1:03:42 to 2:06:30
Question: Hi charles with any courses being created to help developers build cardano dabs uh we already created two courses on you to be a pollutus course and a marlow course i'm going to talk about the marketing in the devops excuse me the dev experience people next month about looking at the top rated courses on udemy uh that are for programming and seeing if we can convince those people when the time is right to create plutus and marlow courses so we will get back to that in a second because i mean if somebody's created a class with 150 000 students and 25 000 five-star ratings and they really have a great pedagogy in the system why the do you replicate that you buy it you go down and say hey go make a pluto's course tell us the price and they'll go and do that in six weeks to eight weeks and then you have that great content there and it's in a community with millions of people we can also of course do the same thing for coursera and edx for someone who doesn't have any background in programming what language would you recommend you know i'm going to create a program in class i i've broken down i said i'm going to do it i did a security lecture i'm in the middle of redoing the security lecture i love teaching and what i'm going to do is probably create a really rigorous programming class where i start with the nature of computation what is computation what is a computer and there's different ways of thinking about it from automata to complexity to you know to concepts like uh you know state machines and so forth uh and so there's like a real rigorous mathematical way of doing it i'm going to try to make that accessible and explain the history of where computers came from from a mathematician's perspective so you had turing machines and recursive functions and lambda calculus that was all the 1930s and so forth uh and then say okay now that we kind of understand what a computer is and there's a whole field of what can a computer do and what it can't do then let's talk about languages and grammars and then let's really dig into okay what is actually happening when you program okay we'll talk about languages and the manipulation of data very scip way of doing some structure interpretation computer programs okay so then once we have those foundations what i'm probably going to do is build the pedagogy around javascript surprising language to choose but the reality is javascript is probably the lingua franca of the web and it will never go wrong to learn javascript because at this day and age through you whatever your opinion is on how to program you can do that with javascript there are logic based ways declarative ways imperative ways functional ways to use javascript well and you say oh but what i don't like to type typescript then it's a it's a flavor it's a dialect okay i i really like haskell we can go to peerscript okay but it's the door opener and it's how everything's wired together it's how everything talks and you can do everything with it and the goal would be to go from javascript and really learn basically how that works to the next step which is do some projects with it and i think a web scraper would be a really good project to do because it teaches you a lot about how to interface with the browser and the web and you know how to store stuff in a database and clean data and so forth and that would be really cool be nice to do some form of an ai project with it and there's a lot of really nifty neat tools there and maybe do something with algorithmically generated music so i think three projects the capstone uh kind of do what you terpe did with haskell but in the javascript world do something with the web scraper and you know do something in ai it'd be really cool to do all three and i think all that together would be a really nifty programming class and it would be nifty to also at the same time talk about test driven development and include on at the exact same time you're learning the concept how to use a test driven development framework like a selenium or something like that so as you're writing the code you're writing a test at the same time so you're learning good ideas introduce algorithms and data structures at the same time so you actually have some good foundations to wrap your hands around and then also learn how to use a version control system okay like get and put all that together it's a lot to think about it's a lot to do so it'll probably take me a long time donald knuth has been writing his books for 50 years but i think if you get through all of that it'll leave you with a really beautiful appreciation for what are computers and how do they work and uh what is this all about this complexity theory and this theory of computation and this automata theory and like what does this mean what does to compute something mean and so forth and when you see stephen wolfram running around a computation computation computation the hell is he talking about in these things um and then if you learn the javascript pedagogy and you know alternative would be python i think both of them have enormous merits mit for example uses python they used to use lisp and so it gives you a sense of how high esteem python has become but i think javascript has evolved as a language to a point where it really can become a lingua franca and serve you quite well throughout your entire academic career and your professional career and you can do everything in it from ai to data science and beyond and also it's a language that you can easily use to interface and talk to anything on the web and if you learn how automation works there you go now in terms of the [Music] operating system i'll use for this i'll use uh i'll use windows for it and i'll use windows the way it should be used so i'll probably use powershell and chocolaty got you guys you linux people uh and we'll have some fun with it anyway long time a lot to do that's absolutely correct i did say that about molten tar monster number three and i firmly believe it [Music] i know c sharp pretty well am i ready for gogan uh just brush up on your uh on your functional side of c sharp learn about lambdas these types of things like two to four weeks of just thinking about functional pro like buy a functional programming for c sharp and that'll get you exactly in the mindset and then take one of the tutorial classes and within six weeks you can write a bluetooth smart contract is it possible for a marxist movement to co-opt something like the future of cardano you know i was part of two different movements that got co-opted and so then i see the blm movement and it's already become horrifically co-opted probably was co-opted from the beginning uh when i was in the tea party when we first started that we were talking about three things we said humble foreign policy we were talking about sound money and we were talking about following the constitution it was a very broad mandate and it brought a lot of young people together all across the political spectrum and then what happened was that michelle bachmann's and breitbart's and these other people that just showed up and then suddenly we started saying hey we hate gays i was like whoa wait yeah we never said that that has nothing to do with this movement that that's wrong don't do that but then their voices got louder and louder and louder and then it became vote republican anti-abortion blah blah blah and i just became an organ of the republican party in about two years got completely absorbed and took the very right wing of the republican party i said damn that sucks and so then occupy wall street came out and it was on the back of we hate the bailouts we hate the cronyism we hate predatory capitalism that basically these large companies get so powerful they can influence the government to put in puts for their bad behavior so when they screw up they don't pay for the consequences of that so these big protests broke out and everyone's like ah this is wrong and the bailouts yeah and then and then suddenly these marxists came in and they said oh okay and this is anti-capitalism and the only way to solve it is you know read read about lenin and marx and you know we will solve it with neo-communism trotsky is the way to go and i was like whoa whoa no no no no don't want anything to do with that that's that's evil that killed 100 million people don't touch that they got this black lives matter movement and they said hey there are institutions that are hurting certain groups of people and there's overwhelming evidence of that and it's true there is overwhelming evidence of that and i for example for years have been against the war on drugs not just because it's bad policy but because it's bad policy targeting certain communities and it has created generation after generation after generation of institutional poverty because when kids grow up without their parents because their parents are in jail for non-violent crimes those kids are significantly more likely to commit crimes and hurt people and then when those kids have kids those kids are significantly more likely to commit crime and harm people and the root cause of that is that we incentivized poor people to go and become criminals because they could either go work a minimum wage job or go work an average job or they can go and sell drugs and make 10 times as much money at a culture built around saying that's okay and they went and did it and then lo and behold they get arrested go to private prisons and the cycle repeats itself and it just so happens that when you break those groups down because certain groups happen to not be so well off that on racial grounds it disproportionately affects latinos blacks and other minorities much more so than white groups it also affects white people just as well so it's a war on the poor the war on drugs it devastates those communities and there's definitely institutional racism if you don't believe me about it ask who created it nixon go to youtube and listen to the secret recordings that nixon made in his white house talking to haldeman and others about what was the point of the war on drugs and what it's going to do to the black community if the people who created the policy were advocating that that policy was going to hurt a particular community you can't really argue that that doesn't exist okay so there's plenty examples of institutional racism historically and in today they exist and it's bad so let's end it instead we have this movement cropping up whose leaders trained with marxists have tweeted pictures of them with maduro praising fidel castro wishing him a well at his funeral uh saying communism is awesome using communist symbology the the fists and all these other things the same tactics the same silencing tactics the same violence tactics and so forth that we see with all marxist rebellions they have legitimate grievance all marxist rebellions do and then their interpretation of that grievance is give structural and institutional change to a different group of people and they will restore justice and order and then when they're given the power they use the power to hurt people there are no counter examples with marxism zero none you cannot find one there is no marxist utopia it is the road to hell whether it's well intended and well-meaning as it was in venezuela as it was in north korea all of these things it always ends the same way food lines brutal government repression because that's what happens when you hyper consolidate power anytime you create a power structure where all the power gets really dense you know what occurs is it's no longer a game about using that power for you it's a game about preserving that power for them and so i see this movement and it's saying these things it's using these symbols and i think to myself it's the same thing that happened with the tea party it's the same thing that happened with occupy wall street it's been co-opted from wherever it started to a point that its sole goal is to empower an agenda in this case it's the marxist agenda so you know whenever i see a spade i call it a spade you know and uh i'm i'm not really afraid of the woke mob uh you know because at the end of the day they know deep down inside this is what they're trying to do i mean look at these kids are they saying yay capitalism yay free markets yay democratic process yay ballot box no they're saying burn it down destroy it tear the statues down the institutions are wrong and we will give you justice and then you look at the kids and you say okay where in your life have you ever run anything had management experience had been in charge of a budget of any substance led people fought in a war done anything that would indicate that you have the life skills necessary to tell everybody in my country how to run my country where have you ever demonstrated moral superiority over people where you've actually stood for something that had consequence it was a professor years ago uh taught in the south and every for his beginning sociology class he would say hey kids how many of you if you were born in 1840 would have been against slavery if you were you know here in arkansas and all the kids they raised their head yeah i would have been an abolitionist they're saying okay can you point to something in your life where you stood for something where you became a social pariah as a result of standing for that thing where you were excommunicated from your family and friends where you potentially would have threats of violence against you or actually be thrown in jail for your beliefs there's plenty of people in human history who endured these things like nelson mandela and gandhi and others okay they can point to that but these 18 year old kids the vast majority of them have nothing to show for that so they claim they would belong to the group that was on the right side of history when they haven't demonstrated they had the moral character necessary to be in that group and endure the consequences of being in that group and i look at all these protests and i ask myself how many of them would be willing to stand out for this for a year two years three years endure brutal political persecution be sent to camps imagine being a dissident in china imagine being one of those freedom protesters in hong kong imagine being any of these people that are actually against real repressive governments that are very nasty when they have political opposition people just disappear and ask yourself okay do you think these kids would have the courage to be in that group and some probably would but i'm willing to wager the vast majority don't they don't understand what they're marching for they don't understand the implications of the things they're advocating they don't have a lot of moral courage they're just bored and angry and they're upset they're upset because there is injustice and they're upset because there is institutional problem all across the united states and you know what it's not just about racial problems there's economic disparity i'm upset that we are in the worst economy since the great depression and jeff bezos now is worth 200 billion dollars that we can have our economy contract by 30 percent and the billionaire class gains 600 billion dollars one percent of the top one percent owns half of the stock market the top 10 percent own 90 of it that is not a representative sample of the american population and this is where we're at okay and so what am i going to do about it am i going to go to the streets and complain and uh protest and these things and get tear gassed or are we going to build new systems we tried with the ballot box it was part of a presidential campaign we helped get a senator elected we went and lobbied the congress we did all kinds of things for year after year after year and everybody's tried to the ballot box nothing's changing okay we still end up with biden versus trump so the only way you can change things is what happened to the soviet union they ran out of money if the economic system runs out of steam to extent where they can't pay their soldiers they can't pay their police the system dies similarly let's change things economically so if you want justice and equality then build systems that guarantee it by design that's a blockchain when you use cardona whether you're charles hoskinson or you're dan larimer or you are some rando off the street every single person has the exact same rules user experience and no provisions are made for special people not positive or negative that's the basis of true equality and fairness dehumanize it take the people out have predictable solid stable rules for all things and then put voting in then put property in that then put money into that and these types of things and then use these systems for whistleblowers use these systems for underground newspapers use these systems to call truth to power and then use these systems to eat away and corrode at the power of governments you know what happens when you do these things somehow someway life gets better it gets more fair it gets more equal and low and behold you didn't have to hand the factors of production away to one small group of people who promised you that they would do great things with it once you gave them control over everything and the world gets better you see this is a pivotal moment in human history we have neural link we have genetic engineering we have ai evolving exponentially we have globalization we have unbounded growth in technology across the spectrum and we have zero growth in wisdom we have regressions in wisdom dialogue has become shallow people aren't thinking everybody's becoming subject to propaganda our brains can't handle it people say oh well you just said something that's against something i believe oh my god now i have to hate you even though i used to love you yesterday oh no people just get crazy about these things meanwhile they're endless relentless drum beat of progress is continuing this technology carries consequences guys the same things that allow you to do 4k and ak upscaling for your television will also allow you that very same types of algorithms to identify dissonance in a crowd think it through you have no privacy anymore and all of these things can be known and the same systems that allow you to rate the quality of products can allow you to decide who's dangerous and who's not dangerous think that through think it through what what's going on would you want these superpowers to be in the hands of a small group of people who have been known to lie and use violence to achieve their political ends and say the ends justify the means do you want those superpowers in those people's hands or do you want them to be in no one's hands or collectively owned and out in the open and transparent and no one person can use them to harm you it's just that simple it's a simple philosophical point and the implications of where we go in the next few years the next few decades are going to color the 21st century and decide whether this is the century we have world war iii and a billion people die and a lot of people live in horrific dystopian tyranny or this is the century where we transcended where we started and we became a better species as a whole and we finally treated every human being with dignity and we looked to the 20th century and before as the bad old days never to be returned to that's the point of the technology that we are building that's the point of this movement it's why people wake up every day you when you have tone vase and adam back and peter schiff and it's a scam this is a scam and bitcoin is only true and and only gold is true and they just say this this verbal diarrhea what we're here to do is to bring that world to people that's why people invest in it that's why people spend the time to build it they wake up every day and they sacrifice to be here whether it's code or running a state pool whether it's buying a token whatever the hell it is they're letting their voice be heard as the great silent majority saying you know what we no longer want to be silent we want to show the world that we are not going to consent and accept a system of tyranny just that simple and there's going to be plenty of woke mobs de-platforming politics of personal destruction from here on out and every year it's going to get more aggressive and harsher and people are going to get meaner and you're going to lose friends and family over it you know these things happen but the alternative is that we descend into chaos and brutal dictatorship there's no exception to that and i just don't want to say that we had this chance that we lost it that's why i say things i say and yeah you can go to red and complain about it or you can say oh there's a better way to say it or more diplomatic way to say it the time for diplomacy is over because the other side is getting power and they're actively advocating taking everything away from us and preventing us from having the means that we need to have a voice the other side is de-platforming people the other side is centralizing it's buying people off it's forming woke mobs and silencing people okay so if we don't fight for our voice now and have the courage to stand up for the things that we think is right then we will lose those rights tomorrow and no matter how diplomatic and nice we are about it that won't happen alright yeah maybe this will be the fermi moment yeah it could be the fermi paradox yeah very astute there daniel uh the fermi paradox is this concept that's we haven't seen any civilizations above a certain level of uh progress and so the idea is that once a civilization gets to a certain level progress it stinks itself and that's why we don't see intelligent life in the universe um and it could definitely be true you know nuclear weapons could have been the fermi point but now ai could be or this inevitable social collapse i've got to admit social media is very devastating uh it really turns people against each other it makes people so shallow and it makes it so easy to control people propagandize people make them believe and think things that aren't true how does these systems gain traction if the people in power might not allow them because they threaten their power once you get control of the money in the economics and there's money to be made with your system your system sticks around forever uh the soviet union is a great example of that that was the most oppressive total talarian regime in the 20th century they just couldn't keep it together and so the system collapsed of its own weight and that's the same thing that's going to happen here you can't print six trillion dollars out of thin air and expect that that's fine because if you can why do i pay taxes government government yearly revenue is less than the money they printed this year so if that's fine and there's no consequence to doing that but just stop paying taxes and just print six trillion dollars every year why not it it's all about those printing presses that fiscal ass policy charles how's hydra going pretty good we'll have rob cohen do an update about it in september monday press go burr what does cardano's tps look like around 100 around 100 to 200 is what we're capable of right now hey charles what happens if we hit the 45 billion total split not going to happen for a long time and by the time we get there decades in the future uh then transaction fees will cover all of it because the network will keep growing hi charles how's the attis project going actually pretty good we might actually have a really cool thing to announce here in a little bit we're waiting got burned on the fertilizer vouchers we underbid that by four hundred thousand dollars our cost of delivery we estimate 500k we bid 100 and then somebody won beneath us there is no way they can service that contract with what they bid so they'll get it and then renegotiate afterwards it's uh anyway enough to say about that are you going to collaborate with amen golden searer i know i in very well he's a good guy we talk over twitter all the time we run into each other at the conferences and we have a good relationship and i think ava's a good project uh he's a real scientist and he writes real papers uh we're both a bit on the high strong side and the passionate side he's a bit turkish i'm a bit italian but uh we both believe very strongly in the things that we do and um the work that he does is goes through proper channels he submits them to peer reviewed conferences and things he says are crazy you know this is the beautiful thing about having a standard is that as long as people meet that standard then it's you have all these people just branch off and do cool stuff like silvia's doing really cool stuff and gavin is doing cool stuff and emin's doing cool stuff and you can admire it for what it is and you can learn from it because that divergence is clearly a different trade-off profile and we're getting a sense of whether that is uh there's merit in that approach uh you know for example i just read a paper the other day you know we tend to use merkel trees along with all of our accumulator garbage for zero knowledge stuff and um dan bonet has submitted something that involves using rsa accumulators now this may have really good advantages over the way that we've done things in the past uh but it does require trusted setup so maybe that's an approach or maybe have these class groups who knows that's his approach there's there's a lot of ways to do this stuff uh so but the point is that dan uh that paper i think was a use nyx or eurocrypt i can't remember a really nice conference that it was at and so i know there's a certain level of rigor and quality behind the work that was done so going into that paper you you have you take it really seriously because you know a lot of first serious officers but more importantly really serious people have read it and uh men's work goes to that same level of scrutiny when he publishes papers they go to those same conferences so he's a good guy hey that's not stagnant at all we're doing quite well guys when china trial running running trial for the digital yuan do you believe governments trying to create their own digital money may disrupt decentralized cryptocurrencies i think what's going to happen is cryptocurrencies will end up becoming a replacement for bis daniel to answer your question uh the bank of international settlements is kind of the the backbone of central banks at the moment and the non-bis members are actually getting screwed by the bis members uh about a third of the banks are bis but 95 percent of all transactions run on those rails so when we have these cbdc's and they're issued they'll probably start using cryptocurrencies as settlement rails between each other to do trades and direct consumer products like sovereign debt direct to consumer so so i think that's what's going to happen and it'll end up being much better i have no faith in anything issued by a big powerful central government they're like oh yeah just take this how the you just not use the legacy system then it's like blockchain you're doing it wrong when leisure support for deadlifts when we have the hardware wallet center that's coming soon we'll make us we'll make a statement about it soon can you talk about using crypto to currency arbitrage against the us dollar i eat borrow usds against bitcoin uh or ada eventually then spend the usd as your purchasing power grows instead of falls let's assume that crypto goes up it doesn't work out so well when you are uh on the short side of that like for example when we had 11 000 bitcoin and it went to four that would work so well um there are financial products that are being constructed in that direction and uh the d5 space enables that quite well somebody takes the risk and somebody else gets the stability and then you have interest bearing products that you can build with that that's the basis of a contract for difference a base stable coin by the way which is a common theme for stable coins will i which k make daps absolutely absolutely that's why i think it's so silly when people pick on me for etc it's like guys you're complaining about that what happens when i'm building 12 different daps on cardano you know we work on lots of stuff come on it's okay it's a big tent we'll all work well together the problem with hoskinson is he is as corrupt as anyone else who gains power well this is why i advocate for systems that don't require human beings to run them or when humans are curating it that there are checks and balances because you're 100 correct when you say that power corrupts people there are no exceptions when you get rich and powerful you start changing and you can have all kinds of things like religions and mirrors and wow and to try to protect yourself from that and some people they change just a little bit a lot of people did change a lot but it's unavoidable it's a human thing it's built into our genetic code that we start forming hierarchies and the people at the top of the hierarchy they get away with things that normal people can't a great example of that would be a year about six months ago i was driving my huracan it's a lamborghini i'd go a little too fast a little bit over the speed limit and i was on this one road and i crossed the corner and there's this police officer with a radar gun and he's looking for speeders and he sees me speeding and he does this he says slow down i said what a nice cop he he let me get away with that one okay all right then the guy behind me was keeping up with me he was going about the same speed and he was driving it like an old beat up i think it was a toyota corolla or camry i can't remember what it is some young white kid and an old car beaten up car and the cop attacks him gets on his motorcycle and pulls over the toyota not the lamborghini i guarantee you that kid was pissed absolutely pissed he's like dude the lambo in front of me was going just as much as me why did you pull that rich over right and this is a society that human beings build and they live in there's all these weird power dynamics and structures the cop knew that if he pulled over me because i have money and power the that if i chose to fight that ticket or whatever maybe make his life a hell of a lot more difficult he knew that if he pulled over the kid who's probably driving to work probably working at applebee's or something he doesn't have a lot of money in the old beaten up car uh that that kid's just gonna pay the ticket and it's easy for them so it's the path of least resistance that's not fair it's really not fair and the problem is that that happens every single day and that's one little example of it but there's hundreds and the cumulative psychological impact of those hundreds of events that occur is that people who are higher up on the food chain start believing that they're there for divine providence they're there because they're special not because of a set of circumstances that occurred and therefore they're better than the people around them and as they're better they deserve the things around them and it dehumanizes people to a great degree now you can do all kinds of things to try to remind yourself that's not true farming certainly helps because the animal shits on you regardless if you're a billionaire versus your poor they treat you exactly the same way horse will kick you regardless of who you are so there's all kinds of things to humble you bring you down but the problem is that the higher in the food chain you get no matter what you do eventually you start forgetting that so this is why the systems we build are so important because those systems liberate humanity from the same things that happen over and over again they provide checks and balances they provide social mirrors and they provide rules that are exactly the same regardless of who you are where you come from just that simple we need that in a global age and that's definitely true tough pill as well is the truth sometimes charles what are the differences with doc can we collaborate well their technology is surprisingly similar to ours so i'm sure there's a lot of overlap there [Laughter] uh you know levity aside i've worked with gavin before and i'm sure we can find a way to collaborate again and we've actually had a lot of great conversations with the polkadot people throughout the years the web3 people throughout the years so i see no problem in our relationship there and this is what he was pushing through due to the pareto principle wouldn't most of the money still end up in the hands of a few regardless of the economic system probably but here's the thing this is the thing that the communists and socialists never understand it's not about whether bob has a billion dollars and jim has a hundred thousand dollars and jane has a thousand dollars it's about the overall condition of society it's why the gdp is a bad measure and i like things like hdi the human development index because you say okay if you were born in this society and at random you'll be inserted into a position would you still feel like that's a good life and you have to ask yourself are you treated with rule of law do you have a voice do you have the ability to better yourself are you hungry or not do you have medical care or not can you get an education or not when you live in a certain place are you afraid every night you have running water and power you have all these things good economic systems tend to make these things better over time bad economic systems rob you of these things there's a wonderful book called enlightenment now it's from stephen pinker where he exhaustively looks at the consequences of capitalism in the 20th century and he says okay where did we go from the 19th to the end of the 20th century every single metric you could look at from infant mortality to blah has gotten better as a consequence of an elevation of all people and extreme poverty has massively gone down now the purveyors of regressive systems of the past want you to believe that everything is horrible for the vast majority of people but even amongst the poor in our country the vast majority of them do not starve the vast majority of them live a decent life i know this because if you compare them to the poor in the slums of indonesia where i used to live you know you go outside at the box city you could see the extreme poverty that was there or you go throughout the townships in africa and other places no medical care no access to medical care seldom have running water or the water is contaminated a lot of people have multiple children because at least one of them will die of an infant disease that they can't get treated before the age of 18. no access to education no free travel rampant epidemics of sexual slavery some cases parents selling one of their daughters into sexual slavery to pay off debts that occur that's life 2020 today of people in these areas you cannot tell me that the impoverished in my country in the united states live that same reality some do but the vast majority do not because the economic system prevents this from occurring it's a fact and people ignore it okay so even if you have a pareto principle thing it's not about the pareto principle it's about this growth that we've had is there enough mixture of that growth so the human condition gets better this is why taxes exist and this is why you have some notion of redistribution so there's uncomfortable conversations and andrew yang was one of the first in the american political system to talk about this about what happens when ai creates structural unemployment in the u.s economy and there's a permanent 20 to 30 percent unemployment in certain groups that cannot be effectively retrained to participate in the economy it's pushing universal basic income for that idea and there may be some merit to that we may have reached a time where we're producing so much that that's so much should be shared you know why do people still have to work six seven days a week or two jobs and work 12 hours 16 hours when we have so much more productive capacity today than we did 20 40 50 60 years ago when my grandfather was working a lot of cells have to the economic system if you debase the money rich people we do very well okay i can call up goldman sachs anytime and they'd be great to have me as a client we can talk about how to hedge all my assets against inflation and grow as a consequence of inflation or make money when the economy collapses that's an option i have 99.999 of people in america don't have that option so when you debase and inflate the currency those 99.99999 percent of people they get poorer they get less purchasing power it's not immediate but you feel it when you go to pay rent you feel it when you go to the grocery store and you notice that you have less and less in your cart but you're spending the same amount of money you feel it when you go to the gas pump you feel it when you buy a plane ticket you pay your car insurance you know any of these things they just get a little bit more expensive and you're like why is more and more my paycheck going down and by the way my wages aren't going up okay and what are you gonna do invest your way out of it no because you spend all the money you make every paycheck so bad economic systems create that reality so inflationary monetary policy that massively prints money it's great for the rich people the jeff bezos they do wonderful it's horrific for the poor and the people who advocate for the money printing are the very same people who claim that they're watching out for the poor and they're ready to go take care of them it's crazy it's absolutely crazy so you need a simple 10 to 20 tax enlisted companies yeah i would be a huge advocate of flat tax and a consumption tax 10 flat tax 10 percent consumption tax ba and just don't do any exemptions everybody has some steak and skin in the game and you know what you take care of the poor people by spending it on certain programs that are block granted to the states and counties you want to do social welfare that's fine but you have to do it locally you can't do it at the federal level it never works and you work with public private partnerships on it there are tens of thousands of charities to work with that should receive government funding for things but they don't a lot of uncomfortable conversations have to be had difficult decisions have to be made but another side about income tax i want accountability and you should get it too if somebody's spending your money that they've taken out of your pocket they owe you an explanation of how they spent their money so every year every quarter i should get a beautiful quarterly report emailed to me from the u.s federal government and the state governments with use of funds and as much detail as i ask for what did you spend it on kpis what was the outcome what did you want to do where did it go and if you miss your kpi several times terminate the people why don't we have that we demand it the private industry get rid of the gross fake limp i like my gustov clamp it's a nice painting when i find something better to replace it i'll replace it why are you guys gonna be so negative you know gotta be chill god i just gotta lay down i was sitting outside today in my yukata drinking my coffee i was reading something then suddenly a chicken landed on my head a chicken straight up landed on my head don't know where the chicken came from but he was chilling there right there my back my shoulder beak was right there trying to get on all the way on the top of the head just gotta be with one with the chicken man one with the chicken have you seen one punch man yes that's correct it's a reproduction of uh freyja's tears it's actually a pretty good reproduction it's hard to redo a painting like that gold digger gotta be one with the chicken wow after finally two years i finally caught a live ama all right well stephen it's your question you're here live what are your views on loop ring it's actually on our due diligence list for september so i'll let you guys know the next ama charles why is cardona like the capybara if you ever meet a capybara there are a few animals in nature that get along with everything more so than the capybara i have seen capybaras in the middle of a field of cayman caimans these these crocodile alligator-like creatures caimans i've seen capybaras with all kinds of predators including tigers when they've been transplanted to different biomes and somehow they just get along they just all get along turtles sleep on them birds sleep on them monkeys jump up on them and ride them to go places so be like the capybara just be friends with everybody be nice to everybody they really are damn friendly and if you ever pet a capybara ah it's just a just a life-changing experience i am thinking about getting a giant ant heater though smartphone pools charles that's the future somebody got a steak pool working on a smartphone i want to see the cardano effect interview rick if you're still here philippe if you're still here guys get me that interview i want to see it i want to see a block be made with a cell phone that'll just make my day [Music] you drinking coffee yep hot strong and black why do you think etc is so resistant to change i think everybody in etc is really embracing change i think the people who have self-proclaimed the leadership are not willing to change because they understand what concepts of change means to them they lose power they effectively get terminated by the community and they do not want to give that up absolutely not why did dan larimer say you were pretending to be working with him but were really sticking a knife in his back okay well if he did say that okay good for dad i remember history differently you need an mcs your print on your wall no you know actually the guy who's really cool is um let's see his name it'll come to me in a bit he's like a modern day salvador dali he's a rushing guy any update on legends of valor still working on it i have not had time as i said before that legends of valor is the lowest priority of mine and uh unfortunately if i'm busy with cardano i that's where i take time from i uh still thinking about it and we will definitely put some real world heavy work into it to get it done but um just not where it needs to be at the moment any hokusai art no i'll let philippe know you better i would love to see that interview it'd make me so happy kush vladimir kush is the guy's name uh wonderful k-u-s-h kush highly recommend his art would you fork etc no the question is will etc fork itself is gavin wood a nice guy yeah actually i get along with gavin i mean uh some people he's not their cup of tea um but i've never really had a big grievance or issue with them gavin just has a way of doing things and i have a way of doing things and my way of doing things sometimes really pisses people off and his way of doing things also sometimes really pisses people off so from a mutual sometimes pissed people off standpoint i do actually empathize and connect in that way that said he's a really smart guy he's very talented he's a great programmer and he does lead a good company so i will give him credit where credit is due charles hoskins are you working with ltc or did that fall flat we are writing a lip a litecoin improvement proposal takes a little bit of time to do that do you still talk to vitalik at all these days not that much he'll occasionally come to our reddit or some channel and opine on something okay do you think the child trafficking rings amongst the rich are real well that epstein thing really doesn't look so good there is something there you know there's definitely something there i don't know what the hell it is and we as a society tripped over it and the media has been trying to bury it again but it's so big and vast it's really hard to bury and i uh i think there if you if you that's the road you want to go down that there is definitely some depth there that is immensely uncomfortable for a lot of the elite if vitalik applied to ohk would you hire him well he's probably worth half a billion dollars by now so i think uh i think that he's a really brilliant person and could be a phenomenal researcher yeah you looked up vladimir kush didn't you yeah now you know and knowing is half the paddle you know another thing to look up if you guys uh have ever uh watched this is half of the bag they have mr plinkett mr plinkett's reviews watch his star wars reviews mr plinkett so good that's just an example of people being very creative i have met the winklevoss brothers on many occasions we've had dinner together uh there's been more than one uh running and uh you know there are standard entrepreneurs in the space yeah where our interests align we talk and not you know just move on uh there's nothing really there we're not direct competitors in anything so it's really easy to have a good relationship in that respect or at least a cordial professional relationship they are bitcoin maximalist all right well who cares i think gemini lists more than bitcoin i'd have to look that up all right one last question don we got two minutes left do you know where i've talked to barry silbert on many occasions perry and i know each other very well oldberry very very very um [Music] go on the lex friedman podcast i've been listening to a lot of those lately i'm surprised he's just like such a monotone guy but at the same time he has these amazing guests and he asks pretty good questions uh this is example of a dude just waking up saying we're gonna make it happen he does i have a lot of respect for lex uh it'd be fun to go on a show papa john's or dominos neither kind of like dominoes but neither you can do better pizza come on one good question give me something good guys well i think michael is still here by the way michael the eagle i i i my secretary michael let me know about it we couldn't get the crate into the elevator and so i think i'm gonna bring the eagle to the ranch and we'll find a place for it there but uh where the hell you got the eagle from i've only heard of the eagle and its size and scale but i have not actually seen the eagle we gave it back to the delivery guy said just hold on to it till monday figure out what to do with it so thank you for the eagle i appreciate it i of course will take pictures of the eagle um and i am as curious as my audience is about what the eagle looks like so we'll definitely do that but thank you very much for it i appreciate it i don't know i think i was told it's like 400 pounds in bronze or something like that you know you're going to get a periscope or something you if you go to the trouble of buying the eagle you have to do it i'll find a cool place on it for it okay one last question come on ugh have you talked with antonopoulos about cardano we've engaged over twitter and i recommended a mastering cardano i think if we get to a certain scale he'll do it just yeah you have to get to that scale first d d's second edition or third edition well if you played baldar's gate you played second edition if you played third edition well then you played neverwinter nights right um that's actually a good one and don so frontier studios is probably going to end up calling my game development company and our first major project is going to be legends of valor so let's just talk about legends of valar for a little bit we're probably going to write it in javascript and i've been looking at a quick check for javascript called js verify and babylon js as a graphics engine and i've been looking at ramda for a um a functional programming way of doing javascript stuffs type and we'll use typescript as the dialect of javascript so all those things together should be really good easy testable code that's reasonable performance and can run a video game so a lot of work to do with legends of valor and i've been writing the plot for and i just haven't had a lot of time to really think about it but i'll bring some people in my brother is actually friends with a guy in gillette who work for gary gygax and he's like dying to work for me so we'll we'll see what we can do but i'll build up capabilities there in 2021. now speaking of dnd the other thing i really loved when i was a kid some of you may remember this the gold box engines treasures of the savage frontier gateway of the savage frontier gateway to this average frontier pool of darkness pool of radiance the silver blades all those series okay they were very popular in the 1980s and early 1990s and these little like two dimensional characters going click click click click click on the gold box engine and then you just kind of like as a dot navigate the map and then you get your little town and it had the really shitty vga stuff okay it would be amazing absolutely amazing to do a retro gold box engine and upgrade all of that uh and uh basically bring it into the 21st century so keep the tone and character so keep that view that the gold box engine had and if you guys are curious what this looks like just google gateway to the search frontier and click images and i guarantee you'll see like one of the images of the combat system it'd be so cool to modernize that and uh and basically have that experience but brought into the 21st century and then of course he could put what do we now fifth edition or something like that dungeons and dragons rules and rehash that whole plot line so that will be another project if we can do that don dabelo was the one who did uh gave me a savage frontier and um treasures set frontier uh and uh they were just great games absolutely great games i love the copyright protection they actually have you get a word from the from the player manual that was shipped with the game in the old pool of radiance they actually had a code wheel and they tell you where to turn the wheel and then you'd have a code word on it you'd enter the code for it so all of the abandonware that you download today actually you have to download a code wheel and all the answers for it so yes the answer is yes there's always something there and something great really looking forward to baldur's gate three it's coming out at the end of september lariant studios is doing it they did the divinity series those guys are geniuses one of the best studios in business right now and they have a great game system that they've created for video games it'd be really cool to see that actually work its way into uh the modern dungeons and dragons system and i think the plot's probably going to be pretty good because they're they're good writers there i have a lot of respect for their work but that is for a different day my friends this has been fun to two hours and six minutes 20 seconds not bad thank you for your questions we try to do these as much as we can and until next time have a nice day