00:00 to 1:30:26
hi everybody its Charles Hoskinson broadcasting live from warm sunny Colorado it is currently June the 5th 2020 been a crazy year it's really been a crazy year but a lot going on you know I think any year where we have to worry about murder Hornets and plagues and riots it's always fun but you know what there's also been the year that Cardinal really found itself and you guys as a community have just absolutely been wonderful and no matter how bad it gets it's always good to do nama with all of you I feel like everybody's become family in their own way so thank you for listening after all these years still being part of the program still asking great questions means a lot to me and it always cheers me up you know what else cheers me up is how amazing cardio is becoming and we just announced today the virtual summit we released the website for it I tweeted it it is going to be July 2nd to 3rd and of course we announce two of our special guest Vint Cerf and Stephen Wolfram and those are just kind of the teaser guests we have many more coming as some of equivalent stature and there's going to be some really cool things there a sneak peek we're bringing the old Haskell committee back together we got Simon Payton Jones Phil Wadler we got a bunch of different people who were there in 1985 to basically talk about if they could build Haskell today what would they do differently what did they learn so that's gonna be a lot of fun - you know Kevin Hammond is amazing and he's been great to work with he'll be on the panel John Hughes will be on the panel we'll see if we get John Lodge Barry's well we reached out to him and hopefully he'll be able to come he does great work at Galois and also at DARPA so anyway let's get to your questions huh let's have some fun oh yeah Caitlyn long is definitely coming as Taylor Lindholm is coming shot everybody brought the whole crew back together guys it's gonna be a celebration thousands of people will probably end up attending we'll have lots of cool announcements there's some surprises that are coming and you know it's just a wonderful opportunity to put a flag in the ground say Shelly has shipped and about the consequences of that and talk about where we're gone you know the future the reality is we've built a Leviathan we've built probably the most sophisticated piece of software ever constructed in our industry and it's important that people understand that you see I'm not happy with the level of discourse and dialogue and the quality of journalism in our space it really annoys the hell out of me when I spend an hour talking to somebody about intricate detailed nuanced things and I get an article out of it that says price go up good other people bad according to Charles that's basically it it's like come on guys be better do better do your damn job if you can't read about nuance then just go right for a blog or something but if you're part of a real organization you're real journalists that think deeply about the narrative what do you want to say the story behind what we're doing you know over the last five years it's been an incredible story if you really think about it some people got together and they said let's go do something crazy let's choose the most difficult programming language the right stuff in let's use formal methods what no one else does that let's do peer review and write dozens and dozens and dozens of papers and then let's do that over a long period of time and not know where we're gonna go in the beginning but gradually find it out and then not only find it out but find out the best path for everybody and create a culture where we can keep doing this for decades and every year we get better and better at it every year we get smarter and smarter at it that's what we did starting in 2015 it was a bad crazy shouldn't have worked but it did and now you're here and we have this huge community and we are now at the threshold of decentralization we're gonna wake up very soon we'll have this dynamic and decentralized system and every single person who said we're just a wallet were nothing we've accomplished nothing three years in just a white paper what the hell are they gonna say where the hell are they gonna be they're gonna be nowhere nowhere to be found that's really the amazing part of what we've accomplished we came together as a community we came together as one group we kept the faith we kept pushing and now we're in a position where we really get to enjoy the fruits of our labors and we get to chillie go and solve real-life problems whether they be identity problems or supply chain problems you'll actually see at the virtual summit how we're approaching that how we think the partners we've brought and that's just the beginning you'll notice this Cardinal summit Shelly edition you know that kind of implies that we ought to have a Gogan edition mmm kind of implies that we ought to have a Voltaire Edition huh ah so lots the stuff is coming and the strategy will gradually work its way out and I think everyone's going to be very happy about it you know the other thing is we've gained so much beautiful talent along the way so many incredible people along the way you know everybody is aware of us at this point knows about us talks about us they might not agree with us but at least we're on their radar and little by little certain things are good is just gonna start happening I often say Rogan after Gogan that'll happen you know Voltaire you know when that's turned on think about the millions of dollars in that Treasury are that are gonna flow into the community and allow you guys to build things and reach your dreams that's gonna be fun it's really going to be fun because I'll wake up every day more and more projects more and more people more more diversity in the ecosystem Geographic and otherwise and there'll always be news in many languages many faces all with a common goal of being better making the world a better place making the world more awesome getting us out of these things I don't know about you but I'm really tired I'm really tired of the news I'm really tired of the constant negativity the toxicity I mean honestly just enough ok shit's bad ok people are angry ok there's a plague right now yeah I get it not everything's perfect but you know what not everything's bad in any given moment any given day there are profound acts of self-sacrifice and charity at any given day there's a lot of amazing things that are happening and amazing people doing interesting things why for once couldn't we just simply talk about that focus on that about the stories that lift us up and tell us that there's something worth fighting for something beautiful you know tweeted a picture this morning when I was outside drinking a cup of coffee in my yukata I looked at my flag I always have a flagpole always have a flag I guess I'm the stereotypical American in that respect and I saw it there just with the Sun on the back and floating around and you know it was great was that I realized that as bad as things get here in the United States of America we have an incredible story as a country and we've accomplished incredible things you know I I watched the SpaceX launch and I said wow just think of that some crazy dude born in South Africa educated in Canada in Pennsylvania woke up one day said I'm gonna go build my own space program you know and only in America could that even be conceivable and 18 years after he had that dream it happened and they took two people to space and we all kind of just look at it and say yeah of course that's not just not how things work but that's how things work here and that means that no matter how bad the problems get we can always fix it if we have the right solutions and we have the right ideas and we get the right people all these problems we see are only solvable if we admit we can't solve them and we work together to solve them and we have faith and trust in each other the tech I build only works if people are fundamentally good the tech I build only works if people actually take accountability and control over their own lives they set the hopelessness aside and they say hey I'm here and I deserve to be in control of my identity my money my property it's the fundamental credo of this entire industry okay so that's the model walk now let's get to your questions how about that mm-hmm okay let's see what we got here I'm having a good day Charles how do you strike a balance between having Cardinal benefit from the leadership expertise of a four-block Iowa CH K and turning the project over to the community it's a great question and it's something we think about quite a bit you know the reality is that there's an enormous amount of work that I have to do the Cardinal foundation has to do in community has to do to get to a point where the community can meaningfully participate it is not good enough to say voting system is here CIP process is here y'all have fun good luck you know there are so many nuances there and actually we're going to talk about this a lot at the virtual summit the Cardinal summit we even have a whole panel on governance and we have a lot of people showing up talk about conference the past and future and we need meaningful participation we need good idea flow we need the ability to communicate with each other we need ability to disagree without being disagreeable we need real CIPS written real CRC's written we need the ability to meaningfully discuss where our formal specs are and how we're going to translate those into things that the community can work on and participate in so there's not so monolithically bias towards us we need to centralize source management and you know what I got a lot of people that work on that there's already I think 14 people working full-time specifically on how do we decentralize the project to a point where we get meaningful community participation and that's just a tie ohk we also have people at the Cardinal foundation working on that and post summit you guys are going to be working on that so there's gonna be a lot of stuff that hits the pipe to get the community to a point where we are capable of doing the things we need to do to get to the place we need to get now this is a game of iteration and this is a game of Federation and this is a game of making gradually bigger circles you start small and you start with little baby steps and then little by little you take larger steps and eventually you're in a full stride that's exactly what we did with the ITN exactly what we did with the Pioneers and now we're in a position where we can comfortably have hundreds if not thousands of state pools competing for your vote for your for your stake to basically run the system as small businesses eventually larger business as they grow we grow they grow so it'll be exactly the same way when we talk about governance expertise we talk about idea flow we talk about how the CIP process is going to work and we will get to a point very quickly faster than you think where it just works and it works in a way that allows us to converge to decisions execute and make sure that those decisions have the money behind them now of course I'm ever the showman so I have some surprises up my sleeve and we won't announce them today or even at the virtual summit there's even more to come but I think you guys are going to be very happy about that I really honestly do because at the end of the day I wake up every day and my number one goal to make myself obsolete not because I want to leave because I know that I need to become just one of many you start this as the person preaching to the crowd the crowd keeps growing but you should always keep in the back of your mind that there will come a day when you need to step off the podium and enter the crowd and become one of the crowd and let other people lead it and you're always going to support it always be with it always philosophically agree with it yet if this is to work it needs to work tomorrow the day after that the day after that in 50 years from now and I'm not always going to be around a hundred years from now I'll be long gone if I'm lucky maybe I'll still be around but I'm going to be a pretty old guy and yeah this is only sustainable if we have a revolution of the hearts and minds of the many and we have even more capable in better leadership coming year after year and making this as awesome as possible you how's the neo rhythm yeah not super impressed with it tried it out mm-hmm fasting is a lot better I'm shorting cardinal because Charles looks terminally ill I'm a healthy guy guys I just went to the doctor got a bunch of scans done my labs done yeah they're all pretty no normal I mean I got the Wylie hair but it's pandemic means I don't have to cut my hair barbers not even open come on now Wolfram that was a good surprise as well how close are you guys know you know well from and I are friends and he Cajun aliy gives me his latest book he's got a lot of cool things coming you know he's trying to rewrite all the laws of physics based on computation and so I said all right come on over let's talk about it I it's hard to get him to come to these things but he definitely does come when there's something interesting and meaningful to say so I love year-by-year being able to chat with him see what's going on it's a lot of fun Hoskinson son will you do something for the japanese community after the digital summit meetup in tokyo kyoto you know we'll probably make sure that there's some sort of meetup group that runs parallel to the Japanese to the virtual summit that we're doing July 2nd 3rd the problem is that I wanted to go to Japan unfortunately things got shut down and travels been very restricted so here's what I'm gonna do as soon as the quarantines are lifted and we can really meaningfully travel and I can actually come to Japan I'm coming to Japan I really am and I'll I'll go to Kyoto I'll go to Osaka and all throughout and I'll make sure we do a tour and I have a chance to meet the whole Japanese community you will have all been so kind and nice to me you've all been so supportive and incredibly patient and it would be good to do a victory lap and just congratulate everybody for the faith and patience that they've had and tell them the good news about the amazing things we've accomplished we originally wanted to have this event in Kyoto and had we not had coronavirus I'd already be in Japan I probably would have stayed there for a month all right let's see what else we got going on here it's easy to want to focus on the positive when you're rich you know actually I was a lot more positive and happier when I was poor yeah people have this Miss know more that wealth somehow makes you happier or makes you your life easier it makes your life a lot more complicated I've been robbed I've had to deal with all kinds of problems I never thought I'd have to deal with certainly there's been sim boosting identity theft all kinds of stuff that's come down the pipe get threats multiple times actually so Mo Money mo problems definitely you know the other thing is that a your family changes your friends change they view you differently and you get a lot of people just suddenly show up and ask you for money thinking and if you say no well then you're the right so it's not the Pentair that it's made out to be you know that said I'm not gonna complain I mean it's nice to have wealth because you can do the things you want to do and you can accomplish the things you want to accomplish but the pursuit of wealth for the sake of wealth is probably the worst thing you can ever do in your life plans you'll perhaps get it but you'll be miserable at the end of it because you'll realize that it doesn't really satisfy you and when you're poor you really can't focus on fundamentals and philosophy and find ways to be happy and good things in life there are all kinds of people in the world dealt incredibly bad hands I mean think about the Nuba people and Sudan you know they got barrel bombs they still dance they still have fun they still enjoy their life as similarly people in Somalia or many other places there's an adebola epidemic right now Congo still having parties still enjoying themselves they can focus on the positive it's a choice you make if you want to know how to do that Viktor Frankl wrote a great book and he's the creator of local therapy which is one of the fields of psychotherapy there's Sigmund Freud has willed a pleasure you have an ETA it was the will the power and then local therapies all about meaning and the crux of it is that you can't control the things that happen to you you sell them can but can control your reaction the things that happen to you and your perspective about the things that happen to you and even if it rains today there will be a day when it doesn't focus on that day Charles do you believe that crypto can scale globally and be quantum proof at the same time and do you have any plans to make sure ADA can survive the age of quantum you know this is one of those examples this is the y2k bug of our industry it everyone was so worried about y2k y2k why do KO god all the planes are gonna fall out this guy everybody's gonna die you know they made a king of the hill episode about it everybody was on the y2k training you know what happened nothing quantum computers will eventually come and we already have counter measures that are decent and we'll clean it up in three to five years and then we will never think about or care about it again you know technology always impacts cryptography the Germans created the Enigma machine the Allies created the bum and Turing and the rest of his friends figured out a way to decode enigma and then better codes were invented like des for example and then we broke that it's a game of cat and mouse it's all about secure for a time frame and eventually get better math and better capabilities so I don't really worry too much about quantum computers you know we we have plenty of great primitives for these things it's more about getting the trade-offs right and getting them in as efficient as they need and just making sure with certainty that they work so we need to do a post quantum vrf we need to get the signature schemes a little bit more efficient we need to probably use different primitives fine that's completely doable in three to five years it's it's just a necessary thing you know and we'll get there but don't ever think for a moment that's the end of crypto that's that's like y2k is gonna end all of us the looters love you Charles ah you know I support the right to protest and if people want to riot and they want to burn things down and that's private property that they're burning down then they need to go to jail I do not support the right to destroy private property yeah another thing that really deeply bothers me is that the people who are doing the most damage or doing the most damage in their own communities which are predominantly owned by minorities I don't understand how you're sticking it to the man and really demanding police change when you go and burn down a barber shop or you know some coffee shop that's owned by an African American what exactly did they do to go against the doctrine of black lives matter or any of these things it doesn't make any sense at all but then the problem is that both sides are disingenuous on this the people that hate the rioters they lump everybody together and say the entire thing is about that now there are millions of people out there the vast majority of them are peaceful and criticizing the protesters doesn't mean the entire movement is wrong and vice versa so you know it's it's counterproductive to say the least and what we really need to be is intellectually honest the police have really screwed a lot of stuff up because they have a culture of militarization and violence and brutality and very limited recourse so when they do something bad they tend to keep their jobs when they do something bad their colleagues tend not to report them you know it's just like medicine there's been a consistent problem in medicine for a long time you know and you know it so you talk to any doctor and say who are the good doctors they'll tell you who are the bad doctors they'll tell you every doctor kind of has a good idea of which doctors they consider to be good and bad yet for some reason doctors don't report bad doctors some do a lot don't because it's a culture that they have now take it up a level in the police culture if you you as a police officer probably a decent guy most of them are in fact I just had one over my house yesterday because a burglar alarm got tripped and my dog tripped it nice guy didn't shoot my dogs great now the vast majority police are like that Treena MERS respect they treat you with respect here's the problem they all know the bad actors in the departments and those bad actors survive and we have evidence of that because there's so many who have complaint after complaint after complaint murder after murder after murder somehow someway they keep their jobs and there's limited recourse and then you have doctrine of qualified immunity that basically says you can't sue him and when you do you get very little money I remember reading with two agents in the Central Intelligence Agency retired CIA people decide to go to hydroponic store Kansas and set up a hydroponic setup to grow tomatoes for their kid who was in middle school and the police decided to go do a no-knock raid thinking that they were actually sending up a marijuana growing operation come in with guns a-blazing blast open the door put a ar-15s on the head of the children and the parents put him on the ground a hog-tie him tear the whole house apart for two hours lying on the release report saying they smelled marijuana what obviously they didn't and their evidence was what they went through the garbage and found what turned out to be tea leaves the family sued it took seven years of litigation for them to get quarter million dollars let's be intellectually honest is that the kind of society you want to live in where basically some group of people make some arbitrary decision that you're doing something wrong and then they confirmation bias to the point where they can blast your door down you defend yourself he gets shot if you don't defend yourself he could already be shot because they say you have a weapon like all these swatting attacks that happen I remember there was a pest-control guys playing xbox was his friends and somebody decided to be funny to call the police on him say that it was a hostage situation officer comes in just shoots him to death he was unarmed or Tamir rice a 12 year old in a park with a BB gun basically just playing cops and robbers whatever it's he's 12 years old I used to do that when I was a young kid and the police see that no questions asked got him down 12 years old honestly happens again and again and again and again and again and if their culture that says hey let's not do anything about that here's the problem the left in our country seems to think that the solution for it is just to replace Trump with Biden and then everything will get better these things tend to happen in cities that are overwhelmingly blue meaning that they're overwhelmingly represented by people on the Left who control the cities and make personnel decisions about who runs the police departments how the city is going to operate what policies the police should follow so you tell me if the political party that's running these cities is somehow basically doing this instituting these local policies how will changing things at the federal level actually solve anything especially given that we had eight years with that party just recently and somehow it all didn't go away here's the fundamental truth of the matter it's more foundational than racism it has everything to do with culture and militarization and a culture of no accountability and a culture of bad systems and process you know I have the advantage traveling all around the world I talked to politicians and I tell you one of the most amazing stories I ever heard was how the hell we fixed Georgia the country of Georgia's police department so Georgia at one point had such a corrupt police force that they literally would print out bribery bribery lists so when you came to the country they said welcome to Georgia here's what you should expect to pay for bribes but that's how bad it was it was so corrupt it's like standard Eastern European post-soviet country things were not good so they changed administrations and they said we're gonna clean up the police so this guy comes in he's in first thing he does is he trains an entire parallel police force doesn't tell anybody he's doing it keeps it all secret out of the country in the United States mostly and after they were all trained up he wasn't fired all the police in the entire country and replaced him with the parallel new force that he had then he had a second group of police whose day job was do nothing but randomly pull over police officers and check them for cash he banned any police officer from having cash on them and if they had cash instantly fired while they were on the job because he paid bribes in cash right and they went from one of the most corrupt to one of the least corrupt police forces in all of Eastern Europe and eventually all of Europe you see so good systems if properly instituted allow you to effect real change so right now we're all angry everybody's really pissed off and I get why they are I am too and I've made some videos about that but then when everybody calms down we have to ask ourself how we gonna fix the problem and putting a guy who's 78 years old who's been a politician for 50 years who was in the last 12 years eight of them was this number-two guy in the executive branch won't solve anything here's how we really change the system at the municipal level every single department you create proper standards for conduct and you really think carefully about how do we change the culture you demilitarize the police and don't let them have military equipment or military tactics and yen the war on drugs and get rid of all these Vice squads okay everything it's less violent we stopped incarcerating one percent of our population and things gradually get better and yeah you have to do some targeted enforcement and yes you still do occasionally have to have some rough tactics because things like ms-13 exist and so forth but you don't use the fact that a minority of a minority of minority exists to judge everybody as a criminal you know the other thing is that it's a hard job being a cop really is because you're dealing with many cases the dredges of society they lie to you every day they do bad things every day imagine being a police officer and you know the domestic violence you get called again and again by the neighbors to some house you show up the wife won't say anything she's got bruises on her face says she fell down this there you see the boyfriend you know he's beating her you can't do anything about it now take of that and a hundred other cases like that and see that every single day and ask yourself psicological 'hey if that is your day job day after day after day after day after day people spit on you they say terrible things about you and all these things at what point do you get a little PTSD at what point do you get a little cynical so you have to also see that perspective in the matter and understand that certain jobs have tremendous psychological toll this is why there's a high suicide rate this is why the military has a high suicide rate so you can't just solve the problem by saying they're all bad and everything's horrible and they're all racist and bad and so forth because let me get this straight you know the black police officers are also racist against black people no it's a culture issue it's a systemic culture issue and it's also a situation where these people tend to lose faith over time and humanity and as a consequence they tend to treat people in a very transactional way and they tend to view people on a threat matrix and if you happen for whatever reason to be high on that matrix or they stereotypes you you just get treated like garbage no matter who you are I get treated very fairly by them because of Who I am just sad but it's true it's been more than one time I've been speeding in my lamborghini and the cop whose radar gunning people doesn't actually pull me over he just does this and then they pull over the guy behind me he was driving the exact same speed and he's driving a Toyota Corolla and he's the guy who gets the ticket I don't as a fare know it's the least fair thing you could ever imagine why is it because it's racist though the guy behind me was also white it's because I have power you know it's not arrogance it's just the fact that I have connections and money and other things and if they pull me over they know that well I can get a lawyer I can fight back I can out of principle make their life a living hell for six months just as a sadistic little game the guy that Corolla is probably driving to work living paycheck to paycheck and he doesn't have time money or resources so they tend to pick on the poor those are the people who tend to get hit it's just how this is we expect that to be different that like somehow life is super fair it's not so the whole point of a constitutional republic the whole point of progress is trying to fight different ways to do things so if you want enforcement systems that are fair build systems that are intrinsically fair build incentives that are intrinsically fair stop using police officers for revenue collection okay no firefighter ever gives you a ticket and somehow everybody loves the firefighters is that a coincidence think about it think it through honestly okay and then you ask yourself where the failures consistently happen in year after year after year situation after situation after situation and then the intervene there you say there's something fundamentally wrong with the way that we do things the systems are broken okay and don't ever think that if only we have more moral and just people that everything will be okay systems don't work that way I as a CEO would be failing my company if I said the only way my company can succeed is if I have the most brilliant talented capable people in every single role because even if I'm so fortunate to have that be true for today as we become bigger and get to a thousand people 10,000 people hundred thousand people a lot of averages sets in and eventually you're gonna get a bad actor eventually going to get an average employee so if you're reliant on exceptionalism to be successful and true integrity to be successful your system will always fail long-term ten times out of ten you have to get the incentives right the system's right and the system has to keep people honest and keep people accountable it's why cameras exists body cameras and these things okay so that's how we solve this now you're not going to hear that from the left it's it's gonna turn into a whole argument about equality and equity and social justice and this and that and suddenly we're talking about the green new deal and suddenly you bi and all this other stuff will just materialize and the root cause will be completely glossed over and they'll try to harness all this rage and anger and move in a different direction I encountered this personally on the right with the tea party when I signed up for it back in 2007 we talked about only three things choose liberty follow the Constitution and sound money and a humble foreign policy okay that was all we talked about that's all we cared about and then a few years later suddenly it was oh we don't like gay people and we don't like abortion and let's talk about conservative principles and vote Republican what the hell did that have to do with those prior three things that we had with the PAR the organization got co-opted because people recognized that there was power and money there there were millions of people they were very angry the same thing for Occupy Wall Street back in 2013 what happened with that got co-opted where did it go do we have any real change so we're now in the exact same situation all the cities are on fire people rioting the people are being hurt the most of the most vulnerable amongst us the poorest amongst us and all this will eventually calm down a bit and then we have a very small window of time for real change the funding the police departments won't do anything it's just asinine stupidity because the they exist for a reason like a firefighter exist for a reason you have to fundamentally talk about the system in the system's relationship to people that's why I like crypto currencies because we're right at the root cause of a lot of the evils of society consent property money privacy voting these foundations that get corrupted and then destroy society so we get a chance to get a do-over for the future but in the short term that's the way you have to do things Carano is now a political movement no you're CEO of IO HK is political and I firmly believe crypto is a political movement crypto is as political as it gets as political as it gets always always always never forget that what we're gonna reinvent the concept of money and take it out of the government's hands and control it ourselves and that's not a political act come on don't be asinine think about it think it through honestly what is the actual consequence of these systems getting adopted you start realizing that everything has to change trade changes property rights change business change the business structure changes laws change everything is political okay because money money is the biggest influence of all of politics if there is money to be made laws will be made changes will be made regulations will be instituted the vast majority of the key driver of society is all about scarcity and managing that and the economics around money okay this is the truth of it so there is no way to go and reinvent the foundation of all of society and then say well now what we don't want to be political okay what happens after you have five million dollars of cryptocurrency and then you have somebody a politician say I want to ban that and make it illegal for you to have that and confiscate it from you are you not gonna be political or you're not gonna wake up and be like I need to hire a lobbyist and get this guy out of office well guess what you've just crossed that threshold congratulations there are people in the Senate and the Congress today in the United States and all around the world who want to ban crypto so if you're in this industry what do you do just roll over like a dead dog and say well it was a lot of fun okay oh well you know okay all right whatever no I'm sorry you have to have an opinion you have to fight for right things and at the end of day if these systems are to be properly operating you have to think carefully about where everything's going right now there's a strong movement to ban encryption so that when you have encryption you need to have a backdoor in the system will you guys use card ah no if it has backdoor and we designed the system that way and some small group of people have control over your money and at any time can freeze it how many of you would use that Oh guess what we've just ended to the realm of politics now talking about that think it through Charles has just all talk no action okay Zack I'll give you a shot what should I do differently go ahead I'll read it out for everybody to hear you tell me in very specific steps what actions have I taken that are just all talk and no action where am I not doing things you have a whole shot everybody's listening 671 people live you know a lot probably ten thousand people will see this on the replay so it's all yours son Charles you a scammer where's Shelli you promised it in 2017 okay hm-hmm General Zod you should do a joint interview with kaizen crypto and hash show she ya actually gonna be a lot of fun general if they want to do something I'm happy to do that with him yeah he's afk I guess he's left the chat you promised Shelley in 2017 never did we believed it was shipping in 2018 and there's been a very good explanation of why it didn't and it's shipping June 30th alternate July 7th hard work begins July 29th where's the scam you tell me any new farm animals yeah I'm gonna get some alpacas labelled Pacus my cattle ama I saw the protest somebody brought a llama there come the no drama llama it's like wow it'd be really cool to have a llama then I put a hat on him a llama with a hat can you say hi Marco ciao Marco call me stock unless we know each other really well call me stay - do do here I'm the sexiest man alive that's okay yeah I'm not gonna touch that one card ah no on Mars yeah ask us in five years why will we hear about the secret project exactly when you need to know sooner when does the new marketing material come out it'll be at the Cardinal summit the new Cardinal org will be unleashed and that's the first deliverable of the mechana for it's a huge huge collaborative effort they also have a gal named Miriam who's new marketing director of the Cardinal foundation comes from industry she's basically their chief marketing officer brilliant gal really really good I just had a chance to meet her this week and she's she's got a lot of plans so it's good to see that rolling out well I need VR to attend the summit no however there will be a vr component if you haven't have a VR headset where you can use them VR stuff then as well I love you and we love you to Venezuela we really do it's one of the most beautiful countries in the entire world actually it was actually one of the wealthiest countries in South America prior to - some bad regimes Charles do you like to fish with a pH no but I do like to fish with an F how epic is the hard for Combinator code is the second most elegant code that we have the most elegant code belongs to the network code that we have lots of crazy stuff there very elegant very academic scary code but beautiful do I have a cat I have three cats they're all barn cats favorite philosopher that's a mix-up between Bertrand Russell and Albert Camus put them both together you have a pretty interesting person when we'll go can be shipped that's a good question we're thinking about it you know we're working really really hard on it and we'll probably have a lot more to say at the virtual summit you know we actually knew the June release date for Shelley as early as March we had a pretty good idea of it and actually in February we had a pretty good idea that that was in the shipping spectrum but we didn't want to say anything because we only wanted an ounce when we had a very very very good certainty that that was the done deal so as soon as we knew then we said okay all right let's um let's uh let's let's cut it let's call it and we'll do the same for Gogan you know we're making great progress there you know the other thing is the entire Shelley team is going to move over to accelerate coke and once Shelley is shipped we're almost done with all that so like the resources are going up considerably so a lot of cleaning that needs to be done post-launch but there's also gonna be a lot of work so gogans faster than you think Todd's on the hydro Chili's yet yeah I grew a bunch of hydroponic jalapenos and my planet in the garden and they're not doing so well I guess going from a hydroponic to a soil environment is a little harsh and then I replaced them with a bunch of herbs and the herbs are looking really good I got some basil fact I grabbed one of the leaves later on for you guys how big are the teams dozens and dozens of developers on each H major pillar you know we have 240 people at i/o global and the vast majority of them like more than half of the companies exclusively with Shelley so it's exclusively was karna know it's a humongous endeavor come on mr. Fogg ro Akon is building blockchain city in Africa with a coin do you think it'll be built on cardano's blockchain you know I try to meet the guy when I went down the South African spoke at 2 Melos conference he was gonna hang out with us and we're gonna have some fun and you know we just never had a chance to rub shoulders and at some point I will definitely spend some time with him and get a sense of what he's doing and what he wants to do there's a lot of logistics that have to work into it it's very easy to launch a coin and get some publicity and PR especially when you're celebrity it's a lot harder actually get something that has traction and utility behind it it's an art to that so we always try to partner with people where and when it makes sense and be kind of fun to have a conversation with them I didn't have a chance to meet him do we know when the seminar is come on we already announced it July 2nd to 3rd stick with it son have you ever heard of skinwalker ranch I don't think I want to what was your happiest moment for Cardno when I announced the dates for Shelley that was probably my best moment I really was it was just long overdue and it just was so therapeutic to say finally got this damn monkey off her back you know it's hard to wake up every day and have a large chunk of people saying you're a fraud you're a scam you've accomplished nothing you're just a white paper you're just a wallet and to have done so much and accomplished so much it's like a skyscraper where you almost have the entire skyscraper built and everybody can see it you're just waiting for one final window in and the safety inspection and you got some guys saying you haven't even started working on the skyscraper you're not down you have a fish a skyscraper you're a failure or fraud all the money has been wasted literally this work we've an ad for a while and so to announce that we finally have that and to be able to do the summit it's just going to be a really good moment for all of us and it was a great moment to announce it I think a lot of you guys could see that in my face and there will be many many many many more this year that are coming that are really going to be great moments for all of us you know the other part the made that moment so specials I got to share that with everybody here you know it's it's one thing to have a personal triumph it's another thing to have a collective triumph and yeah what does Charles oskins to think about cannabis legalize it or not of course I'm for legalizing I live in Colorado yeah absolutely this is just insanity to ban that thing the most memorable thing your parents taught me well for my dad my dad's a doctor and you know my dad gave me some great advice about working in very sudden emergency situations because every physician gets trained this way at least at some point in their career and he says you know just make sure that you're always comfortable and slow things down there's never a time you need to rush when there's something going on it seems like you have to it seems like you have to panic but really slow things down and just be focused and really take your time to clearly think through it even if adds five seconds on you have those five seconds you always will and if you really clearly slow it down thinking through the chance of you making mistake panicking or having something bad happen is much lower best advice he ever gave me and you know my mom she gave me the ability to fight she she has this amazing talent to pick fights with people all around the world and let me tell you it's the Italian in her she comes for a large Italian Catholic family and so you got a fight for the things you believe in you gotta fight for the thing you say you want and my mom is a fighter and so I inherited that from her and believe me when I was on the receiving end of it there was nothing scarier in my life you ever hang out with Hunter as Tops and now he killed himself before I met him been to where he did drugs would have loved to have hanged out hung out with mr. gonzo a bunch of idiotic price questions bunch of price prediction questions you guys disappoint me you let me down come on now ask real things I will never answer your price questions and we will never do some form of buyback or burn event we have no capacity to due to a desire to do it and it's stupid to do it stellar burn a huge chunk of their supply and where the are they honestly what did it do for them speculators took all the value they they clipped years of development capacity and wrote runway so that they can make short-term speculators happy for a few months lost all the value and now we're above them you know it's just a stupidest thing in the world here's how you you get these things where they need to go you build them you get you have great technology have great vision you build a great community you get real things deployed on it you go hard work every single day day after day after day you work smart every single day day after day and you wake up and you have something real there is no free lunch there's nothing for free in life if you get rich quick you're lucky and you'll often be broke a quick - the only way you have stability and permanence is if you're useful and used and that takes years of hard work we're five years into this five years so that we can finally get to a point where you can launch Shelly and now we have something so special and so amazing it's gonna blow everybody out of water and we'll be able to very rapidly add to that but because we did our homework and because we put in the time and the effort and it shows and people know it shows as much criticism as we get deep down inside we know they know we're gonna eat their goddamn lunches because it's special it's real it's meaningful it's there and I will fight anybody to say otherwise they can just go to our repos and see it and they never do because they can't can't read the code can't read the science they barely understand how magical it is and good for them did you think aetherium did their homework well they're trying that's why f2 is so incredibly hard that's the magic of all of this guys f2 is unbelievably difficult for everybody and they've been we're in a year after year after year Kaspar a year after year they're finally trying to do their homework and they're realizing wow protocol development that has trade-offs different than the ones that Satoshi accepted that are better for our needs suddenly we have to spend years in a hardcore research and development have lots of failures and setbacks Wow who would have thunk thought we could just get some dudes together some pizzas and figure all this out no it doesn't work that way never work that never never will work that way nothing is free everything requires effort never forget that anybody who tells you otherwise trying to take you away from your money so that they can drive away and live well at your expense and without a visiting the netherlands i have many time depend amsterdam lease all these other places it's a beautiful beautiful place I love the Netherlands I once ran into wim HOF at 3 o'clock in the morning eating waffles and as a that's a hell of a story Amsterdam's a fun place Charles tell tomorrow I love her we love her too she's a very special person you know and she's one of many very very special people throughout the entire ecosystem that's how you know there's something real there when you attract talent like that and they stay and they want to stay and they want to work and they want to progress and we have just so much luck and so much good fortune a great culture be able to preserve that and keep it inspired and passionate and for them to show up to work every day and have just as much passion as I do Hoskinson and musk feature BFFs yeah stranger things have happened his brother's pretty cool Kimball got the sexy look the black leather jacket motorcycles all that stuff can you speak about potential stable coin development on card ah no I've already gone through three very in-depth presentations on what options we have to do a stable coin from Bruno paleo we're really really looking at it taking it seriously nothing to report right now but we have a whole skunkworks that's kind of thinking around ideas that we've been batting around for quite some time it's a fascinating topic fascinating concept and I really hope we figure something out because it's a necessity for loans and it's a necessity for insurance you think the Daedalus maenette wallet will receive the update to show the price of Cardinal via API I really do want the Fiat price of card on own to be included because for tax purposes this is something that's been requested personally I'd like to use it myself in the United States when you receive a crypto payment you have a tax event when you receive it at that fair market value so it'd be nice to actually in addition the timestamps of when it came in to be able to connect that to either coin market cap or someone else's API and actually mark it and say this is the value then when you spend the crypto that's another taxable event because you either have a gain or a loss so it would be nice when you have an inflow on an ouch flow to show if there was a capital gain or capital loss or you were flat and report that in a CSV file so that make it a lot easier to do your taxes now that'll come later and we're also even talking about batch payments and other things because we've started the process to do payroll at i/o HK and ADA and we're gradually working our way through all those logistics and we really want to make it easy from an accounting perspective because we also have capital gains and losses as a US company in the very same way that you would have us an individual in that respect so these things have to be marked so yeah that is definitely a priority and BIA it'd be nice to do that hey Rick good to see you man so Rick I got a question for you I did you get through all six exercises and if so any one of them are not working so well for you Charles what are the plan for the itn you know we're right now having a discussion about it I'm gonna keep that surprise close to the hip and we'll have something to say about it at the end of June I hope I sincerely hope we have something cool to say about it but you know we might end up not finding what we want and just go with the original plan which was to say okay we're transitioning so cool have both I'm operating in parallel and both of them to do something unique and be able to do an airdrop to everybody I'd love to do that just as kind of an extra cherry on the cake for all the hard work that people put in making the itn so awesome Charles can etherium just decide to use or boris and save time they won't they won't they just won't the culture is so against that it's like a person who's convinced that you're trying to poison them you can show up with the cure for whatever ails them they won't drink the vial because they think you're offering poison they're contaminated and they have a strong cult of personality around a particular approach that's actually unnecessary for what they're trying to accomplish but we wish him well well we see human readable addresses in Shelley Beth's 32 was really a huge step towards that in the interaction a prism is a huge step towards that as well we're even looking at user choose about prefixes with effect 32 so like by Nance can have a by Nance as thereof duress prefix you're sending to a by Nance address and then we think a little bit about creating a route of trust for address authentication so you can have the idea of Greene addresses or authenticated addresses in addition to that but there's enough infrastructure now that very quickly we can add a whole layer of complexity to the addressing structure from heylia says to attend ocation to perhaps addresses that are prefixed with the user issued a set so if Duncan issues Duncan coin he can have decodes as the prefix on the address so you send your tokens to Dee Koontz for an address these types of things so what will make some statement on that soon but we have a lot of tech to do that type of stuff it's just more of a question of how to do it the way we'd like to that would make sense in a commercial capacity and that's one of the differentiators of with cardinal we really thought carefully about flexibilities so we can do a lot of stuff very quickly it just depends on the commercial demand for it you'll be an awesome old man assisted living facility now man I am going to go out like slim pickins and dr. Strangelove I'm gonna ride the atomic bomb with the cowboy hat maybe that movie's a bit too old for all of you shame on you young whippersnappers well you look like Hugh Hefner if you become mega rich no more women more problems you know I guarantee ya how on the key to happiness is keep your woman consumption as low as possible you let me down Rick let me down you really are only three shame little higher that girl who was in Game of Thrones who did shame shame shame she's just gonna show up at your house unannounced what else you got for me love Stanley Kubrick amazing director Stanley was a genius which came in any progress on Nutella yes we have actually there's a cool enterprise strategy that's slowly brewing there'll be a nice little hyper ledger announcement soon you guys will like that any updates on sonic Sonics is done we've implemented it fully and we're open sourcing it and releasing it to you guys so you people can use to build stuff on it it's an amazing serology proof system and it's just the very tip of the iceberg we got a big iceberg for privacy well we're not gonna talk about that yet but I think you guys are gonna like it I think the whole industry is gonna like it it's definitely gonna mess some up when we do it it's gonna be fun I love I love rocking the boat I've always rocked the boat you know it's not good to be static and boring and you know be like mr. Rogers you have to you just have to mess stuff up and really force people to adapt and change and disrupting the hell out of everything it's it's a lot of fun Cardinal autism friendly why I'm pretty autistic it must be Charles aren't you worried for us governor make encryption or crypto illegal even consider it as security well if they make encryption illegal I'll just keep building it if I go to jail I go to jail I'm sorry I'm not gonna compromise on principles I'll write a book in prison and it's morally wrong for people to even consider that absolutely morally wrong and at some point you just have to put a flag in the ground and say I'm not gonna do this what headphones are those in the back those are the master and dynamics MW 6465 were you poor before 2009 yep very poor Bitcoin made me rich I was very fortunate but he's spiking your coffee with pear gumption good old-fashioned gumption yes I've played some things from riot games didn't they do the Don of War series that's a cool thing guys you can ask me about more than just card ah no I'm also a game developer now you know I only legends eval are you know guys I'm gonna build a game at some point you know just a side thing we can talk about that talk about anything life philosophy politics video games cars anything you guys want to talk about sure am a it's not my aim at you you decide where this goes this is like rush limbaugh fridays colin fridays yeah i know a lot about Dungeons and Dragons too actually I've met Gary Gygax before he died and it's really sad what happened with watse third edition was probably the peak and pathfinders the spiritual successor for the whole thing are you gonna shave your beard again maybe I will maybe I will who knows Alex you're creating a custom PC tell me what you're buying what are you building when Colts taking over the ledger device they are working on a firmware update vacuum labs it'll happen in the july/august timeframe it just depends on when they get some dependencies but they're working real hard to get all the firmware done you know before both ledger and treasurer and we'll have a hardware wallet Center for Daedalus there is a firmware update that has to happen and that has to happen on the ledger site so even if the code is complete they have to approve it pull it and so forth I'd also like to get on ledger live as well that's a high priority mati awfully of legends of valor I think I'm personally going to make between three to five million dollars throughout the entire scope of the project and it'll probably take about four years the five years to complete it so it's kind of a passion side project but it'll be profitable legends of El Arco fully a and have micro transactions with Lovelace's well is that Robert Downey jr. never go full ei you went fully a man now General Zod that's my estimate now it could be less or more but that's what I think I'll make if we do the things I want to do but obviously it has to be commercially successful so I have really think hard about designing a really awesome game honestly that's a big opportunity cost I'll lose money relative to other endeavors I can make significantly more doing other things but this is a an effort of passion do you want a truck yeah I have two trucks GMC 2500 well Chevy 2500 diesel and Fleetwood and a 1500 Denali GMC those new diesel trucks are great what type of logics are we using that's a good question some temporal logic in the modeling we as process calculus a lot and actually with K we had reach ability logic there's a lot of logic diversity that we have Charles what are your favorite thing to eat in Japan I really like okonomiyaki oh god no me up ghee can you welcome Jason Caron and his family to Cardinal ecosystem you me Jason Garrett the Unreal guy the Ultima guy did you watch the Michael Jackson documentary no I didn't he's dead guys why do we care what are your favorite cigar the octo fluenta Hemingway's very good our Lambos worth the money you know I'll answer this question this is the cats out of the bag that I have a 20-17 LP 610 Huracan I got it as a consulting thing I did some consulting work and they paid for they threw it on as a teaser for the deal that I did a nice hour I find whatever I'll throw it on thrown the pile it turned in my daily driver I put 10,000 miles on the damn thing I it had seven thousand eight hundred miles when I got it now 17,000 first thing you learn is insurance is surprisingly cheap cost me about two hundred a month which blew my mind because it's a two hundred thirty-eight thousand dollar car but the next thing you learn is that oil changes are surprisingly expensive they range between twelve hundred dollars and two thousand dollars for an oil change and everything is unbelievably expensive if you have to fix it like the ceramic brakes that they have are twenty five thousand dollars if you want to replace the brakes and if you're driving a Lamborghini properly you have to replace the brakes because it's a Lamborghini you're gonna drive it hard it is definitely just a visceral experience unbelievable experience and it's just a hell of a lot of fun I've got enough to in certain places I think 184 miles an hour yeah and it was just like wow so it's a crazy car but honestly the answer your question is it worth the money and no the answer is no honestly speaking it's not something you buy it's something that you experience and get if you're lucky enough to get one but if you have to make decisions about life you know it's like the nine million thing that you get when and you're just like okay I'll get one well you don't have to worry about it I know some people have gotten Ferraris and Lamborghinis they have 10-year loans and they pay payments like what the are you doing it's that dumbest thing you can do in your life so never do that didn't Philip Glass seesaw Rosie do the music for Watchmen he did the doctor Manhattan theme that was amazing we'll be beginning a cyber truck no but I might get one of those roadsters they're crazy they're gonna be like 1,200 horsepower and 0-60 in 1.8 seconds have you heard of the Elm language he has a great language functional reactive programming and great community as well you know speaking of wealth just real briefly we live in this bizarre time where as like rich people have to pretend they're not rich or hide that they're rich or you know like oh god now I have to pretend to be poor you're not poor stop it stop even pretending it like if you have money you have money it's okay it's not a crime it's not a sin it's nothing to be bad about it just take care of people first you have an obligation to spend they have an obligation to hire people you have an obligation to invest you have an obligation to build things and ya buy luxury things because those luxury things are made by middle-class people and if you don't buy them they lose their jobs so do that and never get in love with the idea that your money makes you special or different you're exactly the same as everybody else stand in the same lines go to the same concerts go to the same movie theaters eat at the same restaurant and nobody knows who you are don't try to make people who you are or think you're special because of the things you have there is nothing in life that makes you special you want to get proof of that go to the Graveyard you can find Andrew Carnegie's grave it's no different than the rest and he was the world's second richest man okay what matters is how you treat people and what you do with the resources you have and what decisions you make about who you help and how you help them and how you invest that money that's what really matters I'm very tired of the class warfare I'm very tired of the greed and envy and the rich people bad I see Novogratz and all these other guys oh I'm so sorry for being rich we need to have to do a wealth tax I need to pay more taxes I need to I need to apologize everyday or Bill Gates apologizing it's like you're Bill Gates come on guys just own the fact that you have money it's okay the life moves on you know and you to bring joy to other people use it to make people happy use it to help people you know you you don't have to always make money on the things you do open source stuff give things away donate things but if I already got rich enough and I liked football enough you know what I would do it by the Denver Broncos yeah yeah and then what ideas given the city of Denver to let everybody in the city own it and vote on it don't need to own it just give it to them make it like the Packers these things that's the key to living well cause it can't take you with you but don't lie to people and pretend that you're not what you are that Lamborghini made by engineers who are living their dreams my engine in that car has the mechanics name on it he went to school he studied for years he became a master mechanic a master engine builder and he only gets to have the dream job of dream jobs because somebody spent the money for that if nobody did he'd be working building Toyota Corollas on an assembly line instead he gets to go build a car take it to an Italian racetrack track and Turing and drive at 200 miles an hour and push it to the absolute limit until something burns out nearly kill himself get off and laugh that a whole thing out and then go back to the drawing board talk to all his friends about it the very fact that that exists and there's a demand for that makes him be able to live his dreams never forget that and it can be the exact same for master carpenter as the exact same four brilliant painters the exact same for all these things think about these expensive watches when people buy a Shaquille accout or they buy a vest from Constantine there's a master her ologist who spent decades of his life refining an art and he only gets to do that job because some guy bought that watch otherwise he's making time excess and it's not worth his time and I'm sure I'm gonna get a lot of people who criticize me for that that's okay yeah in the hemingway by the way is one of the most affordable cigars in the world it's only like 10 or 15 bucks for a short story great cigar not very expensive these people think oh it's so expensive it's so good that's the secret of Japanese whiskey Yamazaki and Hibiki can give McAllen and Glenmorangie a run for their money and they're one fifth the price Erik Mosley how much did you like the Grand Palace I worked there but didn't have a chance to meet you that was so much fun I really enjoyed going there that was for the Satoshi summit and I had a chance to have dinner with William Shatner while I was there it's like oh my god is so good and we had a great great moment together when he complained about Klingons it's cool guy who's your favorite Dragon Ball Z character I'm not gonna go down that road that'll just be very controversial eat a release date for sure yep our stolen target the ninth is the next major milestone still on target returning water fast this month yeah I'm restarting on Monday actually I was three days into a one-week fast for my quarter because I do a fast every quarter and I was finishing out quarter two and I needed to do some labs and so I had to stop and eat and unfortunately when I sign up for the upcoming summit can I just be an observer yes you don't have to do anything just attend and listen the Denver Broncos since me Peyton Manning left the National Football League has gotten pretty sad actually I was really sad the XFL folded because I could actually afford a successful franchise I even talked to somebody about it I was like so how many teams are there gonna be how much of the team is going to be called my dad I was like would you watch the XFL if I owned an XFL franchise it's like I don't know isn't that that Vince McMahon thing is it gonna be like WWE yeah I was like no it's totally legit and then it folded goddamn Corona we inspired as a kid to get into computer and programs by anyone specifically that's a good question you know when I was very young I got the art of programming by Donald Knuth and I had a chance to read that book I didn't understand it when I was 12 and I came back to it when I was 18 and it was made a lot more sense then but that was a great book I remember MIPS and all these other things and I just imagined them the rigor the absolute rigor of of that book and I just assumed that's how programming worked in computer science worked and I was in for a rude awakening when I started taking computer science courses house try you're going with all the celebration and releases great I haven't had a drink since December it's killing me man I'm glad I picked the one year to go dry yeah for those of you don't know I do a dry year in a wet year on a dry year in a wet year it's a technique of fellow CEO told me to do because there's a very high incidence of heavy alcohol consumption for CEOs in our industry and people deal the kind of threat that does the stress that we deal with so they said whatever you do make sure you break it up a little bit take a year dry you're on so you don't become an alcoholic yeah that's a good idea so last year's wet year this year's a dry year and I didn't know that we'd have murder Hornets riots and coronavirus or I probably would have skipped a dry year but and for a penny in for a pound you're fully committed why did you choose mathematics it was easier mathematics for medicine and I thought about becoming a surgeon I loved math because there were all these incredible challenges that you could engage yourself in and work and work and work and work towards it and then you suddenly have this Eureka moment and discover the solution for him and there is just few things in life that are more satisfying than working on a math problem and then finally coming up with the answer and being told that you could just do that every day all day and then what's even more satisfying is what teaching other people and watching them have that Eureka moment I said wow that's what I want to do for a living I hated the politics in mathematics the mathematical community and the incentive structures are all screwed up the other problem with mathematics is that it's overly abstract in certain cases in that it's getting more difficult for mathematicians to read each other's papers and understand each other's fields like you could be an algebraic geometers and you have a hard time understanding what your topology guys are doing or stuff like that so what's ending up happening is because there's less and less there's so much specialization there's there's just more drift from the great tree of mathematics and people aren't reading each other's works it's getting harder to know if we're actually on firm foundations or not and it's hard to get through the peer review process so the whole foundations of math need to be reconstructed and there's been a big movement for something called homework topi type theory to accommodate that and then we can start using computers to to actually check things and treat proofs as mathematical objects that unten themselves and that can be validated onto themselves cool stuff Jarrell's have you been judged by someone close to you do you experience discrimination yet I definitely did I grew up Hawaii and white people they were called Hallie's they throw stuff at you occasionally I remember being a kid waiting in line to buy something and I had some of the local boys cut me in line and cashiered didn't even react said just wait your turn haole it's tough and it's really tough certainly did experience some racism as well when I was in South Africa you know it's a little bit disconcerting when you have some people say kill all the white people and throw something at you or come at you with a machete it happens there you know racism exists at all forms and sides and it's Providence of ignorance and a lack of empathy and understanding and no one race has monopoly on that some races may be better because they have better power dynamics at enforcing that but everybody can experience it and a buddy can feel it and it's both positive and negative Japan is a great example of that you know you're treated differently as gaijin than a normal person it's not to say you will get respect and dignity and good treatment it's just that you're not Japanese so there's a double standard and you'll go to sometimes restaurants they say Japanese only no gaijin happens so certainly have seen it felt it experienced that in some scary situations but but now means do I feel it in the way that people in really bad areas feel it there are certainly under classes that get really hurt and they deal with it on a daily basis I had a friend live in Washington DC when I lived in Virginia and I used to work in DC work for a defense contractor drove a BMW well-educated guy had a PhD in mechanical engineering and he'd get pulled over about once to twice a month a BMW 7-series wearing a tie nice guy black and once or twice a month you'd get pulled over and twice a year they'd search the car for drugs and he worked the Raytheon built missiles I mean it's like this is not exactly your stereotype they'd still search him and I never got pulled over ever once in the entire even when I was speeding just didn't happen to me so you can't tell me that there's not something there yeah one of my friends went to Japan had a tattoo on her left arm with a lot in certain restaurants the bathhouses won't let you in if you have tattoos go to spar world to be like no no tattoos sorry as wolfram interested in using Aida he's got his own thing going on how do you find Romano John's work in this century Romano John just came up with a bunch of stuff that turned out to be true but he wasn't a proper mathematician and that he had the rigorous background necessary to prove it so he was one of those guys it was super hyper creative and great at figuring things out and created proposing things but the rigorous back end of the work had to be filled in by G H Hardy and others it's a damn shame the kid did not live longer he could have been one of the greatest living mathematicians and been the Gauss of his time he died unfortunately I believe of pneumonia I can't remember but he got very sick in in England and he died by the time he went back to India no we don't deserve a Nobel Prize I'll get one if I rebuild the foundations of mathematics and homotopy type theory cost me 100 million dollars in about a hundred man years of effort so I have to hire a small damn army and read a lot of papers got to finish a PhD in the topic - guys that's unfinished business one more good question and it will clip it at 1:30 come on kids give me something good have you ever met a fields medalists yeah I've met many fields medalists enrico bum bre was my favorite really smart guy nice sense of humor to Mary and Marisa Connie was another it's a really damn shame she died of cancer wonderful wonderful person out of Stanford and you know I was actually gonna hire one we were working with what's his name homo topi type theory guy boy Watsuki and then he just stopped emailing me back one day and I was like what's going on with him and I found out he died damn it that's not fair fields medals not all it's cracked up to be it's a popularity contest my girlfriend just asked if he has a hundred million dollars why does he live in this house well when you have the kind of money I have you can live in any house you are and will you run for president one day ah you know if I ever got so interested in politics to actually do something in the American political system other than what we're doing with crypto I tell you what I do I go to all the states and I say the time has come for us to host a new constitutional convention and we'd have a bunch of constitutional amendments the host and if you get 2/3 of the states together you can go do that and we'd fight like hell get all the states together and basically change the federal government to a new form but in term limits completely new way of electing the presidency financial reform all kinds of things balanced budget amendment a lot to do change the tax system to a fair tax so that's how you effect real change it is no longer a possible go run for president change America just not the deep state and the institution is too ingrained no matter who you are what party represent the system will either expel you like a foreign pathogen that's what's happening with Trump right now or you become the system which is what happened with Obama is what it is it's not going to change you think any different you tell me why there's a 78 year old guy who's been a politician for 50 years with showing signs of early dementia as the member of the young new change party and the other option is a reality TV star who's got a lot of operatives behind them it doesn't work that way anymore guys the only way we're gonna change it is change it through a new constitution and do a new constitutional convention super scary but the federal government's never gonna change there's too much of it instead of keep it the way it is that's just what it is so no no need to run for president you want real change hit him where it hurts hit him local in him with the Constitution and now we are at buck 30 and as a result we are out of time until next time guys this was a lot of fun thank you so much very therapeutic as always hang in there be calm be peaceful meditate often and remember you know we're all in this together we're all the same we're all just people and we want the best for everybody might not agree but let's not be disagreeable Cheers