00:00 to 1:31:50
hi everybody charles hoskinson broadcasting live from warm sunny actually cold and gloomy in snowy colorado it was 90 degrees yesterday 90 and then i was told that there's going to be a snowstorm i said what the hell is going on snowstorm after a 90 degree day so i had to go outside to the raised bed gardens and quickly throw blankets and tarps and plastic over the tomatoes try to try to get them covered as fast as possible so that they don't die yeah colorado weather it's crazy absolutely crazy but you know what no rain nor snow always go to work it helps that i live nearby the office but you know it's good to be in the office nice and warm and cozy and also if i get trapped here i have a nice uh couch to sleep on so it is september 8th 2020 pretty crazy year a lot of crazy things going on you know massive progress on the cardano side as always interesting things on the etc politics of course are aside and crazy i i couldn't help but notice today that um the media is now saying that 260 000 people are going to get coronavirus because of sturgis that's the story although the actual reported amount is 260 people but 260 000 people 400 000 persons gathering uh will get coronavirus now you see one of the funny things is if you've been trained in statistics you can actually use the same models and extrapolate the same things uh that the media seems to be doing and let's do that the blm protests and all of these mass gatherings these woke gatherings around the united states if we were to use the same models the media is using for sturgist on them that would create between one to three million new cases of chronovirus but these are necessary and endorsed at a one percent cfr that would kill ten to thirty thousand people ten to thirty thousand people if these models are to be believed are a direct consequence of the woke mob and those are acceptable deaths mostly amongst minorities pretty amazing that we live in this time and people say these things and do these things they're immune to facts and logic they're immune to arguments it's political sides at this point and either i agree with you or disagree with you and i cannot tell you how many times i've been told to shut the hell up by members of my own community because they politically disagree with some of the things i say it's amazing these are numbers if you want to believe them okay we're supposed to believe them with sturgis but we're not supposed to believe them with these protests on the other side and they say oh but we're so safe we wear masks you know we were told safety first 93 or peaceful protest the seven percent that aren't they're really concerned about safety when they're setting things on fire and running from the police and tear gas is coming that's their highest priority is social distancing doesn't look like social distancing to me but anyway what the hell do i know i'm just some guy in colorado all right let's talk about cardano every now and then i have to throw in the corona stuff because it does matter it has a huge impact on our personal liberty and our ability to talk about things and at some point i won't be allowed to because the woke mob will take that from me too okay cardano cardano cardano where are we at things are moving in the right direction uh we're making some great progress we'll have a lot to say about gogan towards the end of the month at the product update so do attend that every single dimension where we can accelerate things to deliver more to market faster i am personally getting involved in to make sure that that happens lately daedalus is the target of the eye of sauron and we're seeing if we can parallelize a lot of the work streams there to include lots of new exciting cool things i have nothing to say yet about it because we are tendering some contracts but i will definitely announce that in due course that some major progress being made there uh we're working real hard on the voltaire side as well we were planning on having ballots around the seventh but that was always kind of a floating tentative date but it's sometime this month and um i'm going to talk to dora tomorrow and throughout the week and we'll get you an exact date for that soon but things are definitely moving in the right direction there and uh very soon the dc fund is going to wake up i believe we're still on target for an october voting season for the first wave of the dc fund and we are collecting lots of great feedback from uh fund one and there's already a ton of interesting ideas idea scale has been a phenomenal partner to work with and they provided a huge amount of value to the process and we're getting a lot of cool business requirements and we're already broadening the scope of things that we look at for example um i have my bi people give me a report on git coin very keen to look into that model so there's lots of things we're learning from external projects as much as we are our own community lately we've actually seen an enormous effort launched by rick mccracken and his friends which is a foundation community roadmap which clearly articulates what the community feels the foundation should be doing we at io global always support the wisdom of the crowds when it's properly engaged and we're real happy to see that occur and what we're going to try to do is see if we can add some structure to that conversation so it doesn't just kind of go in 12 different directions and spin out of control but rather it gets really focused and refined so they can get a clear set of ass and what's nice is there's a kind of an analogous work stream with what's going on with wool terror in the work with idea scale it's just being done on a much larger level with what rick has started so i think somehow if we could find a way to get dor and his team and idea scale involved with the road map process and put some project management tools on par on par with it we'll get much higher quality conversation and not only that i think it'll converge to very specific s that are addressable as i mentioned before my last video when that roadmap is finalized the community is very happy about it we'll write an open letter to the cardano foundation requesting a line by line response basically each item on that agenda of that roadmap either an acknowledgement that they're going to do it and how they're going to do it when it's going to get done or an explanation of why they can't do that or why it's a counterproductive idea there could be regulatory reasons why they couldn't pursue these things or budgetary reasons or priorities or other things but silence cannot be the answer if the community is going to take the time uncompensated to build something i the foundation needs to address that directly and we'll do everything we can from the aisle global side to kind of make sure that that gets done but we're real happy to see what rick has accomplished in such a quick period of time it's uh it's always astounding you know we are one of the most decentralized and vocal communities in the cryptocurrency space and they don't like lack of progress and they remind us that on a daily basis um marketing marketing marketing uh lisa is uh lisa's uh interesting gal she um our marketing director sorry just getting a phone call here from city longmont lisa is our marketing director and uh she's um just getting her feet wet we've already had her in several meetings and what we'll probably do is have her come on to the cardano effect in in a due course uh to basically give you guys an idea of what our marketing strategy is going to look like and how we're going to do product marketing and comparison marketing that's the first priority that we've given her and then we'll actually merge that over to campaign marketing for specific demographics and groups that we think are high value to have acquisition into the ecosystem also getting very heavily involved on the programming language side and we're trying to tender out some parallelism with the road map of gogan so that we can deliver even more to market faster yeah at the end of the day it's all going to cost me probably a few million dollars to do this if you look at all the things i'm accelerating with additional funding but i'm a competitive guy and um we've all gone too far five years into this to lose it's about time we win so if it's a matter of spending a little bit more money to get us where we need to go so that we can be more solid entering into 2221 that's okay i got that we'll get that done so things uh things are looking nice anyway we'll have a lot more to report later this month and at the end of the month and going into october about a lot of gogan and dap related items so uh not much to say there on the etc side of things we did our presentation for the checkpointing uh and we talked to sergio lerner over at rootstock for their firm to do a presentation on their solution and we've been in contact with the vera block guys and others and we've asked them to do presentations in similar format to what we did with the crowdcast and we probably will also do a presentation on hash algorithms and have roman olynykov or one of our scientists uh go ahead and do that uh because roman has been studying proof of work algorithms for quite some time and he's already done a lot of comparison work and of course we'll schedule a um meeting to discuss the treasury system as well and we'll keep beating that drum the team is uh gradually getting mantis where it needs to go and we'll have an announcement probably middle to end of month um about um how that that's coming along and we'll start uh public meetings pretty soon like we did before where we have weekly status updates on mantas with that development team so a lot of interesting things there we're in uh right now negotiations with runtime verification for the resurrection of yela so that's going to be an interesting uh thing as well it's quite a big project it's a seven figure project uh but i think they definitely can do a lot and they've been working with a lot of great firms in the space and um it's really impressive to see how fast and far they've grown in the last two years as a firm especially in our industry so i'm really excited to see where that's going to go but nothing to announce yet because it's a negotiation and big money so everything has to has to get where it needs to go uh we're going to donate 125 000 to the haskell foundation it's a new group that's being formed to help get haskell where it needs to go we'll do a press release and all kinds of cool stuff about that but um it's exciting too because haskell has always been a series of tribes that are super brilliant and they're not quite as unified as other languages like javascript or java and that's a shame it kind of holds back the ecosystem so getting some unification and direction is going to be very advantageous for that ecosystem so we've been regularly talking to simon peyton jones and others about how to do this and i think we're starting to converge to a really good community oriented idea and they're putting together a beautiful road map and so we wanted to be an early sponsor and other companies are already in discussions about sponsoring that as well some large some small and overall i think that that's going to be a very successful endeavor and it's going to ensure that haskell remains competitive and actually surpasses other language ecosystems and that's beneficial for cardano because a lot of our stack is written in that language the better it gets the better cardamom gets so we're real happy to be part of that okay let's see here let's get to your questions i love these types of questions if ada gets to ten dollars tomorrow people on delegates sell their holdings how does this impact the security of cardano well the people who bought the 10 ada uh because they spent 10 dollars on it will probably be very concerned about the stability and security and viability of the ecosystem right so they would make really informed decisions to delegate that to the necessary pools the system gets more secure and people make more specific and rational decisions as the price goes up so actually price appreciation benefits all of us it gets harder to attack the system how will we celebrate three years of cardano yeah i'm kind of sad that i don't get to go anywhere september is going to be the third anniversary of cardano last year we went to bulgaria and planet trees was fossil and the first year we went to japan unfortunately we're not going to be able to go anywhere because of coronavirus but it would be really cool to do some form of uh special virtual event that's community oriented for the third anniversary where we all get to share it together so i'll talk to my people and see if we can set up some sort of special thing to do on that day but unfortunately we just can't can't do that right now colorado calling saying cat one outside be safe yeah it's cold give us a rant on hilacracy that's tam hassan's pet project holacracy holocratic systems i saw a video by philippe where he asked questions about it seems that iog is the only powerful driver of cardano no mergo has a major role in place and the cf does have a major role in place as well it's just that it's different boats for different strokes um first off let's be clear here a lot of people say marketing marketing marketing marketing you have to separate marketing within genuine belief that they want adoption of the product and real use and utility of the product and from tron style marketing let's make the price go up we saw that with tron the price doubled and now it's going back down it lost almost all of that value it gained um we're not here to make speculators risk rich we're not here to go ahead and build up something for you know some random group of uh people who are with us for two weeks i mean look at stellar when they burnt all that stellar the speculators took all the profits and stellar collapsed and they destroyed their entire runway as an ecosystem just for a short-term market event it makes absolutely no sense to me in any capacity to market if that's the end goal so you have to market when the system is ready to receive new people so we need stake pools we need smart contracts we need the ability to capture and hook people and have them do productive things and look we're almost at the dawn of gogan we're almost at the dawn of voltaire and now we have stake pools so now is the time when you actually turn up the marketing juice and that's why we hired lisa and there's a concerted effort to really push this forward because when we're saying hey look at cardano we're not saying buy ada we're saying use eta to do x y and z we're saying use this ecosystem to solve a problem and you can participate in many different dimensions inside that system it means the people that come stay and they're not here to make five percent 10 20 liquidate and then go to the next ecosystem they're here to do something and they're going to be with us forever so uh everybody has a role in that you know on our side at the global side our primary responsibility is making sure we have good documentation and good product marketing so when we talk around things like auroboris plutus extended utxo the network model the particular ledger rules that we have etc etc these items that are unique to cardano people must understand why are they special what do they do and how do they compare with market standards we have a deficit there so we've hired specifically to resolve that deficit and this is an aggressive campaign that i'm going to personally be pushing with lisa to uh to get that done and get that satisfied so that we have good comparison product marketing done now that's not campaign marketing campaign marketing is a very different animal altogether what that is is saying okay which one of these features would be most interesting to this demographic and you pick a demographic developers but then you say even amongst them there's infrastructure developers open source developers uh there are 25 year old fresh out of computer science school kids and there's the 45 year old cto or senior engineer at a firm a fortune 500 company you speak different tongues different languages to these demographics so even amongst developers how do you get acquisition of developers to be very specific and campaigns are sculpted around specific demographics campaign marketing is the providence of the cardano foundation their job is to represent that product amongst high value constituencies stake pool operators exchanges certain types of developers regulators these types of people and there's different things to say for different constituencies but we will also do campaign marketing especially with developer acquisition and we'll focus where we think we can add the most value uh and amergo certainly is already doing that especially in the asian circles and they're adding a cross-cultural component to it so you know even amongst marketing when people say more marketing you have to be very specific and you have to ask what are you trying to accomplish with the marketing my goal is to have funnels to bring people in and keep them and have them use the platform to do stuff and on our side we're going to make sure we get the product and comparison marketing done we'll be very aggressive and on the foundation side it's prudent for them to work heavily on campaign marketing and then we'll meet in the middle when there's overlapping campaigns that we need to run and it's the same for a merco in that respect but we will get that done we're the most visible because i'm a visible guy i'm very transparent open and i do lots of videos but by no means does that mean that nothing is happening elsewhere in fact there's tons and tons and tons of progress not just with the core entities but with the community as a whole and we see this from time to time but it's no more visible than what's going on right now with community oriented road map that's completely bottom up ground swell up and if they can do this on a drop of a dime to build something imagine what else they can do when the community harnesses together on challenge problems and right after they build the road map everybody's going to say wait a minute we've just discovered a superpower let's reuse the superpower and gradually work our way through a backlog of things that we as an ecosystem need to resolve other communities don't do that they just wait to get rich we don't we actually do real things and build real things yeah by the way apparently there's an italian channel that just got taken over and this is what always happens some channel by some idiot uh who doesn't know what the hell they're doing gets taken over and then the hacker puts an impersonation video of me uh and tries to do a giveaway scam and then his audience comes and blames me for hacking the channel not realizing that they're blaming the victim people are using my brand name face and reputation to scam and defraud other people and are overlaying that with a channel that's stolen the people whose channel has been stolen please tell your audience we are not responsible and if you can't understand that then you should probably not have an audience it's obvious i don't need to go hack other people's channels and i don't appreciate your audience going to my channel and saturating all of my comments with extremely abusive and offensive language probably directed by you the content provider it's wrong stop it and understand that we're victimized too by these things uh and i've seen now three videos that are saturated with these comments most recently because apparently an italian channel got hacked prior to that it was a serbian channel i even received death threats from the audience it's an extraordinary thing to me an extraordinary thing because it's just like use common sense spend five minutes researching and understanding but people just can't do that anymore everybody's so shallow and their ability to think and understand question how do you avoid illegal content for example child pornography being uploaded on the cardonal blockchain you don't what you do is you create pruning mechanisms where people don't have to download the full state of the system but rather authentication points for that uh there's actually a question that came up bitcoin years and years ago over 10 years ago was one of the very first questions tendered on bitcoin talk to satoshi nakamoto himself my belief in the solution for this type of content is to say okay you can't get rid of history things happened but you don't have to be complicit in the propagation of history so what you do is you take the offending items and you replace those offending items with a hash so people know that's there but a hash isn't the content it's just keeping the integrity of the system and you allow people to self-censor in that respect everybody has different values they have different laws they have different religions they come from or lack thereof and because of those different viewpoints things that are offensive to one group of people may not necessarily be offensive to another group of people uh although i would argue in the case of child porn that's ubiquitously offensive to all of society it should of course be banned as as other things like probably necrophilia and so forth but it should not be forced upon you to propagate and relay these things so we're not in a position where that's common to happen in our system but somewhere in the long arc of the system it will happen and what we're probably going to do is design a protocol specifically for pruning and that will be one of the use cases of it so there's offensive pruning and then there's also optimization and economic pruning and so these are kind of your three categories you want to censor something or remove something because it's problematic to a group or to all of society you want to prune something because the cost of carrying that thing is too great or you want to prune something because um it's no longer in use system it's like a a dead coin or something like that so it would be problematic to just implement a haphazard way of doing this as a young system you don't have this problem as a system like ethereum or bitcoin they do and you need to have some scheme for it so i will talk to agolos to make a research priority in 2021 and we will develop something and then it can basically be built into the client and so you can uh in your copy of daedalus or as a stake pool operator identify things that you don't feel comfortable with and then replace those things with some sort of representation of them but not actually be involved in the propagation relay because it's a decentralized distributed choice people basically get to do that charles didn't lay anyone off i did not lay anybody off didn't fire ben or casey in fact i've offered ben a job i was surprised as anybody else and i was consulted in that decision this is another example of decentralized systems is it's really difficult for people to get the right facts we are not the cardano foundation i have no control or influence over them i'm on the outside just like you guys are and i'm not informed or party to these types of decisions that they make who is lisa and what has she done before this is why i think it'd be great to bring her on the cardano effect because not only can she talk about what she's going to do with us but then she can also talk about her background and where she came from hey charles do you know when you'll post an updated security video i'm still waiting on some feedback uh some people have been very generous in giving their time and feedback to me and i just have not had the time to actually go through everything quite yet but i will do something charles can you tell us what type of headphones you use uh different boats for different strokes but i just got the sony 1000xm4s i was a big fan of the xm3 series i used it extensively in air travel and i got them uh for next year when i start traveling again they're great at earphones uh the sennheiser earbuds the the true the momentum true wireless twos are the absolute best i've ever used but i don't use them for uh teleconferencing i use um i i use the apple uh airpod pros for that because they have the best microphone uh what's cardinal's relationship with kadena how are you working together we are not working together kadena is an independent project although they are joining or at least some of their members are participating in the haskell foundation so maybe through that body we can find some common ground collaboration because they write haskell code i know of stuart pope joy and his co-founder and i've been following them since they were part of jp morgan on the juno project and uh i have no problem with kadena i think they're perfectly reasonable people hey charles do you really think that uh will be bigger than ethereum and polka dot yeah because they've chosen to be big fishes and small tanks and i want to go swim in the ocean that's why we go and acquire countries like we're starting to build a whole bunch of infrastructure in the country of georgia that's millions of people it's the same for ethiopia and these other things takes a little bit more time but once those deals come through we'll have 100 times more users you know there's this flavor of the week that these projects tend to have tell me how many applications are people right now writing with ruby on rails and how popular was ruby on rails back in the day then you know things change and so don't ever believe that just because you're a first mover and you kind of have a little bit that somehow you are the entry point there's more people trying to get off of ethereum than people trying to get into ethereum so i don't worry at all about it hey charles uh what do you do about sha-3 proof-of-work for etc i'm personally agnostic about the um proof-of-work algorithm that they use proof of work is boring to me there's a lot of things you can do to accelerate it make it interesting but there's no appetite in the etc community for that deep level of innovation on the proof-of-work side there will be if they go to a treasury system and there's independent teams because we can finally have a real conversation about a real roadmap but right now if we're arguing over random x over sha-3 that's like arguing feather coin or litecoin it's like seriously is this is this what we're doing here uh it's the waste of time and it doesn't solve any problem in my view uh the only way you can solve 51 attacks is by getting uh to a point where you're too expensive to attack the only way you become too expensive to attack is providing real use and value and utility to your ecosystem i'm sorry you don't go and write a medium post about how you're working with regulators in law enforcement to prevent 51 attacks if that's where you're going you don't really get what this is all about you don't fix cryptocurrencies by talking to the government they're kind of an alternative to that whole governance structure you might as well just centralize on amazon if this is your approach you can guarantee security then uh hey charles uh why a litecoin improvement proposal why not a bitcoin improvement proposal well first a bip has no way in hell of ever passing i mean we could write them till the cows come home uh even if we tried to lobby for that be five years before anything is adopted the core developers of bitcoin have difficulty getting pips adopted it's so slow so so slow you know they have five really awesome ideas that if they implemented today would make bitcoin super competitive and they all agree these are awesome ideas and even still it's gonna take two or three years for those super competitive awesome ideas to work their way into bitcoin so it's uh not really um not really a good use of my time to be honest with you to spend too much time in the the governance side of bitcoin but i do think we can have significantly faster and more interesting uh pushing in the litecoin community and the bitcoin cash community and the dash community and you know other cryptocurrencies where we can offer clear and present value uh to the ecosystem so a lip in a bcip make a lot of sense and they probably are realistic in a three to six perhaps 12 month time horizon for that ecosystem to adopt and then once you get enough of these smaller cap coins then it's easier than to approach bitcoin because you say okay well 12 other guys have done this and it hasn't blown up in their face and you can see the clear value and the lack of security issues that these things have like nipa pals for example why the hell aren't you doing it and then you just wait two years and you get it done but uh that's the frustration with bitcoin i wish it was different actually i'd still be in the bitcoin space because i started with bitcoin if it was moving quickly and i just built layer two solutions on top of bitcoin the whole reason i helped build ethereum and later cardano was because we were shut out from meaningful and realistic participation the other thing is bitcoin is a cult it's a cult around proof of work and it's a cult around the design of satoshi and every decision you make in bitcoin is would satoshi have agreed with this is this compatible with our vision of proof of work or these things and we say guys what are you trying to do are you trying to placate a doctrine or are you trying to solve problems with principles what are you trying to do and it seems in that side of the tank it's placate a doctrine not solve real life problems i'm an entrepreneur to go solve problems my mission is to give or provide the foundations for economic identity for those who don't have it okay it's not to go become a moon boy and get crazy rich off of bitcoin's appreciation or to somehow prove that the cult of satoshi is is is right or proof of work is the only truth it just doesn't make any sense to me so uh i would much rather live in a world where we wake up every day and we say we're doing something together and i don't really care if we have changed the protocols along the way or we embrace one design of consensus over another or one smart contract language over another these are implementation details and they should never get in the way of the mission and the fact that we're solving problems with principles that's what we do here now if you disagree with that there's 3 000 cryptocurrencies to choose from there's plenty of options to go to but i'm sorry i'm never going to bend in that respect what do you think of proof space time proof of space time that was peter gashee's work he works at iohk alongside others and it's an interesting idea there's a lot of cool stuff there we read a lot of papers charles what are your ideas of using artificial intelligence to help the cardano ecosystem you know i i talked to ben gortzell a lot about this and our people certainly engaged with them and i've been reading more and more ai books in fact i have a few right here if you guys are ever curious so first off you actually want to understand how ai works under the hood the bible for ai is peter norvig's book and stuart russell's book and that is artificial intelligence a modern approach now his fourth edition okay but this is the bible for ai it covers everything and after you read it you can actually have a conversation with a computer scientist who's an ai expert i bought this book i actually read a prior edition years ago when i was a student i bought this book because i'm going to use some of the ideas in it for my course i'm creating on computer science which will come somewhere over the rainbow uh and actually there's a large amount of philosophy behind ai so human compatible which is stuart russell's other book it's more philosophical book about ai along with marvin minsky's work and a few others really discuss the implications of it but really you have to break it down into you know kind of two general buckets when you think about ai one bucket is the superhuman capability in a scope and the other bucket is general intelligence these are very different things it's not hard to make a computer system see better than a human or hear better than a human or play chess better than a human or go better than a human this was the big challenge of the 1980s and 90s and 2000s and so forth and all of the innovations in ai on the industrial side and on the academic side have provided a a enormous amount of leaps innovative leaps in that respect to a point where in each of these categories there's probably a superhuman capability that is open source and accessible this is why people are now doing deep fakes for fun on the internet this was perhaps one of the hardest things you could try to do if you were a graduate student computer science in 1990 and somebody gave you this challenge it would be like your dissertation and it would be shitty today it's like a fun facebook thing that people do deep fakes of elon musk on the the troll guy it's like they can do that stuff very easy okay that's not general intelligence and that's a very different problem that's where ben lives and these other guys live and there's far far far fewer ai experts who work in general artificial intelligence now i'm not a computer scientist i studied mathematics and in mathematics there's an analogy all the time mathematics there are very particular domain math problems that mathematicians will solve and they're low hanging fruit and they're interesting and you can write papers and get published about that then we have the big problems of mathematics things like the riemann hypothesis the goldbach conjecture the warring hypothesis this is dozens and dozens of these navy stoke stuff and so forth and those problems are fun and every undergraduate and graduate student studies them and thinks about them and dreams of solving them because they're huge and if you try to pursue that you probably will burn out your academic career because you'll have no publications you'll have no progress because those are unassailable problems and in that respect unfortunately that analogy holds in the ai space if you go and try to get a phd in artificial intelligence there are very few people who work on agi artificial general intelligence because it's too hard of a problem you're not likely to get good publications you're not likely to make a lot of progress which translates to no dissertation no postdoc no tenure okay so we actually see more interest in the agi side of artificial intelligence in industry like the elon musks of the world who are independently wealthy and can just open their wallet and say ah three billion dollars yay or the larry pages or other people who have so much money they can just make this a priority and we see progress there like the gpt and these types of things now uh there's this question of values and wisdom that lurks over all of this now the first bucket the superhuman capabilities of a.i in a specific area there is no value or wisdom or philosophy or ethics that natively live there if i write drone software that's really good at target painting people in the dark the system will not care that i use that capability to drop a bomb on them that makes no value judgment fair and that's pretty terrifying if you think about it because basically the superhuman capabilities allow you to be super human at doing good but they also allow you to be superhuman at doing wrong it's a big problem um and there's a lot of ethicists who live in that space and they talk about that and they say if we keep seeing doubling in capabilities um if we lack the wisdom to use these systems uh we're gonna run into some serious social problems here extinction level events because these things can cascade and there's all kinds of things to read about like the gray goo problem for example that live in that side um max tegmark is a great author in this respect he writes life 3.0 and he talks about the wisdom gap with technology succinctly you tend to invent the safety belt after inventing the car not at the same time so similarly when you invent nuclear weapons you tend to get to non-proliferation treaties and agreements and the idea that maybe we should get rid of them long after you invent the nuclear weapon which means there's a gap where you can use these technologies to do profound human harm and the problem is each technological epic results in an exacerbation of the level of harm that you can provide on society what does that translate to it means that ai is an extinction level technology the first one we encountered was nuclear weapons that was the first extinction level technology there was nothing before that that unilaterally could end the entire human race but nuclear weapons could ai can and it can at a much greater efficiency than nuclear weapons could because it removes human judgment from extinction events the crispr is another technology that can do that there's actually several that we can invent that we're going to that are of that level of seriousness now values wisdom and judgment do live in the agi side because these things are not just mimicking capabilities they're independently intelligent they have the ability to influence their environment around them and they have the ability to make value assessments of whether they should influence their environment around them francois chalet is a great aei researcher as well and there's a good interview that he did with lex friedman where actually talks about a paper where he talks around artificial and general intelligence and definitions of intelligence in general and i really admire respect those definitions i think they're quite viable but the problem is that when you talk about evolving an organism an artificial organism that is cognitive it can actually influence its environment and make independent decisions to do so there's a question of will the values of that thing be compatible with human values and the answer is no more often not likely not because our values are a direct derivation of evolution and social constructs that were there to regulate things we happen to need to survive societies are constructs of our desire to reduce war feminine disease so we created all these things ethical systems religious systems languages all of these things and our cognition is heavily invested in that what makes an ai survive and the evolutionary pressures behind an ai are totally different than our system so it's as meaningful as saying how does our eyesight and perception of reality compared to the eyesight and perception reality of a fly or some radically different organism the problem is that the time scale of evolution for us is fundamentally different from the time scale of evolution of an artificial organism what takes us hundreds of thousands of years or millions of years of selective pressures and social constructs and mammology can be done in seconds on an ai side so it can catch up and surpass so quickly that that organism will reach a state far beyond us in the short order once we turn it on so it's discovered it becomes sentient and within a few hours anything human race has done it's surpassed now the question is can we make it compatible with our values and wisdom so this is what projects like openai and others are are thinking about and they're trying to figure out how do we regulate this technology if there was ever a case for global regulation extinction level technology or existential threats to the human race are examples of that nuclear weapons are the first case study in this and a.i is another unfortunately our policy makers are all in their 70s and 80s and they don't know their heads from their asses so they have no clue that these are the types of conversations they really need to be having with each other not conversations about trade or you know social justice or whatever that doesn't make any sense at all it's like saying before you even worry about minor details let's worry about the things that if we don't regulate or control carefully can have existential problems for the human race and this is certainly one area where i am completely convinced in the next 25 to 50 years we will achieve an agi in the next 25 to 50 years that agi's character will be completely determined upon the context it was created within and the society it reaches ascension within if that agi reaches ascension and a society with good values and wisdom and a respect for human life and respect for each other in good discourse it will become a mentor and offer great wisdom at a scale we could never imagine and help us get to the next level of human evolution if this thing wakes up in a world of chaos it will compute that the most likely outcome is the human race will destroy itself and pose an existential threat to itself because it will make this world uninhabitable and so the most logical outcome is remove the human race because it it's going to do that itself and if the ai handles it it'll be able to do so in a way that presents self-preservation and it'll be far far far far more capable in a hyper-connected world of doing that than we can for ourselves so the burdens on our shoulders to recognize it's inevitable and we as a species have to do something about it i um i don't have answers i just know the problem space and it's a fascinating topic and it's one that we're a bit myopic on because the incentives are wrong in the academic world and there's too many people on that side and not enough people in the agi side and there's no incentive for governments to worry about existential problems because they kill you after the fact that you don't get any brownie points for preventing them this coronavirus pandemic is a great example of that every single year the department of homeland security in the united states had a working group that would talk about influenza pandemics and they would write a huge laundry list of recommendations of what the us government should do and all of those recommendations were either not followed or underfunded why because if you spend billions of dollars preventing something it doesn't happen and because it didn't happen no one values it and after it happens everybody values prevention but it's too late it's that simple it's why we have these problems with environmental policy it's why we have these problems with pandemic policy and only now do we wake up and say maybe we should have been a little bit better on all these things so artificial intelligence is no different in that respect now your specific question is what can ai do for blockchain blockchain is the constitution you need interpreters of the constitution yes supreme court for your constitution and right now that's human beings they can either be activists or they can be contextualists constructivists you know originalists and say we'll follow code as law or the intent was this and we will modify the system to meet that intent okay paper law mass digital law agi or something like it a simulacrum of agi can allow you to substitute human judgment for the supreme court for uh with artificial judgment for the supreme court and further automate more and more things like dispute resolution or whether a hard fork should happen or not but that presupposes that that evolves to a point where it's capable of doing that i'd say within five to ten years ai will evolve to be a substantial assistant in that respect that's your long answer to your question i hope that was helpful what do you think of the atocalis proof of work i just got an email from alex about that actually he's not super happy but he is happy it's an interesting conversation we'll see if he can write a blog post about it charles are you content with your depiction in the infinite machine you know it's a work of fiction in that respect i lived it and i have a perspective and other people lived it and they have a perspective and what she did is she just put together a synthesis of these different perspectives and said this is history many books will be written about me and the things that i do and that's just one data point some is right some is not right but to be honest i just don't care because ethereum at the end of the day was not my project it was ethereum's uh his vitalik story and his project and it's a book about him and the people that he interacted with and the perspectives he had to contend with the challenges he had to do we'll have our time if we work out and everything goes the way i think it's going to go many books will be written about cardano and that'll be a book about us and i'll have a different depiction in that respect and uh you know what everybody's a critic everybody could have done things differently everybody understands things at such a high level a lot of the things i predicted that were going to happen happened and a lot of things that are ascribed to skill and merit and belief or actually luck blind luck had ethereum not gone to the moon do you honestly believe the foundation would have had the resources it needed to continue being a custodian of the project and presuming f2 had nxt not had significant missteps and they got smart contracts faster do you think that they would have been the ico platform and had all the erc20 tokens on them had dan larimer stuck with bitshares and pushed eos there instead of going to steam these are all counterfactuals and had they happened would we care about ethereum would there even be an infinite machine book and what would the narrative be there the people who are the harshest critics of me in that book look to what they've done since ethereum as a project look what i've done after six months of one project i got back up dusted myself off started a company built a multi-billion dollar ecosystem wrote 75 papers million lines of code have a community enough that a thousand people are watching me live right now it's easy to be a critic it's easy to be cynical it's hard to wake up and fight every day and get things done and follow your vision and your mission and at the end of the day my definition of success is not overcoming these people my definition of success is what we have said all the way since my ted talk over seven years ago which is economic identity to those who don't have it with power to the edges identity with principles that's the only judge i care about if i accomplish that great if i don't accomplish that i failed i does not care what people write about it at the end of the day my vindication is that billions of people will have a better life how many of you know who norman borland is or what he did some but kim kardashian is a household name he's not did you know he saved a billion people's lives it's not about the fame charles russia was forbidden from staking and trading crypto how will we deal with this in the future russians will create companies outside of russia under non-russian law and those companies will do things on their behalf just that simple erections know how to figure that out as do americans law always goes to the weakest link if you can't do it at home you'll find another place to do it but it will get done why are stake pools that have produced over 300 blocks and it seems that zero or another for others yeah that's a pareto principle answer 20 do 80 of the work every system has pareto principle in the beginning and it'll gradually deviate over time but it takes some issue hey charles thoughts on the ryzen issue can it be prevented in the future here's my thing i cannot do everything i have to assume that the computer you're running the code on operates in a certain way if amd or intel tells me they have specialized hardware to do something i'm going to trust that amd and intel have used that specialized hardware correctly unless someone else has told me and more often than not someone else is a defcon or you know a major cryptographic issue or whatever and every now and then something slips through the cracks in this particular issue older ryzen processors had a firmware problem a design flaw where random numbers coming out of them were junk i have no idea how that slipped through and someone noticed it and responsible disclosure occurred and we basically added an extra layer of protection for those particular unpatched ryzen processors which is a small minority of all processors in circulation these are exceedingly rare bugs and when they come up you resolve them as best you can sometimes you can fix them sometimes only the hardware manufacturer can fix them but i have to assume that the platform we build on is correct i can't go and fix intel's problems or amd's problems all i can do is when they come up compensate for them which is the issue with the rise in random number generation concern it was as they say how do they abuse the random number bug to get pledged data if you don't actually have random generation the wallet the chance of a collision of two wallets is extremely high so if two people on the same platform created their wallet with basically the same seeds you'd actually restore the other person's wallet it's a disaster scenario so i used to use an analogy of you know what's your chance of a collision i said it's like finding a grain and sand on all the beaches in the entire world and imagine there's 100 earths that's your probability but if you have a random number error i'm saying you only get to look on one particular beach next to one particular towel your chance of a collision is much much much higher than right because your search space is extremely small so that's how that happens it's not a security issue it's an assumption that you have a true random number generator when you create a wallet if that's not the case then the wallet's not secure that's not our fault that's the fault of the underlying hardware and i'm really annoyed by that too because amd should know better they're a multi-billion dollar company i'm just some guy in colorado come on like i got a circus delay mass back there come on now lisa you're letting me down huh ah yeah that's the question i don't want you to ask you son of a [ __ ] hi charles here you're going to upgrade your rtx 2080 ti given the release 10 video gpu uh i spent like a thousand dollars on that card and then the 30 80 comes out it's twice as fast it just came out ah ah god that's so terrible no i'm not gonna upgrade i'm just gonna grudgingly have my 2080 ti because i don't game anymore so i don't have time for that so i have real no use for that kind of power but i will i will be angry the entire time that i no longer have the most elite computer thanks for noticing that you community person you yeah it feels so bad it's like buying an iphone the day before they announced the new iphone you're like damn it i should've waited why do you need etc how can this coin be profitable for cardano well it's in cardano's best interest to be interoperable with as many systems as possible so that transaction volume can flow from one system to another system within a philosophy systems can only do certain things cardano as a system can be a service provider not just to users and dap developers but to other cryptocurrencies we tend not to actually think about that but ask yourself this is litecoin gonna wake up tomorrow and say we're gonna go do smart contracts and we're gonna go do unchained governance and all this stuff no it's not gonna happen they've been around for a long time okay like nine years and have they changed anything of substance in that respect no so what if we could say you can take your litecoin and move it to cardano and do some stuff on cardano with it that you can't do in litecoin and okay means every holder of ada is party to those transactions and then economic activity so the service providers the delegators and stake pool operators the holders of ada profit somewhat from the fact that litecoin is in the system doing stuff it has to pay either in litecoin or ada to do that and every holder of ada will get what it's paid because they're service providers to that is etc going to do everything no they're definitely not going to do on-chain governance that's a no-go even if we had a treasury system they're more likely than not going to outsource those capabilities to another system let's say voltaire which means etc will enter our system and consume resources and pay for that consumption which then benefits eta holders so we think about partnerships in terms of how do we get erc20 tokens on our system ask yourself why is an erc20 token any different than etc in that respect the token has entered ethereum it's consuming ethereum resources and it's paying for that privilege so if etc through a wrapped etc transaction comes into cardano and consumes cardano resources doesn't that actually benefit the host network that's the point of interoperability that's what we're doing is that we're building bridges with all these different systems and they can come and consume the things in our system that are unique and the more we offer the more will come the more demand the more transactions the more active the system the more useful ada happens to be and if ai is useful and has utility and is used it is valuable that simple the best things in life are simple and easy to understand you always get screwed or scammed when things are hard to understand and complex because in the complexity lies the deception simple and clean easy peasy charles love ada but what about spark token from flair never heard of it probably it's the cat's meow but don't know anything about it greetings from the czech republic i was in prague last year i love prague it's beautiful place absolutely beautiful country too they have these strange oscillators you go to structures made out of bones good restaurants there too always judge a company by its food i see here can you what i could do a lot of iot stick pools wouldn't be better stake in small community pools yeah to answer your question um delegation portfolios i think are going to address a lot of those concerns and we'll get that down it's part of the area that i'm accelerating personally because i want it charles will you be attending the wyoming hackathon this year yes i will i will be there in person drive on up shake a lot of hands kiss a lot of babies do the charles hoskinson thing got my boots on can you help me understand any difference between the c fun and the dc fund c fund is charles hoskinson's money that i put on the table as a traditional venture capital and what it's going to do is go and invest in equity for ventures that we think are promising the dc fund is treasury funds that are created from the cardano blockchain itself and what it does is it gives grants to projects that will improve the use utility and overall value of cardano as an ecosystem that can be donating to a charity that can be building a certain piece of infrastructure that can be marketing activity that can go be giving all the diaspora that have fled sudan into ethiopia identity you know it's up to the community to decide i decide for c fun where to put the money because it's my money the dc fund you decide as an ada holder those are the differences greetings from south africa well greetings to you whereabouts dc equals the centralized cardano fund c fund equals cardano fund pretty simple dc is separate from mergo yes emergo has their own fund so i have the c fund they have their emergo stuff the dc fund is a community effort and you decide when do we get the iog website oh my god it's going to be amazing and not this year next year it's gonna be beautiful charles do you read carl sagan or jean frasco because you seem to share their vision of utopian world which i believe is not utopian but achievable it's utopian only if you don't believe it can happen if you believe it can happen it's hard but achievable i've read their work can you explain why the cf can't behave the same as iohk or emergo when it comes to controversial topics well first off it's an ownership and command and control issue so at the end of the day i own and control iog and if something happens i'm the guy wearing the orange jumpsuit for iog okay so it's a personal risk and i have to wake up every day and say what do i want to do what do i not want to do what do i want to say what do i want not want to say and i live with the consequences of that and some of them are unforeseen for example if i ever ran for political office every single one of these amas will be scoured by oppo researchers and they will take things upset in or out of context to use it against me so if i ever had a political career i'm doing damage to that political career by sharing my opinions in their raw non-politicized unstructured form that's a personal choice i'm making i'll just deal with it i i think it's better to be open transparent and lead even if there are personal consequences organizational consequences or it opens you up to criticism and attacks because the alternative is to not lead be opaque and closed and while you may insulate yourself from personal risk you will never change the world or accomplish anything different boats for different strokes foundation's a different beast it has different demands it has a different governing structure different incentive model if cardano's successful it's certainly going to be a big deal for me if cardinal is successful it's a big deal for the foundation but not necessarily the fiduciaries of that organization so if your incentives are different you should expect different behavior okay that's not an excuse for inaction but it's a human reality and whenever you start demanding that things be different from human reality that's where you get into trouble never been on altruism never bet on volunteerism never bet on great people just showing up and acting against their best interests to make things happen occasionally it does happen but it's never sustainable ever so if you want to affect change the rule always has to be you need to have the right incentives for change this is why right now we see on twitter the left and the media attacking trump for his anti-military comments saying that the military-industrial complex in the united states likes starting wards because they're profitable this is a statement that nam chomsky hero to the left often utters but now because the other side says it it's revealing an inconvenient truth that the media is corporate and they're owned the incentives are all screwed up so it's convenient for them to be anti-war and be the opposition party but the minute that they actually have to go online and actually perhaps could have some influence over policy and change it oh no no they can't get involved in that because their incentives are aligned to the companies that own and control them and they certainly profit from war not the lack thereof you see so if you want to know how the world works start with incentives first and ask who's getting rich who's getting poor who's getting power who's losing power and then suddenly everything makes a lot more sense why people support something or don't support something why people are advocating one thing or the other and when you find that people are advocating advocating against their own incentives like the rich advocating for example for higher tax rates you should be instantly skeptical because they're advocating for something that's going to hurt them and yes people can be altruistic but more often than not they're not especially the collective for example bill gates gives away lots and lots of money every year but seems to make lots and lots of money and perhaps not everything that they do in africa is completely a charity there is probably profit points to be made and good investments to be made as a consequence to the humanitarian arm of his organization now you just can't take such a legendary titan of business and say that suddenly all those skills and capabilities are just going to turn off and everything's about giving away and never making okay incentives always exist and even when we're not aware of them subconsciously they exist and our biases who we do business with who we associate with what we donate to all of these things it's always our perception of what we feel as a person so that's that's the key and so why do they behave differently because the incentives are different for me and for them and so obviously they're different if you want to change things change the incentives and then they'll behave the way you want any bittrex news today i'll have some news tomorrow we actually just committed the patch that we did that is a massive speed up it may actually resolve their problem if it does their wallet will go online this week if it does not i will make a statement on wednesday and every two days thereafter including the weekend about where we're at what's going on i hope it solves everything though and i'm very optimistic about it but you know what our best people are on it and it will get done one way or another hey charles is there any plan to do auto delegation staking for those who don't want to research a good pool yeah i think the best way of handling auto delegation is through delegation portfolios so it's not a good idea to say yeah just go pick a pool because then you're picking specific winners and losers rather what you can do is you go to a center and you have the center reflecting preferences like mission oriented portfolio or this is all female operators or this is all developers or these are all just small pools or something the underlying composition of that can change by the curators but it's still because you trust the curator of that list will reflect your preferences so you just click and say delegate to that and then other hood things will be changing all the time but your ada will adjust accordingly automatically you don't have to think about it then organizations like spakra or others can publish lists and say this is our view of who should be delegated to and then if you agree with that you can just click and delegate to it and then everything is just simple and it handles that way make it super easy for institutional investors value-based investors ethics constrained investors to to do that why because let's say dubai takes a large position in ada they have to be sharia compliant so they need a curated list that someone says is compliant with their values that simple and they click it they don't worry about it it just does its thing so delegation portfolios i think are the long-term solution there because at the end of the day when you're delegating you're getting into bed with somebody in a business agreement you know you are saying i have a resource and i'm going to lend that resource to you and you're going to use it on my behalf to go try to have a chance to do something in the system you want to get in bed with people you know and trust and follow your values so the this portfolio idea allows you to diversify to mitigate risk maximize around something whether it's a mission or roi and get a better understanding of the people that you have a relationship with uh any plans to change the epoch length we'd only do that if there's a theoretical reason for doing so and we don't have one at the moment but the community certainly can do that as a system level parameter with voltaire once it's fully released you'll be in full control of this and everybody will be ready to be in full control of this there's already a lot of competency around parameters like k and d and a naught people actually know what those mean and what they do and so similarly that competency will go for all parameters of the system and people will be a vote on it wasabi or soy wasabi all right let's get a good good question here charles well your computer sign has a phd required to work for iohk no in fact the vast majority of our people do not have phds i think 25 or so do i don't have one so you don't need a phd to work for us in fact don't even need to graduate from high school work for us if you don't want to i care about merit capabilities rather than credentials because credentials don't matter to me anymore it's big world work 40 countries the [ __ ] does a phd mean when it's issued by a weird university and weird country is that real is it not real do i have to go into literature and see you know like the uh the publication index of the uh of the supervising professor you know do we have to go and say what conferences this person go to oh they're the top conferences in russian speaking language like what does that mean maybe it's very meaningful maybe it's not it's like no i don't care we everybody starts equal when they apply for us who are you your character culture you bring in the skill sets you have and we test everybody equally and we've had plenty of people who have no credentials be phenomenal and plenty of people with credentials have turned out to be duds and so it's not required nor is it for elon musk or frankly any other great entrepreneur because they're here to solve problems not placate egos credentials are a risk mitigation that's what they're sold as no one ever got fired from hiring the guy who's an mit graduate because oh i didn't know he was bad he went to mit mit is a great organization right yeah a lot of people got fired for taking that chance on that crazy dude that worked in a lab in west virginia and you know taught himself but then again that guy can be the the world's next tesla so if you have the courage to take a risk and you have an environment that embraces failure you find you have a much more diverse ecosystem organizations that are very credential focused tend to be low risk that's why they accrue in government jobs fortune 500 companies foundations these types of things everybody's a credentialist charles will your computer science lecture prepare its students for dap development on the cardinal blockchain you'll definitely learn enough from it to start approaching plutus i'm not going to teach pollutus though for the class it's going to be a javascript oriented class however i did just get eric elliott's book composing software which is a hybridization of functional programming and object oriented programming eric elliott is a brilliant guy i really enjoy his work and he's always writes interesting things and this particular book is very unique because it's kind of the best of both worlds the best of what object-oriented programming is about which really does have a use and utility and the best of functional programming in javascript and it teaches you a lot of core concepts about it about functors and memoization and all these other things so great and i'm going to teach you guys all about that when paper staking when we have the qr code center in the new paper wallet it'll be something you can do and you can stick from a paper wallet hello from abu dhabi lovely place what other country would you live in malta or georgia i'm an american i'm always going to live in america you know the thing about the united states that most people don't understand is we're like 14 countries in one you want giant forests we got giant forest you know star wars return of the jedi the endor moon uh it was uh the forest moon of endor it was uh filmed in the redwoods okay so we have giant trees we have oceans we have tundra we have huge mountains we have everything and we have different cultures as well so within the us you can find anywhere you want and you can exist anywhere any food any language we have it i admire switzerland greatly and i admire japan greatly and if i had to be in exile i'd probably be in exile in switzerland to live a calm peaceful life and start a watch company if uh you know i actually was forced to live somewhere else i'd probably also consider several african countries i really do admire like rwanda for example and it would be a fun place to live with a unique set of challenges hello from iraq welcome emir i already talked about gpt-3 i had a whole like 30 minutes of ai you missed all of it son did jeffrey epstein kill himself no he was killed by the deep state come on that one's an obvious one and maxwell she's not going to talk and if she does start talking she's going to kill herself too there are certain people who are involved with a certain crowd who have an expectation to be silent because they know too much about the way the world really works and if those people start singing somebody's day job is to make sure they stop why do you think ex-u.s presidents have secret service protection think about it is it to protect them or is it because they know too much and it's the state reminding them that they're watched for the rest of their life you know the president of the united states knows everything they're given access to all the keys the kingdom they know where all the bodies are buried they're in every one of those meetings and they have a lot of power and influence they leave office they have no power anymore obama has no actual political power well official political power but he knows all those things as does bill clinton and george bush and so forth and they have all these secret service agents around them to protect them you think if they started telling us these secrets they would survive no ronald reagan is a great example of that after it became clear that he was losing his mind and he had alzheimer's what's the first thing that happened he was quietly sequestered never to be seen again after 1994. he knew too much can't talk because he's demented he's no longer in a good state of mind that simple rogan after gogan happening oh of course it'll happen i've been watching my joe rogan episodes just you know really training getting ready fired up good to go i guarantee you trump after he leaves office shortly after he leaves office he's going to collapse of a heart attack or something i would bet a lot of money on that absolutely bit a lot of money stroke or heart attack and he's done as soon as he leaves office lbj was another example of that shortly after leaving office lbj started getting more vocal started doing some interviews and started opening up the curtain and talking a little bit about what washington was really like that he died of a heart attack just went away eisenhower had a lot of regrets and shortly after leaving office also died of a heart attack remember he was the guy who did the mic speech now biden is a 25th amendment play two years in he'll be removed or retired say his dementia and then kamala harris is president you like biden you're like harris it's that simple 78 year old guy with early stage dementia you know he's sundowning come on it's obvious huh have you ever considered starting a podcast isn't that what we're doing now i guess i i could do like uh hour with charles bring on guests we can have interviews i gotta learn could a cardano stablecoin be collateralized with ada and released upon lockup of ada oh yeah we're doing that that's happening it's i'm not going to say anything more about it but we have a very good strategy and a very good plan and it is absolutely essential for the future and i think we are going to get that done it's one of the highest priorities bruno is working on it do you believe social security numbers will ever be replaced with blockchain project like a teleprism yeah it'll eventually happen the next 25 to 50 years identity theft is so bad society's so hyper-connected we're going to come up with a different system for credential issuing identification and revocation and rotation and also attestation so that has to happen weinstein or wolfram i'm personal friends with wolfram and weinstein's kind of a dick so i'm going to go with wolfram all every day of the week um you know yz is a really smart guy you know it's just he just radiates this i'm better than you because i have credentials and i'm brilliant and you don't even get to assess my ideas whereas wolfram is very contrarian guy and you know like for example his whole theory of everything he's like let's just all do it together computation here's my approach 600 pages and anybody wants to help help weinstein they does an interview it's like oh well what about your theory of everything and he says oh well you can't even understand it you're not qualified to understand that sending an interview and i'm like come on dude you at least gonna kind of explain it give a summary of it i don't respect that i guess i'll never go on in his uh a show now and for justifiable reasons universities is are right now where creativity goes to die it is not a creative environment it's an environment with rules and optimization and you go there and you play by those rules with the hope that you can amass enough personal power and prestige to escape them and if you're really good you can in your 40s if you're not so good you can in your 60s that's what universities do they go that's where creativity goes to die the most creative people live outside of the university system and then if they get really powerful then they go and build little enclaves where creativity is re-enabled like the santa fe institute or so forth but it's by and large not a place where creative people stay there's no reward for that you know this is the other thing like college admissions blockchain system for college admissions did you guys know that anybody can go to harvard it's the biggest open secret harvard they have something called the harvard extension school and every harvard college student hates it because they feel it dilutes their brand and reputation so you go to harvard extension it's one of the 13 colleges of harvard you can just take open enrollment courses and if you take enough of them and you do it well enough in enough of them they'll let you actually go and sit for a degree and you can get a bachelor's degree a master's degree and there's plenty of people went to harvard extension went off to dartmouth and mit and other places and got prominent phds and it's been around for a hundred years the re the biggest secret of these elite schools is they say they're resource constrained they're not uh if you really want to you can have an open enrollment system and a meritocratic function with that so let's say mit did this what they do say anybody can be an mit student like harvard extension and you take online courses and if you do well enough in those courses for long enough and you pass enough comprehensive exams you can then go and graduate into the exclusive mit that we think is mit now with the age of coursera and all these universities already giving courses online why would this be a problem it's super easy to accommodate and it's profitable too uh and you just have a doable brand like harvard does with harvard extension it's elitism it has nothing to do with education the thirst and desire for knowledge or the merit of people it has to do with everything about clubs and are you in the special club or are you not in the special club why is humanity still there we need to get beyond that and really reward people that do special things and yeah elite schools definitely do have billions last time i checked the harvard down was 3 500 35 billion dollars but tell me about how they need money okay what else we got here [Music] what is a replacement for universities because without them you won't have the peer review system used to prove cardano no actually that's not true a lot of the peer reviewers are actually working in industry right now these peer review committees are made up amongst domain experts people who are recognized experts in their field computer science happens to have an outsized amount of phds working for organizations so for example simon payton jones works for microsoft he's a brilliant academic brilliant brilliant academic there are many who are in industry uh another example be sebastian throughn uh and uh the whole udacity project and the language uh stuff he does for google uh so these people can just as easily review journals and articles from an industrial position as they can from an academic position and it's in the best interest of companies to write papers because it helps them validate the ideas that they have in an open way so you don't need necessarily a university system to encourage peer review it will remove the subsidies for non-productive peer review so it is absolutely true that we will have less papers on uh gender studies and white privilege and these types of things that work will be definitely at risk because that work does not present economic value but we will have a lot more representation on engineering papers in physics papers and mathematical papers that are applied and directly related to prop products which is uh industrial science so there's a sociological question a societal question is it good for your society to subsidize these institutions to produce that kind of output and it's not just going to hurt gender studies there'll also be a lot less philosophy papers in general and i would argue that would indeed hurt society so it is in the best interest to subsidize these things but then you have to ask yourself this educational construct that we've layered on to the peer review construct and this university struck is it necessary to have these things be vertically under integrated or can they be separated in a certain respect does that msri have to be connected to berkeley or can they be connected to the or can they be successfully separated interesting question unto itself as well it's a policy priority question societies have to make is there anything there perhaps it says lag it is okay wait a minute it looks like i'm here live stream okay well all right so anyway uh as i said in the prior video which was the wrong video and now this is the video uh that um when you apparently have a stream problem with uh with youtube uh you have no way of rejoining a stream you've been kicked out of unless you download third party software if there is a way i'm not aware of it i don't see the button i'm sorry i guess i'm inept here tech ceo don't know what to do but anyway i'm sorry i did have a chance to end the stream on a good note so i will bid you all to do i try to keep these things at two hours i apologize for that but i'm gonna do some research into the streaming software and i'm just gonna start using third party software instead of the youtube web interface it's crazy times we live in crazy software thanks youtube for not having a button i can click to rejoin the stream when i've been kicked out so i'm ready to use