today uh unfortunately i've just been so busy and there's so many things going on but i love talking to you and i enjoy you so much all right i'll see you soon see you next week hopefully great things on the horizon i think there will be cheers.
ACA Pool
Feb 28, 2021
In Charles Hoskinson's AMAs
00:00 to 1:00:22 Intro: Hi crypto fellow travelers this is Charles Hoskinson broadcasting live from warm sunny Colorado. Always warm always sunny sometimes Colorado it is a pancho weather day a little cold outside but not too bad yesterday we had a snowstorm that was always fun always enjoyable but you know what actually was two days ago we had a snowstorm you know that's the problem time flies so quickly a lot of meetings a lot of fun things to do but this week Cardano 360 was really an incredible episode they pulled everything together we kind of showed you everything about the ecosystem and it just keeps rolling along babelfish babel transactions that was one of the birds for this month and i think it's probably the most important one because basically what that does is it gives every token issued on cardano the ability to pay in the native asset if a market is for it so it solves all the problems at the same time and u.s token issuers now have your own network it used to be that either you had to go borrow another network and pay in that network's fees or you had to launch your own network and build a network effect behind it this is the third option the space currently does not allow that to exist there are some clever hacks here and there but for the most part it's uh a new thing it's an elegant thing and it's a thing that's brought uniquely because of extended UTXO and that's the magic of doing things correctly uh when you do things correctly it's very easy to just innovate and just add and say here you go and what that means is we're probably going to be the ultimate stable coin platform uh for all the stable coins because you pay the transaction fee in the stable coin you don't have to pay 100 of each to send a dollar of tether you know that's the point and that's what we've been looking for and that was just one of many things that came there was a fund that announced a 750 million dollar position and polkadot and Cardano dumping their bitcoin position more will come a lot of great commercial deals in the pipeline and hopefully we should see some of those february birds land this month or early next month and you guys will be pleasantly surprised but that's just the week the news of the week and every week here on after news is being made and what's most exciting to me is it's news being made as much by you as it is by me and Amergo and the cardano foundation this is a movement and it's starting to get rolling whether it be or interview with lex friedman or all the things that are going to come or the recent new york times article that briefly mentioned us perhaps more to come every day we keep chipping away at the dream and every day the tech keeps waking up now we are in the multi-asset era next month your deadlift's wallet you'll update it and suddenly you'll see lots of coins in it lots of tokens that people can issue you can issue your own very simple the cardone 360 episode showed you how to do that tutorials are coming things are coming it's easy to see that and that's just march glow was announced today we showed people off some of the cool things there updates the devnets are coming next month lots of cool dap developments happening and actually we're probably going to pull an elon musk with uh how he handled hyperloop the other day i was sitting down reading the peer-to-peer lending protocol that we developed for marlow and i said you know we're going to implement this but it would make a lot more sense to just write a series of d5 papers just like elin wrote the hyperloop paper and then give it to the community as challenge problems and see who wants to go and implement those things uh there's a core set of them that i think we need to get done internally and we're working on those like the stable coins and the dexes and the oracles and so forth and a lot of great progress there but there's much more than just those things in fact the alpha frontier suite is going to be a really cool discussion and you guys are going to hear from tom i think it's the first time you've met him he's a magical amazing person next month from runtime verification the other thing there's going to be an announcement about something we're doing for yella which i think you guys are going to be incredibly excited about and it's something i thought would take three to five years but might take four to six months and that's something we could talk about next month that's march what's new for april and that's what great ecosystems do it's frenetic the pace you just keep pushing you just keep pushing regardless of how hard it happens to be you have to keep up with it and it's exhausting for me but i love every minute of it i really do and i love how passionate the community has become and i love how you guys are getting it it's about the journey it's about the next step in the next step it's about progress you know we're making great inroads in africa we're making great inroads in mongolia we're making great inroads in georgia we're making great inroads across the globe i recently met with a major u.s telecommunications company and maybe we'll do something with them maybe not but the fact we got the meeting and it was taken so seriously tells you uh where we're at as an ecosystem and that's february where will we be in june where will we be in december where will you take us look at how magical catalyst has become you know we have so many deals in our queue we can't service them as a company and jerry has this horrible situation where he has to figure out what do i say no to what do i say yes to well we're right now working on an internal program of how do we translate some of the deals that we can't service or we can't work with into deals that apply for catalyst funds and there's some flagship deals that will be pushing that way and the community then can start working with them discussing they can find partners fellow travelers who can do the development work or perhaps help them with marketing or business development catalyst is not a passive process where you vote catalyst is a lifestyle you go in every day you think about it in certain cases you want in on it you want to help them get there that's the power of engaged vigilant community and this is the strength of cardona it's not the technology well of course we're gonna lead we bought up all the brains we have the biggest decentralized brain in the world you know demetri buterin was throwing some shade the other day actually today saying he won't buy into cardano won't even consider it because i'm here great i'm so glad you don't like me and i'm so glad you're so ignorant to ignore all of the other minds that are here all of the engineers that are here all the scientists are here this is nothing to do with me cardano doesn't need charles it needs you the mass the people what we've started is the cascading disruption i sought to do that's february 10 000 people in catalyst that was another bird this month the fact that a million dollar fund is waking up and we're probably going to end up funding dozens of projects as a community after thousands of collective hours of debate of discussion and hard work then they have to do and execute write code build things they say how will we populate all those dabs well we have them their singularity net liquidity and dozens of others want us and dozens more call us every day because we got a lot of momentum now some are fair weather some are serious it doesn't matter me there's a crucible upon which things will be built and they shall be built and each and every one of these things belong as much to you as they do to me or anyone else it's our ecosystem together and we earned it there were a lot of hard days when no one cared about us there were a lot of days when everybody thought that for sure we were on the way out our best days were behind us you know we did we said thank you for your opinion but we're going to go a different way put on our ponchos got up on our horses and we got it done so we're here to stay forever this is cardano and i'd like to thank each and every one of you for making that a reality because you did and i'm proud of you and i'm proud of this ecosystem and i'm proud that every time we do a show the show gets better we were up i think 70 percent an audience this month a lot of new faces a lot of new people and what's amazing is they may come for the gains but they stay for the vision and the philosophy we have this amazing ability to convert people little by little to fall in love with the ideas we have and the vision we have as a community about how we want to go change the world we build something that's as fair for the least of us as it is for the most of us and we're making progress and we'll always make progress so as it is an ama let's get to your questions. Question: Lord of the rings or star wars Answer: Lord of the rings sir star wars is now woke wars it's been for a while although i did like the mandalorian. the vision is real and i was just on real vision today that's coming out next week you guys are gonna like it charles is that a pancho yes sir it is alpaca and from ecuador what do you think about brave 50 million strong it's a beautiful product read the bat white paper over the weekend i really enjoyed it and i love how they just keep evolving and iterating it's a wonderful model for advertising and sharing profits with the people who are being advertised too is that a real fire behind you i didn't start the fire it's always been burning since the world's been turning whoa this is awesome i thought you didn't read the chat well jose i always do thoughts on fortune 500 adopting cardano it is inevitable thoughts on korean barbecue i eat a lot of it especially when i go to korea and i cannot wait to see guys in seoul i will be back usually i went there every three months but the world shut down however the world's gonna open again and i can't wait to go do a world tour that's gonna be fun stargate sg1 absolutely love stargate richard dean anderson was a great actor charles did you get your ears lowered no odd question metaphor k i'm k for metta a special special k said elon musk the same thing that was in the movie seven how did you choose the name carnado it's named after gerolamo cardano who was a 19th century mathematician contemporary of many amazing people he's a gambler a doctor a mathematician he was the dr tran of his time hickory smoked mary had a little fork little fork little fork oh this ain't an unfair one richard feynman by far i love his artistic side as well he has these beautiful notes if you google richard feynman uh drawings and you take a look at the things that he did he was a wonderful human being he means did you have a haircut well i don't know that term i don't know that term you and us americans we're very uncultured people what is your favorite feature of war boris omega probably either the self-healing or the instant finality could you work with dot charles absolutely i still have to reply that email and i think we'll find some cool work on you know it's a small space we should work together instead of [ __ ] post on twitter about how bad other people are just shows you who's stable and who's gonna be here in five to ten years and who's not i have grievances things were done and said that were horrible from 2014 to 2016 people wouldn't reply to my emails and i was tart and feathered persona non-grata invited to nothing everybody considered me dead in the water radioactive and there are people who are responsible for that despite them doing that i'd still work with them because at the end of the day i have an ecosystem run people work with things to do things to accomplish you set ego aside for the greater good past is a past you can't change it all you can do is build a better future if we can't grow up and evolve then how can they how can we say the world is going to be a better place one of the most poignant things that happened in my life i visited rwanda and the you always when you go to kagali the first thing you do when you're going around is you visit the genocide museum that they built which is also a mass grave it has about a quarter million people buried there and it's a really saddening and eye-opening experience but the thing that amazed me the most was that there was a tutsi and a hutu working at the museum and it turned out that the hutu had murdered some of the family members including the wife of the tutsi yet they ate lunch together every day and it was just an inconceivable thing to me how can you eat lunch with the person who killed your wife and your kids and so found out that he has to forgive because if he doesn't forgive the kids that survived would live in a world no better than the one he inherited right you got to move on no matter how bad things are the people who are incapable of that should never have power because they'll use it to hurt the ones who wronged them rwanda is an incredible country by the way amazing people they came back from so much and they're now becoming the switzerland of africa a little bit of good bad and ugly but boy i'm proud and impressed with what i saw when i was there i'm a golang open source developer how can i help cardano grow build some go tools build some things to interface with cardano use the stuff we have and write some ghost stuff to make it better just like pool tool how is yelly going we are going to have a big yelly update and discussion next month at the cardinal 360. we're going to bring gregory's team in they're going to talk about some magic yelly magic how do you stay so positive charles do you believe in power of thoughts i absolutely do you have to stay positive every day you wake up every day and say look it could be worse life is not too bad i'm going to do everything i can do every day to just make it a good day and love the people around you reno user group meeting in five hours in okinawa japan komichiwa okinawa all hardware deployed in tokyo for oraboris over arena update coming soon thank you cardano community for this opportunity well jason thank you so much i'd love to know about it if you record it live tweet it and i'll retweet it i'm great to see that rina is in the hearts and minds of our community in japan and we may actually be doing a project in okinawa more on that later ron paul and the revolution love you and we love you too always will love ron people often ask me yeah remember any of your bosses i said there's only one boss i ever truly loved and cared about and followed the hell and back and that's ron paul he called me tomorrow said quit your job and go do something with me i'd say okay ron i'll figure it out i'll let somebody else run iohk for a bit he's the boss always will be the boss thoughts on smart contract certifications for software developers um we are in discussions with the cardinal foundation about that we're also looking at creating a software engineering institute specifically for smart contract standards so i will answer that question later but it is definitely something i'm aspiring to do this year [Music] thoughts on the samurai i i got actual samurai armor like literally right there i love the bushido code and i read the hakka curry and i also read the five rings and miyamoto musashi is an interesting writer not a very good one but an interesting one the whole philosophy makes sense you accept that you're going to die and then you have no fear of death and you truly embrace this and they used to have these crazy tests where somebody would shoot an arrow at another samurai and he's supposed to cut it and if he misses it well you know goodbye samurai they still do that in certain places in japan they were pretty hardcore and there was a period of peace and so they focused on developing culture and so they had like 100 plus years of poetry and art and other such things there's a lot of romanticization of the samurai many cases they weren't the nicest of people but you have to admire the discipline tupac or biggie tupac westside yo are you going to play the diablo 2 remaster i keep hearing about it um maybe i don't know i probably don't have the time but have you ever been in a fist fight yes and i got my ass kicked do you have any tattoos none that you can see is it true that most of cardano's owned by the japanese i think over 50 percent of the holdings of aid are still floating around in japan somewhere we have a phenomenal japanese community they've been around since the beginning we absolutely love them we think they're the best ever and every time i go to japan i try to go everywhere in japan we go from hokkaido all the way down to okinawa and there's so much love there it's truly an amazing nation i have a tattoo of the symbol of cardano well tweet it at me and i'll retweet it rape breaking bad one of the greatest shows ever made is intellectual property legitimate you know for hardware and perhaps drugs and things like that i can imagine that but for software or intangible things it does bother me great deal i don't think software patents are the way to go i don't think protocol patents are the way to go especially for open source ecosystems and if you're i rule if you're cryptocurrency and you have patented ip for that cryptocurrency i don't even pay attention i just it's like it's like west world where they say it doesn't look like anything to me i have something in my brain that doesn't allow me to even think about it have you ever considered egypt or north africa for cardinal development absolutely we actually have several egyptian community members and there's a lot of wonderful countries in northern africa some friends in morocco and marrakesh and it would be really cool to actually do something there japanese whiskey yes sir hibiki is the way to go how far can you recite the fibonacci sequence as far as you guys want to go the thing about fibonacci is that it's computable right one one two three you know fourth and so forth uh so you know we just keep computing and computing it's not as impressive as reciting pi because pi you have to remember it you can't really compute it in your head if you can you're pretty bright guy [Music] shout out to my city salford hello warm and sunny salford have you ever been to vancouver not only have i been to vancouver i did a presentation at the etc summit there wearing a canadian flag draped over me while drinking maple syrup and it's on video did your bird fly in the wrong direction now i got some headwinds it'll get there welcome to cardano first thing you learn is a little bit of patience and it pays off notice it is have you been to norway my parents my grand mother her my great on my dad's side so my paternal great-grandmother immigrated from norway and they were the steen family and i've been all through the fjords i've been to tromso hanging out with the sami people you know chasing uh the northern lights dog sledding done all those norwegian things love lefse palestinian and former utah resident love the poncho and the cowboy hat well thank you so much crypto zero zero boneless or bone-in depends on the woman do you think selling goods on physical services and goods these types of things on cardona is a good use case i absolutely do believe so and i would love to see you guys take open bazaar as a challenge on uh idea scale on uh for catalyst and actually go and build a damn thing let's get a marketplace in cardano come on community do it you guys can do it the money's there talent's there golang guy if you want an open source project i think there's a go implementation of open bazaar go see that and see if you can get working with cart auto let's get it done why not can you tell us anything about the self-healing feature of warboros omega there is a ihk paper read consensus redux how come i do these live videos i do it because you guys watch we have over 4 000 people concurrently watching how about that have you ever been to brazil i have sao paulo rio de janeiro it's one of the few places i've went in my life when i was on the beach a woman came up to me and asked me out exactly a you know bastion of sexual energy so i was very happy about that brazil is a good place good food [Music] um have you ever been to zurich switzerland welcome newcomer fellow traveler i used to live in zug can you tell us the story of what happened in 2014 to 2016. ah one of these days i'll write a book suffice to say after ethereum the people who won that fight didn't like me too much and they said a lot of stuff and people assumed it was true and so no one wanted to talk to me favorite car ever you know in terms of positive good memories my ford taurus i had when i was 16 was probably my favorite car the ledger combiners paper broke my brain so take that consensus redux what we've done with kronos what we've done with genesis wrap it together with some sharding magic and you got omega yo got omega science [ __ ] which vitamins are you taking regularly vitamin d d3 with k2 in olive in coconut oil coconut oil got to suspend it something for bio availability how about university of connecticut we actually have a relationship with the university of connecticut justin alex russell one of the authors on the original aura boris paper who continues to write great papers with us uh is a professor at university of connecticut and uh we continue writing with him he's brilliant guy he went to mit i actually i'm reading a book on computation right now and he's cited in the book and the acknowledgements as like is that you alex he's like yeah that was my advisor small world small world favorite film director living is danny villanue dead is stanley kubrick what is your favorite guilty pleasure your biggest guilty pleasure well jensen it's a chocolate massage sunny charles it's my birthday well happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sonny welcome to cardano and many more what is your favorite method for studying i need help settle costin zettle custon the slip box note taking system sq3r is pretty good too just depends on the content what are you studying what are you doing copywriting coming for he's a jolly good fellow for he's a jolly good fellow is that even true that whole birthday thing what's the real reason for you leaving the f project i liked coke they liked pepsi what is the most valuable lesson you've learned have empathy for people that's it just that simple and then it began loving others and having empathy for people your life gets so much better call people out on their [ __ ] hold them accountable for the things they say and do but never hate them hating people is like taking poison and hoping they get sick is the picture with you and hookers las vegas real you know first you're referring to the picture of me and rachel siegel who's also known as crypto finally and of course i've been friends with rachel for many years she's come to many of the conferences and we always spend time together every time we see each other we've done podcasts together and so forth if all you got is a picture of me hanging out with an old friend for at three o'clock in the morning in the cosmo yeah congratulations i got some land to sell you too you know people love taking a moment and making the moment everything who is your favorite gi joe figure who cobra commander that's pretty good are you a stable nut job yeah thoughts on decentralized voting obviously we kind of like it because we're doing it where do you get your ponchos uh there's the pancho and pormium uh there's ponchos or us uh there's the pancho warehouse off third and pancho actually that's on pancho street i've become scorpio have you ever been to new zealand charles yeah i've been to both north island and south island and we have a kiwi who likes us a shout out to you kim thank you so much for the love we love you too bring mega to cardano find a way to do it come on let's do it decentralized storage is sexy why the [ __ ] should filecoin have all the fun do an interesting project on cardano catalyst will love you man are you into modular synths and analog music absolutely not only that i really love the floppy drive music where they take the old floppy drives and hard drives and they program them to play [ __ ] it's amazing hi charles any plans for cardano applied utility in romania we actually have two romanians mahala and gregory that we regularly work with on a regular basis we have a lot of great relationships there it's a beautiful country i love going to that country and i will make sure when we do the world tour post coven i visit romania have you ever been to the netherlands absolutely love amsterdam they have good waffles and you know where to buy them boxing or mma if it's tyson boxing otherwise mma charles any plans for the itn you guys took a vote on it not doing anything with it you look british you know i think you're a bit british but the problem is that you just don't have the accent down you're savvy have you ever been to denmark i have the sec is investigating elon musk we call that tuesday he has a unique relationship with them have you ever watched anime so yeah which one i have no idea what you're talking about samurai jack i'm gonna go full metal on your alchemist and then sail all the way to the moon don't you naruto your way out of it you look like a ginger mexican i am king of the rats best videos to learn about cardano subscribe to the ihk youtube channel there are hundreds of videos there we're always making introductory content we will be creating some courses as well and put them as youtube playlists boy i'm british oh you're british it's actually my scottish accent that's really good yeah you know i can go to edinburgh and everybody knows me it's ours charles over there yeah he's the drunk one without the pants we know that man he's in the pubic triangle he is do you like germany oh i love landing in frankfurt or munich and then flying somewhere else no germany's a great place i have some very fond memories in berlin okay have you ever been to belgium of course i've been to belgium this is a country that literally makes amazing chocolate and amazing waffles i love chocolate i love waffles you put them together you know you got you got belgium i know there's more than that there's culture and history and all that [ __ ] i don't give a [ __ ] i like the waffles i like the chocolate chocolate waffle it's the way to go so yes i've been to belgium it's amazing i've been to new zealand south island north island i hung out with the cockapoos i saw the kiwis i saw the skeletons of the hasty eagle and said thank god you got rid of those things by clubbing all those moy birds to death how is the relationship with ben gortzal it is great we love ben and he loves us we have a good relationship i think they're applying for some catalyst funds and when they do i will be the first to push for it i think they earned it they deserve it and we as a community should support them they're brilliant people favorite curse word malacca by far it has a story you have to explain it it's just it's just there it's just good it's the right around of you know the right amount of that that guy is [ __ ] bastard that you can you can do there's some other swear words that are very powerful but that's a that's a very unique greek one and i have integrated it into my vocabulary is jack trolling the cardano community here's what's going to happen either i get that blue check mark or i'm going to build a new twitter that's that's where we're at in the relationship i mean come on man come on jack come on uh don't get me started with this you know it doesn't bother me as a person but he's fully aware that every day we have giveaway scams we have impersonations there are literally millions of dollars in our industry that have been stolen every other major project founder has a blue check mark i need one because then people can distinguish between my accounts and impersonation accounts attempting to steal things from people twitter is aware of this they don't care and the fact that they don't care tells me that either they're bad people or there's some fundamental tragic immorality that has percolated throughout their entire system they know who i am they know i'm the charles hoskins and jack actually follows me on twitter doesn't follow a lot of people has millions of followers he follows me he's pm to me before okay it's it's either personal or something i don't know what's in their organization why they do what they do we told them directly tell us what the standard is tell us what to do if you want a copy of my passport i'll send it if you want me to fly to the twitter offices and log in in front of you i'll do it it's easy for me to flat california i want to do this to protect my community and you know what they just don't care nor does youtube care as they profit from giveaway scams nor any of these other actors care they're apathetic because they're monopolies and when you have oligarchies and monopolies you get [ __ ] we get [ __ ] and they get rich and that's why crypto exists to rebalance those scales is haskell a must to develop on cardano absolutely not you can write on cardano in many different languages and actually you're going to be pleasantly surprised about how many we'll save that for march why does daedalus destroy my macbook battery yeah don't get me started about that what is your opinion on algorithmic training does it add value are they parasites that adds value because it makes the markets more efficient that bid ask spread tightens with algorithmic trading and their arbitrage gain is your efficiency guns and roses are ac dc well because i know matt sorum i've had dinner with him i have to say guns and roses come on tell me something about witchenstein well yeah depends on color and space yeah i think he was friends with g.h hardy if i recall correctly almost steal your poncho you can buy it on amazon for 40 bucks do you prefer cats or dogs i love dogs my dnd party is facing a beholder next week and it tips we're going to answer this one in southern because you really do need to have that kind of accent if you're going up against such a leviathan of a creature my recommendation is kill it with nature you see you know if it's in a cave find a way to collapse the cave on the beholder you did this in the original eye of the beholder with little magic wand that you would find on level 12 yeah it was always level 12 i believe the dwarf level was my favorite legends of valor update please i will do a dedicated episode when there is time i had to put that whole thing on hold unfortunately because uh legends of valor is just not a priority and right now cardano is what was your childhood nickname well passwordbandit123 it was cheesy cause i always had a cheesy grin soccer oop legends of dragoon no no no just move too quickly damn it the question was uh i don't know anything about legends of dragoon but the question was soccer football soccer now used to be football but the nfl yeah although i am a tom brady fan favorite video game arcanum would you clone your dog i recently had this discussion and i would do that yes choose another profession okay systems theorist how about that do some chaos theory [ __ ] thoughts on zuckerberg he's a pretty good android big office for a big brain gotta have a big office ah this is a good one i've explained it many times but many of you are new so let's talk about it face diaper i like your twitter homepage picture many people confuse it so that is king edward's funeral it happened i think around 1910 give or take and he was related to most of the monarchs of europe so when he died they had a full state funeral and almost everybody showed up and they took that beautiful picture all these powerful kings and all those kings controlled collectively a third of the world and half of the world's money and military think about that and for hundreds of years that was the case europe was king and just 10 years later in the aftermath of world war one most of them were depowered and dethroned they no longer had the same clout that they had before so there was this notion of impermanence and sustainability and power and awe behind these institutions and little did they know the social sinkhole effect was under uh was was underway so a sinkhole does not grow from the top down it grows from the bottom up and so what does that mean you're driving over the same road every day back and forth and unbeknownst to you little by little eventually that road gets so weak that the car falls through and it reveals this huge hole and societies are exactly the same way for over 100 years those european societies were decaying but the monarchs at the top they couldn't imagine that an event would occur that would remove them from power and replace them so quickly and that picture is both a warning and hope because the things that are bad can change quickly but yet the things that are good can too and there's no guarantee they're going to be replaced with better things as we learned in the history of europe bears or otters oh that's so hard i love them both it's an unbearable choice but bear with me i'll think about it god damn it now i have to change my luggage big pay charles the podcast we did is incredible thanks for coming on big you're a money horror stop putting so many ads on your show like i i didn't get any because i think it's youtube red but my god man like every three minutes ads for our next time i come on the deal is it has to not be monetized so there's no ads in the episode i don't want people every three minutes i have to have ads or else you're coming on my channel and i don't have ads so yeah always gonna give you [ __ ] when you do something like that i know you're ignoring me charles ha ha well this was your one chance to talk to me and ask me a question and you just did that didn't you are you a robot well luke skywalker this statement is a lie do you have super cow powers no but i won the super cat the secret cow level did you beat the secret cow level um no you did not how was the cardano logo decided it was designed from a gyrocycloid it's a lovely animation that emergo has on their twitter feed how are you 33 laughing my ass off i ask myself that every day i used to be young and spry and youthful filled with life now i'm an old curmudgeon your favorite movie depends on the day but usually there will be blood eli boy have you ever been to southeast asia but all throughout southeast asia trip shroomies with me no thank you favorite sport to play that was judo back in the day judo juno judo is there a country you would like to visit i would love to visit the camp the continent of antarctica it'd be a lot of fun ah the link will be in the description of the video and here on out every video description i forgot to do it in this title but i think i can edit the title i now have a steak pool courtesy of me and samuel leathers so sam and i for a long time wanted to do a steak pool together because we've been talking about hardware so i'm big fan of risk five risky business so there are instruction sets for computer processors so sisk is the one for intel and amd and risc is the one for arm processors which is what's likely in your phone and it's also on low power devices and increasingly in enterprise use cases both of them are proprietary instruction sets but there's an open source open instruction set which very simple called risk five and they're starting to build hardware on risk five that actually recently cost so we're batting around the idea of a risk five board with an sel4 micro kernel which is a verified micro kernel with cubes os as a reference stake pool device and you can make these things very powered like 16 gigs of ddr4 ram and nvme drives and wi-fi 6 and bluetooth 5.1 okay with cubes os and scl4 if you design that right and do the crypto right and put a nitro key into that bueno bueno is good very good so i'm getting into the whole like let's run a stake pool thing so sam and i over the uh the week we set a steak pool uh running some of it on a raspberry pi uh and uh i called my pool rats so if you delegate to my high fee pool which i wanted to pick a high fee because you know staple operators are people and maybe it encourages people to delegate to higher fee pools especially small pool operators it's not a race to the bottom you know people make other considerations and 100 of the funds that i earn from my share of it go to my shenanigans so the more people who delegate the crazier the shenanigans will be so if you want to see me doing crazy shenanigans around the world i will spend the money from the rats pool that i earn with my hard-earned block making as king of the rats on the shenanigans and of course sam i think is gonna buy some land out in pennsylvania so this is the save the charles and the sam fund so delegate to rats pool ticker r-a-t-s if you so choose or to other small pool operators favorite film in the mcu avengers infinity war damn good film charles why the ethereum communities seem so mad at you sour grapes again they have hate and that's why they fail you must have love lots and lots of love that's all we got in our community if they want to come on in come on in love them but they're filled with hates charles did they inject you with fetal tissue for your anti-aging treatment in florida nope no ground up babies sorry try again have you read the creature from jekyll island i have the federal reserve has a dark and terrible history but it comes with a free yogurt which i like to call frogert and it has potassium benzoate that's bad which i like to call frogurt okay charles i'm an ethereum maxie but i'm full of love i think consensus and erston young's baseline protocol is doing great things for ethereum please convert me on the cardano ethereum relationship well curtis thank you so much for taking the time the issue here is that the ethereum community some of them a lot of them have taken the position that because i was the creator of cardano that every single thing we have done and contributed is a scam it's meaningless they've said things like shitcoin ghost chain even though we move as much value if not more than bitcoin they've said no use in utility none of the technology matters even though we were first to proof of stake and polkadot copied our proof of stake algorithm it belies reason we were the first project to pay for and work with the formalization of ethereum virtual machine the kevm did you know that it wasn't vitalik didn't do his homework but gegori did and there were numerous things we could have done cooperated on worked about but instead it was just tar and feather and [ __ ] on again and again and again and again and again and you guys have massive transaction fees we don't and never will because we have a plan to get through that um i'm happy to work with anybody you know if consensus calls us up tomorrow so let's do something together sure no problem at all it doesn't bother me because it makes the space richer and better what doesn't make the space richer and better is because i didn't get along for some venture i worked at for six months with some group of people seven of the eight of them are gone now that now every single thing that a million people do in the cardano space the 95 papers we've written the million lines of code we've written are wrong immoral unjustified or a scam that's stupidity and all it is is self-harm what do we bring to the space well we bring rigor we bring formal methods including certified smart contracts that work right always and in the first time we bring a formalization of the science in a way that ensures that we're all building on bedrock not quicksand we bring the academic world dozens of academic partners for university labs and all of that science is patent-free and open source and usable by your project your peers and some of them do use this stuff have used this stuff the ones who don't well maybe it's just spite who knows and the longer we're in business the longer we exist the more millions of people we bring in to the cryptocurrency space many of which were the first cryptocurrency like bitcoin was their first cryptocurrency the more papers we write the more code we write and all of it you get to use for whatever product and project you desire but yet we're bad actors what exactly was the grievous sin of the audacity that it exists the fact that the founder in your view is a horrible human being for what exactly because i didn't get along with people and they didn't get along with me let's write some bad books about it let's tar and feather hate hate hate hate hate meanwhile the ecosystem built on love is looking at blue skies it keeps growing the slow way is the fast way my friend never forget that and as always as we come to a close on the hour i promised that we would do a peer-to-peer loan unfortunately we don't have that power so we'll have to use kiva until we have a peer-to-peer lending system on cardano so let's see who the lucky winner is today and i will share my screen how about that okay share a screen there we go okay whoa that's crazy all right today's lucky winner is sopiac and let's read her story sop is a 21 year old married and as a mother of one child she and her husband are in the fishing business she's been running this business for four years she's looking for a 2 million k hr loan through kiva's field partner and she wants to buy fish a boat and other fishing materials to support her business using a loan she'll be able to earn more income to continue her business as well as support her family's living standards she hopes that she can grow her business renovate her home and send her child to school that is really cool and she is from cambodia for any of you who are so she needs it appears to be 300 to make that happen whoa those are small increments let's hide that not sure why we can't do the whole thing oh it's 200 to go lend now there we go all right so i'll kill the screen share while i log in and let's give her some money and i cannot wait to see a peer-to-peer lending system for microfinance on cardona this is a life goal of mine it really is you know we're going to get it done i don't care what we have to do and if you do have connections to kiva let them know i'm doing this and i'd like to talk to the kiva organization it'd be a lot of fun to find a partnership with them i you know i think they're one of the coolest things and they're one of the reasons that inspired me to become a cryptocurrency entrepreneur i even mentioned them in my ted talk years ago seems like a lifetime ago okay let's see here share share screen and there we go she is completely funded let's take a look at the profile all right so that was antonio from last time magnania from peru he was a cacao farmer and of course rosa from kenya and now we have sapik from cambodia how about that nice little balance well thank you everyone this was a lot of fun unfortunately i don't have more time got some work to do tonight got some deals to do tonight going to be a long weekend but it was a lot of fun i enjoy each and every one of you remember to have empathy remember to build and cardano's just getting started it's february i cannot wait to see what happens in march cheers.
ACA Pool
Feb 26, 2021
In Interviews with Charles
Video by: Crypto Crow
ACA Pool
Feb 26, 2021
ACA Pool
Feb 26, 2021
ACA Pool
Feb 26, 2021
In All about Cardano
In this video Peyton aka Bigpey and Ben Goertzel dive deep into decentralization, Singularity Net, Cardano and other topics related to tech in the crypto space. Video By: big pey
ACA Pool
Feb 26, 2021
In Members Forum - Let's Chat!
You can register to vote in Fund4 using the Daedalus wallet? Download Daedalus Here Want to read or submit a proposal to Fund4? Visit:
ACA Pool
Feb 26, 2021
In All about Cardano
During this Cardano 360 update IOHK and others talk about how Cardano will be supporting Multi-Assets and Native tokens. We also find out more information from Dor Garbash around Fund4. This is a must watch for developers, crypto investors and all around tech / crypto enthusiast. IOHK provided time stamps below 0:00​ Updates from February 2021 with Tim Harrison and Aparna Jue. 1:55​ Welcome to Cardano360 from Digital Fortress, Cardano Hubs, Kaizen Crypto, Ada Angels, Cardano Community Podcast, Slot Leader, and United Stakes of Cardano. 6:37​ Native tokens updates with Vukasin Vukoje and Kevin Hammond. 20:10​ The wallet experience with native tokens on Daedalus with Darko Mijic. 25:19​ Understanding multi-asset support on Yoroi with Nico Arqueros and Sebastien Guillemot. 31:57​ What is happening with the Mary Hard Fork Event? 35:30​ Babel fees – a new opportunity for native tokens? with Prof. Aggelos Kiayias. 45:39​ Community check in with Ben O’Hanlon. 48:05​ Introducing Fund4 challenges and voting advancements on Project Catalyst with Dor Garbash. 1:01:35​ Previewing progress on Marlowe with Prof. Simon Thompson and Shruti Appiah. 1:12:40​ Building a new common language with GLOW and Mutual Knowledge Systems featuring François-René Rideau. 1:28:30​ Meeting Celsius with Camila Churcher and Jerry Fragiskatos. 1:34:50​ Introducing LODE Studios with Chris Snook and Rich Kopcho. 1:44:30​ Starting up Revuto with Josipa Majic. 1:51:14​ Building the community with the vertical strategy and David Orr 1:52:40​ Closing comments and thankyou. Video By: IOHK
ACA Pool
Feb 23, 2021
In Charles Hoskinson's AMAs
ACA Pool
Feb 23, 2021
In Interviews with Charles
Video by: Adam Stokes
ACA Pool
Feb 23, 2021
In Interviews with Charles
Video by: BitBoy Crypto
ACA Pool
Feb 23, 2021
In Interviews with Charles
Video by: BitBoy Crypto

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